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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Hopefully , as it was all captured on CCTV that must mean something positive for the British couple ?? Surely the British thug and Thai wife cannot get away with such blatant violence ? A slanging match I can live with, but beating an elderly couple unconscious ? I really hope court can find the younger couple guilty and that the elderly couple find peace.
  2. I suppose if he has an official invitation from the Indonesian President then that’s enough.
  3. Any short time rentals are allowed IF they have a hotel licence. If not, illegal.
  4. Maybe he’s heard what the hospitals charge foreigners ?
  5. I was told that the Chinese tourists had massively cancelled trips to Thailand , due to a Chinese actor (?) who had been kidnapped and made to work in the call centers near / in Myanmar. Don’t know if she got that story right ?
  6. So why do the government want to change the law now ???Nothing wrong in having a few religious holidays respected in my opinion. If anyone is desperate, they just stack up their fridge , even in hotels. Normally the government do not give a flying buck about the tourists wills and wants, and usually just moan about the continuing bar fights etc.,Maybe they think they’re loosing taxes on those few days ? Idiotic.
  7. No the posts I wanted to répond to were not blocked. They were open and continued. Next time I’ll note it and post my question.
  8. Often, and too many to mention, diverse subjects, mouthing controversial, and a message « You cannot reply . »
  9. Please explain who I am judging and who I will never meet ?
  10. Just stating some facts, up to you if You don’t like them, don’t read them.
  11. Obviously you don’t know much about travel insurance companies. Yes, some are better than others. A friend of mine had to fight hand and foot to get reimbursed, it took over a year , and the same documents asked for over and over again, although they had the complete dossier from the Hospital concerned. He had this insurance for 15 years , everything was in order, even the small print. This was a huge European insurance company . I honestly believe , for every TOURIST , there should be a choice of viable insurance companies that are required to enter Thailand, included in the ETA that is coming soon. Something must be done, this situation with bikes and the crazy roads here ,plus all the other dangers, tour boats sinking , and general accidents, even falling down a hole in the pavement ( every day in Pattaya and Phuket) , merit some sort of emergency action.
  12. Thailand has failed already. The poor are still poor , even poorer. There are more and more girls and boys on the streets than ever before. Wages for the « normal » workforce are pitiful, no way these Thais can live on what they earn. Education, if you can call it that, is sadly lacking. Decent living conditions are rare , especially in bigger towns and cities, and workers live in squalid surroundings, 4 to a room. Eating out of 7/11 microwave meals is the norm. Pollution is silently killing so many Thais, and though everyone talks about it , nothing is done . So , I think that anyone who believes that casinos will help the Thais lives on cloud 9. It will bring money to the government coffers, yes, taxes yes. I love Thailand , would love to see a government who really looks after its people. Doubt that will happen anytime soon.
  13. The deportations have made world headlines , and a report from the BBC world. It is unbelievable that these innocent people were locked up for 11 years and refused legal protection from prominent lawyers, only then to be secretly deported to a country where they will suffer again in even worse conditions. Forced to work like slaves in China. There will be an international backlash . It is considered a crime against humanity.
  14. I have noticed that since a certain time and the change in ASEAN Now, that I cannot react to many posts, and I cannot post an answer of my own ! Is this screening ? Is it normal my posts are ignored and refused while there are many similar posts on the same subject ?
  15. Disgusting ! But I don’t suppose they care about their International Reputation.
  16. That’s what happens when older men smoke the wacky backy. Beware all you oldies. And he’s a foreigner, he’s got a bikini line .
  17. There is someone behind all this. I doubt a 65 year old lady could do that on her own in Thailand , even if she has a record in California for dug running. She obviously wasn’t very « professional « .
  18. Well, I was mistaken. This 65 yr old from California was flagged as a drug trafficker. There was a tip off. Read it on mothership.sg Doesnt mean I believe in the death sentence though. I believe she should be deported back home .
  19. I’ve a hard time believing that this elderly lady knew what was in her case. If she did know , surely she would have checked in her bag ? Apparently there was a tip off she was traveling with drugs, so what can that mean ? She was set up and had no idea? Anyhow, we might never know as these headlines never get followed up.
  20. Do other Nations have such « houses » ? Are Jewish tourists / expats in need of special centers while traveling?
  21. Hi, will be celebrating a birthday next weekend in Bangkok and am looking for , ideally, a very good hotel buffet with all the trimmings. We like the option of a good choice and nice wine. I was thinking of the intercontinental., or the Grand Hyatt . I used to go to the Pullman near Soi Cowboy for Christmas and New year and the buffet food was amazing.Around 2000 Baht. Apparently the place has closed /been sold., Any suggestions appreciated. Ps, Will be staying near the Erawan Shrine / Paragon. I don’t know I’m in the right forum’??? Thanks.
  22. Hi , tell your friend to get the girls on the FB group Travel for ladies . It’s amazing the amount of advice and tips you can get. You just join the group, say where you’re going and and ask for advice and tips. It’s for females of all ages .On FB there are a few different group for travel for females. yes, they need good advice, not to accept drinks, keep your own drink in your hand. Careful at night. Don’t believe everything you’re told. Get a Thai SIM card and always let the family know where you are. Stick together !!!!!!!
  23. Hi, on Facebook there are groups specifically for ladies traveling. You just join the group, say where you’re going and ask for necessary tips and advice. Me niece is on it and the amount of stuff she’s learnt from the girls is amazing.
  24. We had double entry visas .
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