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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Home or room quarantine seems to be enough , no need to overload hospital unless urgent.
  2. My friend had Omicron here in France around Christmas. She is 60 and also asthmatic. She was in bed at home for 3 days, very tired with cold symptoms. 4 th day fine. They also told her that her Omicron was a very high count. it seems for most people , like a cold.
  3. I think it’s absolutely disgusting that the government doesn’t give a damn about their tourists who have asked for Thai Pass, and had their approval, have insisted that said tourists can enter without problem, then, last minute turn around, goes back on their word. This is very bad management, lack of understanding and total ineptitude.
  4. So what is the need for SHA Plus + hotels if they are not capable of handling the situation ? This is gross error of government , nothing else. These people should be helped . Thai reputation is going from bad to worse. Wait till the world press get hold of this.
  5. Hi, you can’t do it in Hua Hin. Only real quarantine in Bangkok .7…days in room, testing etc. There are Quarantine packages online with everything included, airport transfer/ AQ hotel/ tests etc if you are fully vaccinated . Otherwise it’s 10 days I think. Otherwise it’s Phuket Sandbox program. Also 7 days/ 2 PCR tests; etc, if you are fully vaccinated. But… you can go out in the daytime if you have tested negative on arrival at Phuket airport . You are confined to your room until results come, another test on day 6. After, if all negative you are allowed to travel elsewhere. There are good packages online too , all included, if you want a good address message me. The problem is getting to Hua Hin, you really don’t want to take a bus, no social’distancing on a long ride. You could hire a private taxi. Same problem from bangkok too, tho the ride is shorter, but you are locked up’10 days. Not a big price difference for the 2 programs.
  6. Thé lady sounds a bit iffy to me. It should be easy to find the bank account holder.
  7. Hi, thanks, I’ve just emailed them. In the past I’ve had very good experiences with these sérvices. I always rent in good condos , I’ve never used the room safe, they are so easy to open !!! Also the doors are like ply wood . I do keep some small amounts of money, copies of Pass/ flights etc/ insurance at home . Any money , some extra cards and passport goes in a safe. Strange there’s none so far on Phuket. Happy new year !
  8. I get this sort and nastier messages practically every day. I have an iPad and use it a lot, google a lot . Mostly travel forums. I went to our apple shop and complained , they said the spam and nasty messages/ demands are out of control and they can do nothing about it. I’m seriously thinking of changing my email, any thoughts if it would help ? Just the idea of the work is awful.
  9. Thaï Pass is not dead. Test and go is, and I doubt they will bring that back any time soon, tho of course I could be wrong. i do think that ThaîPass is taking a bit longer, mainly due to an overload of demand before Christmas, and now Christmas and New Year holidays., This is probably also the reason for an update on entry regulations on the 4 th of January. I do know from former posts here and other forums, FB, that the smallest mistake in applying for the Thai Pass and it’s rejected. Also applying for the Covid tests online had a good few blips and didn’t work for over a week. For the moment You can apply for Thai Pass with AQ quarantine in Bangkok, loads of decent packages online, or the Phuket Sandbox with SHAPLUS + stay 7 nights, which allows you out IF you test negative on arrival. Then a second test on day 6.
  10. Hi all, I’ve posted before and no answers. I’ll be leaving soon for Phuket and staying in a condo. I want to rent a safety box for a few months to put my valuables. I’m not getting any answers. I’m finding it hard to believe there are no companies that have such a service in a usually busy place like Phuket . I’ve had these in Pattaya, Jomtien, Hua Hin, and Bangkok. Surely there’s one in Phuket ??? Any help appreciated. I don’t have or need a bank account as I’m not living there. Thanks,
  11. well I will definitely visit Krabi airport toilet next time I come !!!!
  12. Older and wiser ? I’ve noticed that all my older friends have either stopped drinking, or have the odd glass of wine , or only a bottle between two when at a restaurant. You mind more about your health as you age ! I worked in the restaurant business in a very busy south of France. All my friends drank after work. We worked hard and very long hours , often 7 days a week . The mental fatigue and stress brought us all together for a few nightcaps , sometimes more before going home to bed. I mean, what do you do when you Finnish work at 1 or 2 am or even later , you need to wind down. Just as an office worker doesn’t go home to bed at 6 pm. I stopped drinking completely around 50. My friends eased off too, just like smoking , but that was 20 years earlier. Didn’t stop me going out, I’d have the very odd coupe de champagne, or a tonic water . These days when I go out with friends, we have a really good bottle of red, but personally I drink nothing at home, or during the week. Now the festive season is over, I’ll be back to being « dry » , just for health reasons, same as going on a week or two diet to loose the weight from over eating. It doesn’t bother me at all. I have regular blood tests etc, and they’re all very good. I think having check ups help you realize a lot and help you avoid problems when they start showing signs. Happy and healthy new year.
  13. So many empty hotels with give away prices on all the booking sites. Why is it not easy to adapt these to isolation hotels ? With the small amount of people arriving actually positive , I’m sure a small hotel in each city would suffice. Bangkok and Phuket would be the main places to have these. Of corse with strict rules of healthy food, cable tv and deliveries.
  14. A Phuket Sandbox area using a good agency would be the best for him. Flying direct to Phuket of course, and all docs managed by Agency ,making it a little more expensive, but easier, believe me.
  15. Who remembers the short video of a policeman helping a foreigner onto his motorbike on Soi Bangla ? It didn’t do much good, thank god , as he did 30 meters and went sprawling into the crowds. Im so terrified of getting into a taxi , that I always ask for lady drivers. Never been frightened by one and very good drivers. My usual company always charges me 200 Baht more for an airport run.That’s ok by me.
  16. Loads of people saying they can’t download the app. I’ll do it on arrival with hotel.
  17. The PCR test is within 72 hours of leaving.,From the moment tou do your test to arriving in Phuket, there are potentially 3 days where you can catch the virus if you are not careful, shopping, saying goodbye to family and friends, having a last night out or restaurant, the trip to airport, airport queues, etc etc . This is what I would usually do before leaving home. Not this time. I’m going to isolate , Finnish my stuff to do well before, stay out of peoples way, call friends and family before leaving. Special airport taxi for me, ( plexiglass between you and driver). Great attention and we’ll masked at airport . Left, the flight. There also, I’ve choses class and seat and will stay masked. Ok, you think I’m crazy maybe, but if I get the dreaded virus ( I’m triple vaccinated and highly insured ) then I’m really not lucky .
  18. The health minister changed the rules the week before Christmas ! What do they expect now, nearly everyone got scared of loosing all their bookings, PCR tests / flights/hotels/ etc and cancelled. Thailand is constantly changing the rules, they have absolutely no idea that foreigners have to plan holidays, take time off work, book flights etc, and then the country they wanted to visit announces panic every bloody day, and cancels potential plans. Mr Anutin has shot himself in the foot ! We have all seen the small percentage of foreign travelers C positive on arrival. Do a second and third test at the tourists expense in a *hospitel * not in a state quarantine ward. They are now reducing the stay in EU to 7 days isolation., The only big worry for everyone is an overload of patients for hospital beds and not enough ventilators. The statistics this morning from Marseille France General, huge hospital, has 86% of its newer Covid patients non vaccinated , average age 57, the others are the very old and the very sick. 81 deaths since 15 of November. What does that tell you. Children are the best vectors, spreading in school and then through their families, so they are now being mass vaccinated. The new Omicron is quickly being accepted as being much less dangerous and does, in most cases, not need hospitalisations. The two biggest errors of Thailand is not vaccinated early enough, you should by now all have had your booster. The other is panic news and closing down the country bringing its folk to their knees. How shameful to see photos and reports all over the western news of queues of people spending all day in the sun waiting for food donations. And all that while in other news they want to start a Space program ? They better get their act together as otherwise they will see their tourist dollars going down the drain for a good couple of years.
  19. Hi, and are N95 easy to find everywhere ( I’ll be in Phuket)..? Thanks. Good to know in advance , I can get a box of 10 for 360 Baht around. in France.
  20. I suppose they are right.What if every other fool decided to do a runner ? If he did have Omicron or Delta or asymptomatique, he’s not allowed to leave like that and potentially spread whatever he’s got.
  21. Exactly, all newer arrivals have to do another test on day 5/6 . It’s online news for over a week. I’ve been already notified.
  22. I don’t think its possible to eradicate prostitution in Thailand. There are too many girls and boys who are not educated at all, who have no hope in hell of getting a nice job in a shop, as a mechanic , or bus driver. There is no education/ government service that could help them change to a different life. They have no health cover, no education, no prospect in life to look forward to. Closing the in your face bars and massage parlors would lead to it going underground, and like drugs, certain people and mafia will take over as they have before. For me, the answer would be to legalize them, get them proper identification work cards with obligation health checks same as what exists in European counties and the US , where these places are run legally. No one can claim that girls scantily dressed screeching in the streets and some dancing near naked in sight of passers by is nice. I know a lot of you will laugh at my comments , and it doesn’t bother me what you think. A bit of humanity and empathy is needed here to understand how many lives are ruined. I once sat in a nice restaurant and saw a young boy, absolutely beautiful kid, sitting with an older man who was not his father . The kid could have been anything from,14 to 17, could not speak English, and the guy kept touching him , stroking his hands. The waitresses could not say anything, were shocked, and so I asked them if this was the boys family. They said no, shaking their heads and grimacing. I’ve seen a lot of things in Thailand but that shocked me the most . So many spoilt lives.
  23. The only fools and horses one when they buy the dolls, and find out they are blow up ones ! Well, I laughed till I cried ! One foot in the Grave, when an ambulance delivers a very aged sick lady to The Melroses place by mistake and puts her in Victors bed ! That’s another hysterical one.
  24. Hi, Merry Christmas all, i should be arriving on Phuket Sandbox program and have all my docs plus Thai Pass.( hoping my flight isn’t canceled). My question is: Can I buy good quality masks in Thailand ? I have FFP2 here in France which are better than the chirurgical masks. They are more expensive and work out at around 36 Baht per mask. I hope to be well protected on my flight and airport terminals so want the best . I am fully vaccinated and booster. I will be in a very quiet area of Phuket but still want good protection. When I left Thailand March 2020 there were hardly no masks to be found, and even pharmacies were charging ridiculous prices. Thanks for info.
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