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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. Many people very brand name snobs.

    See it in N. America too - "I won't buy Chinese tires !!!"

    Yet they last just as long, and cost way way less.

    Why I like Deestone - unless U running F1, or drive on the hiway at 200 Kph, there are just fine.

    And judging by the comments here, re: excess speed, most could get by with cheap tires. "There are no roads you can go fast on in LOS - type of thing"

    That being said - I run Michelin on the Teana - 'cause I drive it fast. There is that 200 Kph again !!! 555

  2. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You apparently don't get that what other people think isn't of any consequence for a believer.



    Just because you feel a sense of calm, of connectedness, during some activity - this means that God exists ?

    End quote


    What are you on about? Are you just making things up?

    When did I ever write about a sense of calm etc? I see God in nature, but God per se doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling. Believing in God doesn't make me feel anything different. It doesn't have to. If I only believed in God because of a "feeling", I'd be equating God to the buzz I got from being anesthetized for an operation.


    Read my post. Read the quote I responded to.

    Intelligent design - that is the key word.

    That is what I am "on about"


    • Confused 1
  3. 52 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    God, IMO is not a synonym for anything. God is the creator and evolution is part of intelligent design.

    Many post on this Forum - and this thread - argue against intelligent design.

    People believe in God because it makes them feel good, it calms them to think that there is a reason - even one they will never know - for what happens around them that they can not understand.

    Just because you feel a sense of calm, of connectedness, during some activity - this means that God exists ?

    Your are extrapolating this feeling to one which is "proof" of something you want to believe.


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  4. People have to accept that the War on Drugs is nothing more than a political strategy to get votes and make money outfitting police forces and building prisons, who need inmates to house so they can get the $$$ from the Gov't.

    Drug use is a Health problem, and a Social Services problem, not a law enforcement issue.

    Give people addicted to drugs access to medical care, decent housing, outreach programs.

    Want to end Drug Cartel violence in one fell swoop - decriminalize drugs.

    But the Old Fogeys will have none of it - too much money to be made.

    And so continues the Status Quo

    Gotta shake your head when the heads of major police departments agree that it is not working and a more humane policy should be adopted.


    Following just for the USA - imagine the number world wide ...

    n 2015, the Drug Policy Alliance, which advocates for an end to the War on Drugs, estimated that the United States spends $51 billion annually on these initiatives, and in 2021, after 50 years of the drug war, others have estimated that the US has spent a cumulative $1 trillion on it


    Just imagine how better that money could be spent on education, health care, housing, etc ...

  5. Last trip to Singapore, Thai border enroute KL

    Poking along at 150 - see lights in the mirror a long way back. Hmmmm

    Not 15 seconds later the first car came past me - 911. Then couple Ferrari, Aston Martin DB, Lambos, Skyline, ...

    Wish I had a faster bike - could have caught them - R1 maybe !!! 555

    But on my Dyna so no chance.

    Nice to have a blocker when doing those speeds - lots of FUN !

    Roads capable of these speeds here in LOS too - just gotta pick your time and place

    • Like 2
  6. 11 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    I've lived in Thailand for more than 20 years. I bought my first scooter, yamaha mio 2002, I've owned many scooters now have a pcx150. It's simple to park and manoeuvre through traffic.
    2010 I bought a Buell, 4 years later a Diavel, now I own an xdiavel.
    To each their own, a big scooter is not my cup of tea, I enjoy being in the company of any bike rider that respects the safety of themselves and others. 
    Take care out there. 

    I am amazed, with your experience, that you think the most safe place to ride is in the middle of a group of bikes.

    The most safe place to ride is ahead of the traffic behind you, behind the traffic ahead of you. Then you only have to watch out for oncoming traffic and those overtaking you.


  7. 46 minutes ago, brommers said:

    Not a single response after 24 hours shows how irrelevant this forum has become. To answer your question go to a 7\11, a pharmacy, a Homepro, a Rimping etc etc. All have a wide array of masks. All you have to do is read the details to determine what they are. 

    Been on holidays the last 24 hours ? Internet down ? Cell fone no signal ?


    Maybe check your relevance.


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  8. 38 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Why would I bother replying to hostile comments. 
    You guys carrying on like school yard bullies. Grow up delinquents. 
    I made an Innocuous commitment which is my prerogative as a TV member. 
    There's no need to antagonise, you're just looking for someone to react. 

    So do you ride ? If so - what ?

  9. 3 hours ago, jackdd said:

    Just look at the permission to stay stamp in your passport. Does it give an end date? If yes, you are "temporarily permitted" and may use a foreign driving license (If an IDP is required is arguable, the wording isn't 100% clear, to be safe better have one)

    If you have permanent residency status, you are not "temporarily permitted", thus permanent residents may not use a foreign driving license.

    What Immigration decides as temporary is the same as what the DLT decides ?

    I don't think so - pulled this out of your ... hat ? 555

    • Confused 1
  10. Fuel cell cars - another pipe dream ...


    Volkswagen also recently laid out, concisely, why fuel cells don't make sense for passenger vehicles. Not only are the cars themselves less efficient than alternatives, but the process of generating hydrogen is inherently inefficient, the automaker argued.


    In contrast, only about 25% to 35% of energy actually makes it to the wheels of a fuel-cell car, according to the study.

    That's because of the immense amount of energy needed to produce hydrogen through electrolysis, the most common current method, according to the study. Only 55%of that energy is represented by usable hydrogen, the study said.


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