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Everything posted by norfolkandchance

  1. The MOD spend years on the design of installing refuelling pods for Hercs. When it kicked off it was done and dusted in weeks.
  2. Lets hope we get to 24 F-35 in time. They've reordered the one we lost last year off the Carrier. Hopefully, if there is a next time, we'll reinforce RAF Stanley and deploy to the Ascension Islands
  3. Who where you employed by in Oman. Private or UK government contract.
  4. I totally agree. My son was bomb disposal in the RLC. Recapped to the RAMC for a quieter life after getting a LE Commission.
  5. Not wanting to hijack the thread. Winter survival exercise. 2 to a tent. DS staff in log cabins. Happy days. Not.
  6. I use Zenni. 2 pairs of Varifocals £80. Still going strong after 18 months. Never paid customs.
  7. I buy the whole fresh fish from Lotus. Fill the cavity with herbs, butter and lemon. Wrap it in tin foil then in the oven for 30 mins. Delicious.
  8. Why don't you contact the Hotel direct. We always do and mostly get a better rate.
  9. I made 2 calls to Winter Fuel Allowance at GovUk Thurs. 80 minutes. £0.042..
  10. Get Skype account. Put some credit on. Then it costs pennies for phone calls. I put £8 on last Sept still have £6 credit.
  11. Beach Rd, Soi 4, Jomtien, Pattaya last year.
  12. I would be more worried about my safety on a night time bus journey then the thought of a passport check.
  13. To some of us they will always be Veterans. Charles, Andrew, Edward, William and Harry.
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