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Everything posted by geisha

  1. There’s a list of Thai aprouved insurances that cover asymptomatique cases.
  2. Much easier to find a direct flight. The flight takes 16 h 30 min if no delay, and goes via Singapore. The shortest flights are morning flights, meaning getting to the airport by 6 am. If you were sure of getting a PCR test the day before flying ( weekends test centers closed ??) you would just make it .Love Singapore air but…..
  3. If you book properly with good airlines/ hotels etc, there are always refundable or similar conditions , not if you cancel for no reason tho, then you can change the date. No, from what I see, the evisa is a problem ( big delays in some countries) and The THai Pass which FB is still reporting loads of stressed people who can’t get through, help line doesn’t answer, are missing flights. That’s the problem. And leaving a very sour taste in potential tourists !
  4. Mostly local Thais out for the day and the odd foreign tourist on a day trip from Phuket.
  5. Put evening dress compulsory, that should eliminate lots of people, mostly Thais. Where I live there’s dress code for nightclubs, casinos , and even discotheques. Also for most good restaurants. Good hôtels also, especially for the evening dining.
  6. China is cracking down strong on gambling. They have already decided to stop the ravage that was going on in Sihanouk before Covid set it. Those Casinos ruined a tourist resort , and robbed locals of their land and jobs. It’s desolation now. Hopefully this won’t happen in Thailand, and the outside casino mafia get a hand in. I’ve nothing against the legal casinos that are run in most European countries, usually quiet , smart places with no hint of danger. Yes, they’re out to fleece you, everyone knows that, but online anyone can gamble. I can just imagine the scene in Bangkok or Pattaya when all the Patpong girls turn up with their * boyfriends* on their arms, or Pattaya when Soi 6 storm in ! i somehow believe that things are going from bad to worse here.
  7. Well it’s a bit obvious , or not ? If you’re a real expat you could have got back into Thailand a while ago. There’s been Sandbox for 2 months, now the test and go. If I had a home there, or lived there, I’d have been back at the first opportunity. If you’re Thai, they could come back any time, ok , with quarantine, why not, that’s the way things work now. I would have come sooner too, snowbird that I am, but failure to get an evisa from a lazy embassy is holding me back. Now at least I know the new Thai Pass requirements, I’m preparing all the docs ready to go . I’ll come for’2 months instead of three because the evisa is a load of trouble and delays.
  8. What happened is the constant changing in entry rules, and very difficult to get a tourist visa from the embassies, especially the EVISA, why this is I would love to know. Then there is the Thai Pass . But you need your visa first. An example, the Paris Thai embassy that has a warning on their website that e visas for December and January , 2 months !!!, have long delays and NOT guaranteed !!!!! Confirmed by various visa agents .
  9. Is the Thai Pass available for foreigners on a shorter trip to Cambodia from Thailand ?? As in Europe and elsewhere lots of people are still waiting for the Thai Pass even after two tries. So , you could possibly get stuck there ?
  10. Apply again, there are also some help numbers you can call. Do that straight away.
  11. The big Bangkok malls, Paragon, Iconsiam, central world.
  12. Hi, I’m quoting from the Paris embassy for tourist evisa. Passport page/photo/ return ticket inferior 90 days/Covid insurance 50 thou $/hotel reservation proof/bank statement min 2000€, stamped , not a print out/ proof of residency in France. My question, this was before yesterdays news of new rules. When will the embassies get the updates so I can finally book , and also for the Thai Pass ? Will my tourist evisa depend on the French embassy to be approved ? Seeing as they give awful service, I might be waiting more than a month. IF, border runs were possible in late Jan Feb, I’d come in visa exempt and could book straight away . Thanks. pS as Sheryl says, lots of private info needed , hope it’s safe !!!
  13. That’s the problem, trying to get the exact up to date requirements for an evisa. Otherwise you can’t apply. Mine is for 60 days tourist which I want to extend .
  14. Hi been having problems with Paris embassy requirements. Will my EVisa really go through that embassy for approval? They also told me Hotel / condo bookings for the entire stay which I cannot provide. I can provide a few days to a week on arrival. I have to do this quickly as they told me an evisa could take from a few days to 45 days , incredible. I’m thinking their info is not up to date at all. Any info , thanks. If , big if, I come in visa exempt, what will the rules be, and is there any hope of doing a border hop anywhere , end Jan/ Feb . Hear Bangkok air flies Phnom Penh or Siem Reap. Thanks.
  15. Now I wish ( please please) they would sort out the evisa waiting time. Some countries apparently it works ok, France a complete mess, announcing up to 45 days wait !! All the e visas I’ve had from numerous countries and Asia usually take about 48 hours!!!
  16. If rumor is true, the THAI Pass no longer needed for arrivals after 15 Dec. It’s all over the news.
  17. Hi, todays Thai news, they’re changing the entry rules , relaxing a few things. From Dec 1 st.
  18. I called them before booking my flight the same day. Why, because a few days before my friend had to leave without his visa ! He waited 3 weeks then left without it ! I was told there was a long wait and my 20/12 flight was not guaranteed a visa in time. I checked with rapid visa Paris who confirmed a long wait. Paris has always had a bad reputation for visas. For years I went to Monaco and everything was perfect , then they closed, as did Marseille etc. I saw todays news of changes ahead beginning Dec. For fully vaccinated , no more PCR on arrival , a quick arrival test instead. No more SHA test and do hotel needed. And for those arriving after the 15 th Dec no more Thai Pass. !!! I think these combined upgrades to system may be the cause of delays. I’m going to delay my flight , miss Christmas with family and friends there, and book for January instead to be sure.
  19. As I said above, I have everything on hand ready to send. I’m not going to if I can’t get a visa in time !! My friend had already left without the visa .He waited 3 weeks ! Called them daily. I spoke to a reputable visa agency in Paris and they have confirmed a possible 45 day wait for the e visa, and even then that time is not guaranteed. Paris is an awful place to get Thai visas, always has been. They are apparently closing down the evisa system here around the 10 th of Dec for upgrades. Again !!
  20. If there is a way to do a border hop end of January, anywhere, I could still keep my dates, come in visa exempt, extension 30 days, then a weekend away nearby and back into Thailand. But nobody knows if this will be possible, and would I get back into Thailand easily ., Other option, go elsewhere. Apparently Cambodia is easy, friends left 2 weeks ago, no fuss. Even Bali with a special visa.
  21. Paris . One of my friends has had to leave without his visa , that’s what started me worrying. I didn’t expect such a long wait, non guaranteed!
  22. No, I have everything ready , on hand, ready to apply. I just did not expect to have to wait 45 days !!! Non guaranteed!!! Of getting my evisa . So obviously that takes me into middle January , ridiculous !!
  23. Now it seems that the evisa is giving problems !!! Maybe not in every country ?? France is saying 45 days wait Not guaranteed!! Now what do I do, cancel everything. I’m really annoyed that they can’t even manage the visa for the small amount of demand. Failed system.
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