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Posts posted by sendintheclowns

  1. 23 minutes ago, solstan said:

    Not yet but will bee - this is from ThePhuketNews where they referred to BP that we are not allowed to quoute.
    It was published in January 2016.

    Meanwhile, the Land Transport Department has issued an announcement that all passenger buses which register from Jan 25 this year must be fitted with a GPS.

    Buses which already have a GPS installed were required to link their system with that of the Land Transport Department by the end of this year.

    By the end of 2017, all vehicles used for public transport – buses, vans and taxis – must be equipped with a GPS, Mr Sanit said. Town minibuses and tuk-tuks were exempt.

    And the announcement, the text above were from an article.

    ( http://thainews.prd.go.th/website_en/news/news_detail/WNOHT5901220010002 )




    and the purchase of the GPS systems will be supervised by the same committee that bought the bomb sniffers??? RATFLOL


  2. copy that photo to the PM, to emphasize the suggestion for an intelligent re-writing of the visa run rules? Then again, there's the risk of being charged with demonizing (i) Thai drivers, (ii) the immigration rules and (iii) the whole sodding lot. Happy Christmas and remember,  we could be stuck in (anywhere currently being bombed the crap out of).

  3. just took our 3rd or 4th look at the EcoSport. To support the negative comments about its problems, I talked to our service manager. His advice was - 'you will be disappointed - do not' . Now that's jai dee for you! Happy Christmas to one and all. a friend bought a low mileage 2012 Escape for 460,000 baht. That is not only amazing value, but also - it  has put me off buying a new Ford ever again.

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  4. On 13/12/2016 at 8:45 PM, zaZa9 said:

    In Phuket they are asking for a pic of the applicant  in front of his house numbers lately...

    sounds like they are mixing up (or newly applying) the retirement extension paperwork requirements. Which raises an interesting question, has anyone applying for the marriage extension been asked for a copy of your savings history for 3 months, certified by the bank (as is the case for retirement extension?)

  5. 11 hours ago, leeneeds said:

    Very sad that this episode has tarnished the ability 

    of the law of the land to function as due process requires.


    Claiming sanctuary in a church was abolished in England in 1623, 

    but here it must be still the norm, as we have seen from Mercedes drivers,

    abbots and so many more, I have lost count.


    Marching reds and yellows would be met with strong arm tactics 

    but wearing the disguise of orange, is a game changer.


    Respect for all the good things done by the government just gets belittled.



    the Order of Tarnishment should be granted, in this order of merit:

    1. all monks who act in a fashion which tarnishes the teachings of the Lord Bhudda. These would include pedophiles, con men, having sex with teens (I'm all in favour of married clergy, for all religions and philosophies);

    2. as you suggest, those responsible for enforcing the law without prejudice.  

  6. it seems pretty obvious that the government could have taken action months ago - something along the lines of allowing any one to enter the grounds of the Wat, but to stop them carrying in any food. Splitting hairs, that would allow the government to take the high road, namely that nobody is being denied their right to enter a Wat. Shut off all avenues for the Wat to bring in food and - in quick time, yuo'd have a lot of hungry disciples. Assuming the DharmaKarma is unable to emulate Jesus and the loafs and fishes, you'd have an empty Wat in no time flat. But there I go again, I'm assuming that they really do have a plan, together with someone in charge who will take the heat.

  7. On 29/11/2016 at 0:48 PM, billd766 said:

    IIRC most of the time when someone commits a crime the sentence is reduced if they plead guilty. However he has only pleaded guilty on the least of the charges so in theory if he is found guilty on the other 4 charges he will get no discount on his sentences.


    With a bit of luck they will run consecutively so he will spend more time in jail.

    never mind with a bit of luck...can i wish that they throw away the key?

  8. On 29/11/2016 at 0:48 PM, billd766 said:

    IIRC most of the time when someone commits a crime the sentence is reduced if they plead guilty. However he has only pleaded guilty on the least of the charges so in theory if he is found guilty on the other 4 charges he will get no discount on his sentences.


    With a bit of luck they will run consecutively so he will spend more time in jail.

    never mind with a bit of luck...can i wish that they throw away the key?

  9. On 29/11/2016 at 3:25 PM, tutsiwarrior said:


    yeah...I ended up removing the SD card from the phone and inserting it into the laptop to transfer the files...but, what I'm sayin' is that you shouldn't havta do that, that it should be auto available in the file explorer on plug in to the laptop...it's all 'apps, apps...thousands of apps...' total BS...

    Me too, Tutsi...just switched from a dumbfone to a smartfone. So many apps, so little time to waste,  finding out if I want them or not. Thank to the OP, as music is something I do want on my phone.

  10. On 23/11/2016 at 6:34 AM, NumbNut said:


    Just too funny... this clown Erdogan can live with the consequences of trying to take his country back to the middle ages!


    The EU is having a tough enough time as it is, it would have zero credibility if it admitted Turkey under this draconian dictator.

    watch who you're calling a clown. We're a professional, non-denominational multi rainbow coalition; anyone who crosses us will pay.

  11. 18 hours ago, anthos said:


    We have just been told by another Issan native that flowers are not seen as a normal gesture of politness there and don't count as a gift because "you can't eat them".

    Not quite in the circumstances you mention. but we bought some flowers to the hospital for  a sick Thai friend. Told no way' flowers are for when someone, they die'.

    on a more realistic note, the bigger (read, more expensive) gift he brings, it is likely he is raising the bar for expectations for future gifts. A bottle of Thai brandy should be the max. Preferably, with a case of beer. 


    Otherwise, Thaibeachloverss has covered the rest of whats needed. Especially the small room.

    We had a German friend, with long-time Thia girlfriend visited our area (shes from here). Rented a decent sized 2 br house for a long stay, as they set about building a house.

    Family descended on them, totally mess, every day. 

    The relationship fell apart, after 3 months of the girlfriend cleaning up after her family (not knowing how  say no and not willing to take sides with the German man.) .

    Very sad, really - they were perfectly happy, until they rented too large a house.

  12. On 23/11/2016 at 4:15 PM, TheFishman1 said:

    The Driver Jump Out reminds me of an Italian Ship Captain guess he didn't believe in going down with the bus

    There are many instances of cowardliness around the world  not just in Thailand. RIP for all those killed. The survivors will remember, for a long, long time, seeing the  driver jump out. Even worst, has got to be how the school kids felt, in the moments before the  recent Chattanooga school bus crash - where the driver was heard to say,  ‘Are y’all ready to die,'” <CBS News>.

    That shook me up, some.

  13. On 23/11/2016 at 9:20 AM, simonuk said:

    It amazes me that people have such strong opinions on subjects they don't understand. It makes them look like ignorant fools to those who do understand the subject.

    Labeling him  a "druggie" is just stupid.


    I would counter and say if you drink alcohol and consume caffeine  take ibuprofine you are also a drug user. We are all drug users in that sense..

    Yes it's illegal but that's simply profit based politics at play . Morally cannabis should not be illigal. No one has ever overdosed on it.  It's no more addictive than masterbation or fast food.


    All over the world it's being reclassified as a medicinal herb but old farts that know nothing sit around drinking whiskey , smoking cigarettes banging whores claiming  this guy should be locked up.


    Screw the law. It's plain wrong.



    **Typed at speed on my phone...

    Simonsays...thank gOd for some sensible posts here. There's quite a few picked brains out there, posting what they know not off (I think Churchill said that, once).

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