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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. On 7/23/2021 at 10:35 AM, Kwasaki said:

    I wouldn't want advice from you.

    What if you are the only one waiting at the traffic lights. ????????

    Still no reply - most probably not a rider.

    Anyone who says the safest place to ride is in the middle of a pack of bikes has Zero experience - or credibility.


  2. 18 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

    Yes, that would explain the massive exodus of young people from the villages to the cities. That is not just because of work, but because of the attraction of the cities, the things it offers which villages can not and never will.


    Sure, one per cent of youths want to do work in the countryside, but let's not kid ourselves that is a tiny minority. And often a very strange and cranky minority. Just think of the Unabomber, one of the great defenders of life in the countryside, not exactly a fun normal guy, was he?

    I asked before - what is your fixation with the Unabomber ?

    He only killed 3 people - and lived in the woods. Big Deal

    • Haha 1
  3. All non ICE technology - today - relies on infrastructure that is, in most cases, not even in the planning stages yet.

    Where will all this not gasoline/diesel energy come from ?

    The best - and I figure ONLY - reasonable alternative if you want to ride/drive around in a blender, is to build a whole lot of nuclear power plants. The newest ones are much much different from the old ones.

    But this raises a WHOLE lot of questions - what to do with old batteries ? Oh - recycle them. This is also not in the planning stages yet.

    It is all a CON - brought to you by snake oil salesmen.

    Today - and for the forseeable future - the ICE trumps ALL other forms of transport, for ease of manufacturing, less pollution, and efficient recycling at the end of their lives.

    And ALL the infrastructure is already in place.

    Electricity - good for lights, and making toast.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. Don't like the look on the upper part of the tube - the discolored part. Looks like heat for sure.

    Fork tubes should be straightened without heat so as to not draw the temper out of the steel.

    A set of V blocks are cheap enuf, and a dial indicator the same.

    As you have a spare set, check the old ones when you finished the swap.

    Big pain in the culo tho' - but what U gonna do.

    Fork seals need a careful hand to install straight and true. I have used PVC tubing before with good luck - cut lengthwise about 8-10cm, install on fork tube, tape together, give 'er a whack. Then they go on straight in line with the tube. Use lots of KY - OOppss - oil (What was I thinkin')

    Good luck

    • Haha 2
  5. 17 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

    Yes, it certainly does take a person with a certain mindset to endure the isolation for a longer time period. Who can do just gardening, building sheds and walking around all day? This is a lifestyle for a person advanced in years possibly more than for a younger or middle aged man. Today's generation has grown up on fast internet, the latest PS4 games, world class shopping, highly developed culinary demands and entertainment options. Who would want to forego that for a life walking in the fields? Only the very driven, like say the Unabomber who wanted write his thoughts down and build things to wage war on society. Or if TBL says, you are a fanatic gardener, or as madmen says someone in thrall to a female from the country, possibly someone who loves the idea of country. But to pull that off for longer than 6-15 years really takes a certain mindset. You'd basically have to opt out of the modern world to a large degree. Even fast internet is not available in the remote village. It just doesn't look very attractive.

    Why the fixation with the Unabomber ?

    Some young people like to live in the back of beyond. Not all stay glued to their TV and video games, living in their Moms house in the basement at 45

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Sunmaster said:

    Maybe you mean you don't believe in the core teachings of the various religions? Compassion, love, solidarity, respect...?

    In my view the "Core Teachings" of all organized religion is blind obedience in Dogma on pain of terrible suffering, both now and in the future after death.

    Both tools to keep the people in line and exert control over their actions.

    Compassion, Love, Solidarity, Respect - do not even enter into it.



    a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.

    Think Heaven, 70 Virgins, Olam Ha-Ba, etc


  7. Why were the 500s of the late 1980 and early 1990s so tricky?

    You’re riding a bike that weighs 130 kilos – when I first rode them they were 115 – and you’ve got 160 to 180 horsepower in a 2500rpm powerband. That was all the powerband you ever had, if it was jetted right. If it wasn’t jetted exactly right you had even less leeway and it was even more of an abrupt hit. So it was like trying to ride something like a light switch.


  8. On 7/20/2021 at 11:35 AM, mtls2005 said:

    Look, just save everyone time and money and admit the Thai justice system is biased and favors the rich. Or is used by those in power, to maintain their power.

    Stop Thai bashing - you don't think EVERY justice system the world over operates in the same way ?

    Asked my lawyer this years ago - his response -

    "I went to LAW school, not JUSTICE school"

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