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Everything posted by norfolkandchance

  1. They should have not named the recipe as Heinz. Taste was nothing like the real thing. I buy 4 cans of baked beans a month to satisfy my addiction to English breakfasts, beans touching of course. Like you, I use dry beans for casseroles, salads and even Indian recipes.
  2. Beat me to it. We where in Pattaya over the weekend. 5 Indians where trying to cut the price on a Baht bus. Failure.
  3. Where are all the usual suspects slagging of the 'Make your own' posters.
  4. Seems to be widespread. I'm in Pattaya. Off and On all morning but now back. Same in Korat.
  5. Slightly off topic. We're staying in a hotel in Pattaya for the weekend. They have a good breakfast buffet so I decided to go for the salad bar. Loaded a plate up and dolloped natural Yoghurt over the salad. First forkful and the rest went in the bin. More sugar then mayonnaise on a Pizza. Back to bacon and eggs this morning.
  6. We travel though Korat once a month. Stay in the Rich hotel and call the Monkey Bar resident Tuk Tuk for pick up and drop off. B80 each way.
  7. Get the tracking number from her and you can track it.
  8. Have you spoken to the Post Office. If you know it's at Heathrow they should be able to tell you if it's still there or sent on.
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