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Everything posted by geisha

  1. I needed lactose free milk. Bought it, absolutely disgusting taste, yellowy color and thick. Why, lactose free should be very very similar taste as normal milk ?? I threw it away, thought it was off. Tried more after and it was the same awful stuff. I’ve been using it for ages in France/ Italy , lots of places and it’s fine.
  2. But surely more proof would be needed ? What does the girl have to prove he is the father of her child ? Anyone can get hold of a birth certificate. British rules( as elsewhere) are very complicated and a long process.
  3. Why are you all on about the pensions ?? As many have said, there’s a lot more to this story. Immigration can see if she’s here on holiday or not, when she entered , doctors can tell when she was amputated, possible where, what the burns are, bed sores or not. I’m quite sure a front page story in Thai newspapers would have info if she lived in Thailand. Name search by Thai Police . There was a story a few years back about an unknown man found in London, he had Alzheimer’s. He was dressed in brand new clothes and shoes and had no identity papers. He was put in a home and the nurses took great care of this poor old soul. Eventually it was found that he’d been brought to UK by his American family, abandoned, as , ( their story) they couldn’t afford the care needed in the US. Heartbreaking, can’t remember the outcome but he was a long time in UK. lots of possibilities concerning this poor lady. They’ve probably got more info by now.
  4. Pétition needed here , and boycott , no meters, no taxi. No licence , walk. Should be published in the newspaper post Box that one cannot name .
  5. This is where education comes in. The Thai kids I know are a catastrophic. Daughters of my best friend went to uni ,, and still can only manage a few words. The boys I see coming home from school all have bottles of beer in their hands There is no getting away with it, Thailand will never become important internationally , high end jobs will not be filled, until they have mastered English. It’s important the world over. My take on Indians and Burmese, I find their English very good ! Before Covid I visited Myanmar regularly and find they are very proficient in English, and even in India where I’ve spent a long time in the past . Most Thai kids will actually ignore you if you ask them a question in English.
  6. Or the person at Poipet was told to either stay there or find a flight back.
  7. I have seen foreign staff in 4/5 star hotels , also once waiting on a BBQ evening. I think they must be legally on some sort of training scheme. Foreign chefs are common, one who was my neighbour was earring a huge wage in a 5 star hotel.
  8. Sorry, but I am not a fan of China . Lots of the worst things one hears about China are generally true. Persecution is their politics. Honestly .
  9. Next time you book an Airbnb, ask for the screenshot of your arrival immediately, saying you are going to immigration the next day. A neighbour of mine did this in Phuket , got his screenshot the same day. Some people earn a lot of money through Airbnb legally, and don’t want to be reported to the company. Ask before you book anywhere in Thailand. Really, it is up to you to know these things, especially where immigration is concerned.
  10. Falun Gong was never a dangerous sect. It was even accepted in China, until it became too big and frightened the leader of the communist party ! Who apparently put a stop to it, arrested and tortured thousands of its members , who were also used as medical donors , the same as many other prisoners in China.
  11. Don’t consider it unless you like trouble.
  12. I did the day trip to Ayutthaya trip. It was very relaxing and picturesque.
  13. I really think you need to buy some books ! Boredom can drive a man crackers.
  14. Normally easy to see total price tax included on any booking. Usually on price details. I always look as most places don’t advertise the full,price.: booking.com usually do, and if there’s any extras, they state that.
  15. Obviously November December and January are high season prices. From LHR, have you thought of flying to Amsterdam or Paris etc and getting a cheaper flight there ? Also, watch the days you book, Friday, sat sun , more expensive. Late night or very early morning cheaper flights. Yes, heard that EVA air was ok. Check TripAdvisor too. But always book direct with airline.
  16. Buy a kindle ! Thousands of books in your preferred language, History, geography, fiction , thrillers, religious, biography, Nobel prize winners, Booker prize everything you want. Now and again I read books that I read in my teens, or all the new authors of India, Japan etc. Never ending. i would be lost without my books, no matter where I am in the world. Yes, I’m’sorry for the book’shops, but’ I’m often in places where they don’t exist, and my young days of traveling with a suitcase full of books is over. Now, my kindle fits into my hand bag, and I can buy whatever book I want , online, anywhere in the world.
  17. Pipe dreams, nothing else, especially in countries like Thailand.
  18. I think the wife will be charged for lack of housekeeping.
  19. Taipan had a very bad reputation in the past. I remember friends from Surin beach on holiday, asking to be dropped off there, and the taxi driver telling me , no no, tell them not to go there !!!
  20. If you’re looking for a great pizza, you’re looking at the wrong country!
  21. In my work we have imported food stuffs from Thailand, and other Asian countries. About 5 years back, half our Thai products were banned by customs sanitary checks. The frozen prawns / tiger prawns were a problem too. Those we had to buy elsewhere and still do. Not EU standard.
  22. Yes, we tend to forget the huge business of Package holidays. There are reasonable cheap holidays to Thailand from all around the world. You look at flight center, tui, etc and you see quite decent hotels included in these deals , albeit ones that are a bit “out of the way “ . I know someone a few years back that took one of these, with a Bangkok/ Chiang Mai circuit, and didn’t get on the flight back. He stayed in Thailand and Cambodia. One way of traveling I suppose.
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