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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. They can do what they did with cigarettes…put gruesome, scary pictures on alcohol packaging. Only the most desperate drinkers in the country would be able to down a bottle of beer with the Health Minister’s photo on the label.
  2. Uncle General has obviously been up all night, tirelessly restoring happiness to the people….the poor fellow is still wearing his jammies.
  3. Note how the Colonel resourcefully uses one of the trendy new “watch masks” to accessorize his uniform and protect his expensive timepiece.
  4. Remember kids....we would rather you don't savagely murder your classmates. But if you do, we may have to expel you from school.
  5. All thanks to the bold, resourceful, and far-sighted Hero-General-Czar-Statesman. The people celebrate his wondrous leadership and joyously sing his praises.
  6. Sounds great……but....how about all the farmers, bus drivers, food venders, construction workers, security guards, auto mechanics, maintenance workers, and millions of other Thai people who have manual labor jobs? How on earth are all these masses of people going to stay out of the ‘office’ and be 'more productive' working from home 1-2 days a week?
  7. Did you have to draw a map to your home....or pose for a photo pointing at the banknotes?
  8. Meetings will be held, deals will be made, the charges will go into assorted 'Do Nothing' files, and as soon as the heat's off the whole sordid mess will quietly......fade away. Just like it never happened.
  9. What accident? Making this one disappear will be child’s play for one of the RTP's illustrious bazillionaire Generals.
  10. I certainly hope they have approval from Supreme Headquarters in Beijing.....
  11. The NACC further asserted that of course anyone else with borrowed watches would also be.....completely clean.
  12. No problem. The statistical wizards at TAT will crunch some numbers and announce the imminent arrival of 10 million Indian billionaires and 1.5 million Saudi trillionaires. It’s all good.
  13. Principles? Is this guy serious? This government has an unbroken track record of being consistently and thoroughly unprincipled. This is going to change now?
  14. Wow….this sounds serious. The country could be caught without that absolutely essential single internet gateway. Good thing big brother China is there to lend a hand and protect Thailand from all manner of scary cyber-danger.
  15. Agreed…..they really should stop making poles out of that super-magnetic concrete.
  16. The initial shipment of eager, happy laborers is being processed and will soon be on their way….
  17. Which 'democracy' being 'weakened' are we talking about here?
  18. Thailand's public stance on the Ukraine conflict is consistent with China's public stance on the Ukraine conflict. Any position not in agreement with China....is clearly out of the question.
  19. Talk about rewriting history. The Hero-General-Czar had this whole virus thing locked up single-handedly over two years ago. I certainly hope Anutin isn't trying to upstage the Supreme Leader and steal his valiant plague fighting glory. That would never do. January 27, 2020 Thailand’s PM assures coronavirus situation is “100% under control” Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has assured the public that the novel coronavirus situation in Thailand is “100% under control” and that he will personally take charge of overseeing the operations of all related agencies to deal with the virus
  20. Since the Thai government can't even reliably mange an online 90 day report....this is something they’d clearly need to outsource. Wonder where they might be able to find a monolithic, aggressive, immoral, unethical, repressive, totalitarian police state to help out…. ...…in the interest of national harmony, eternal friendship and everlasting world peace, of course.
  21. When he's in the mood....Uncle Cha Cha really is a funny guy….
  22. Criminal? Perish the thought..….they avoid being criminal by paying government officials massive amounts of money to enact ‘pharmaceutical industry-friendly’ laws.
  23. Go over and join the party….that will teach them.
  24. Nothing confirms government malfeasance as well as an official denial.
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