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Everything posted by MadMuhammad

  1. I’m in a different situation as I have a Cefiro that has been modified for drift, 45mm extended from lower control arms. The rears are also a wider rim with an offset that has them protrude also. I did look for fibreglass or plastic bolt on flares but I couldn’t find anything perfectly suited, unfortunately. Cue up about 60hrs of YouTube, many more hours of interwebs research, the purchase of a MIG welder and associated tools and a few months of frustration and trial & error, including 1 broken arm, I’m almost there!
  2. I went to have my car inspected to pay road tax and por ror bor recently and was told that the testing stations are now required to have photo evidence of the vehicles being tested, and that wheels/tyres protruding out of the wheel well can no longer be overlooked. Needless to say I didn’t/couldn’t pay my road tax that day
  3. Businesses have the right to enforce. 7/11 & Central are not public areas
  4. Agreed. Dogs need ‘socialising’ with other animals and humans and need to be faithful that anything outside the property line is not a threat. I very rarely see socially adaptive dogs here. Sad that this continues to happen
  5. RIP Keith ???????? doing what you loved right till the end, mate. Going by his past achievements I would hope old mate Keith would not have been a mentally numb, decrepit, bar stool minder. Either way some of the ridiculousness that happens on the roads here is beyond belief, even for those with the quickest of reflexes and years of experience
  6. I like to live dangerously. the worst bike accident I’ve ever had was back home, go figure
  7. Over half a mil AUD transferred in the last 4 years with no issues whatsoever. I managed to send $80K to the wrong bank once and it bounced back a day later, I sent it to the right bank obvs. Great service in my experience
  8. Anything of use or value for my gaming rig o bought with me. Tech (high end) has limited availability and can be extremely expensive here. It’s a toss up between luggage space/over weight and cost of buying new. If as you say you’re planning on purchasing a gaming laptop try to purchase now and bring it with you to beat the price increases and import duties PS4’s are available used here but most likely at inflated prices (I don’t have any direct knowledge of pricing admittedly)
  9. https://www.samuiforsale.com/other-miscellaneous/prohibited-occupations-for-foreigners.html FYI
  10. I’m no longer a resident of Australia for tax purposes, so any interest in my term deposits and income from my trust fund in taxed per foreign resident rules. I pay no taxes in Thailand as my income comes from savings or profits of the previous year. I just went through some anti money laundering enquiries with one of my banks and I’m not listed as a tax resident in any jurisdiction
  11. I had to call my bank in Aus as they blocked my account for fraud. I actually spoke to a real person for a grand total of 11mins first call, 8mins second call. It’s not just Thailand I’m afraid……
  12. They’re like small children, if you’re not standing at their shoulder saying ‘no! Naughty. Don’t do that!’ They’ll just try to get away with anything. When they extended my garage I felt confident with the company as the owner was a young bilingual go getter, well educated and knowledgeable. I thought ‘great, I’ll sit back and let them go for it and not micro manage’. End of day one I check the progress… we’ll <deleted> me. Needless to say I was the new site supervisor for the next 3 days. I’ll give them props though. They took on board my concerns, listened and did their best to raise their standards. Can’t complain about that
  13. Sadly with a majority of things here (99.9%?) if you want anything done to reasonable standard that lasts longer than it takes for them to walk off site we just have to do it ourselves. I’ve stopped complaining and letting it bother me now, I just see reality and attempt everything myself I have bore water as well and everyone said I was crazy spending the money to connect the gov water as a back up, I guess we’ll see. Pays to plan ahead
  14. The car fits fine, I just leave a lot of room between it and my work space for tool access and convenience at the moment. you should have seen before I closed it in ????
  15. Yeah thanks ???? they were gonna be temporary but now I’m just gonna paint them at some stage haha
  16. Stainless gutters are a nice look IMO
  17. Can’t convict a man without a judge and/or jury. It’s allegedly him until proven beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law. It’d certainly save a lot of time and money if all the bs could be sidestepped when one is bang to rights though, hey
  18. So you’re saying no one else may have tried to use the ‘repaired’ available one and suffered the same fate. Very flawed logic there
  19. That's good info, thanks. Only issue we've had was a noisy fuel pump that was changed very quickly under warranty. I was shocked with the ease and speed that they replaced it, with.
  20. Put it in when it’s big, take it out when it’s small. Hopefully along the way you took a bit out and put some back in again and enjoyed the journey
  21. I had people berating me for not buying in at $30Kish early last year saying it’ll be $100-150K by Christmas, I’m missing out terribly. To the point it actually damaged one friendship. Best of luck to everyone, I genuinely hope it shoots the lights out for all, but I’ll just keep plodding along with boring old stocks
  22. You nailed it. The worst part is when someone who has never taken the time to understand finance gets lucky on a single buy, or even worse crypto, then starts strutting around like they’re the worlds smartest ‘investor’ giving advice to their friends and family, or starting a bloody YouTube channel I’m a total dummy when it comes to finance, stock markets, macro economics etc but I spend a large amount of my time trying to learn, de-risk and have the self control to not get sucked into the next big thing. It’s much harder than it sounds! Haha
  23. I’m a boring, long hold investor. Diversified across just about everything: health, commodities, tech (inc a few startups), health, telcos, staples, energy, managed funds and ETF’s. I limit most of my stock buys at max 2% total capital, very rarely any more than that. Moon shots even less. In past I’ve been one of the victims of short attacks (JCap on ASX:RFF/NEA), malicious FUD reports and straight up companies get found out for cooking the books (ASX:RFG). RFG went from a sector darling at $4.40 to around .05c today. I’ve haven’t been prudent enough to set stop losses in the past but my ‘losses’ over 5 years are around 10% of initial investment capital, but that has been far exceeded by my ‘wins’ I have, at a guess, 70% of my wealth in the market but I sleep well at night knowing I have de-risked as much as humanly possible
  24. I had the same experience from MG. I went with 40% front, 60% side and rear and 80% for the sunroof, cos I’ve got no hair. The only issue I’ve had with vision is reversing down my (previously) unlit driveway at night. A well placed LED flood took care of that
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