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Posts posted by patongster

  1. Interesting thread, topics like this are always amusing. Like some others have said, if shit really hits the fan, foreingners will be the first to be targeted. That will go for all countries including western ones, but especially countries like Thailand.

  2. If telling them what you studied works against you then why tell them?

    Why not say you dropped out of high school, traveled the world, came back and need a job, any job that is?

    Anyway hopefully something will come along so best of luck.

    This is a common sense response, something the OP seems to lack having read the entire thread. Hey congrats on getting your Bachelor's Degree, but without common sense to go with it whats the use?

    Good luck by the way.

  3. I am a Caucasian male from Australia.

    The shock horror of it all... Really... Like a previous poster said, it's easy to play the good guy over an Internet forum, myself, I will call a spade a spade and be honest.

    You do sound like a man of limited education and worldly knowledge which is not your fault, but, its always best to think before you speak. Making judgement calls on a person with absolutely no knowledge about them, infact out of total ignorance, isn't very bright is it.

    Do I really "sound" like a man of limited education and worldly knowledge...

    I can only imagine what Thai people think of these farang scum bags with all the opportunities they have compared to the average Thai person, yet there they are living on the streets like the lowest kon kor tahn.

    I stand by my original comment.

    As for you carmine, go out and practice what your bleeding heart is preaching.

  4. Farang scum like those mentioned should be deported, might sound harsh but really they can go live on the streets in their own country.

    This has to one of the most stupid posts I have ever read.

    You know nothing about the person, why he is in this seemingly homeless situation and clearly you don't seem to recognise that everyone - given the right combination of unforeseen circumstances - has the ability to end up in a desperate situation. None of us know the situation so I am surprised that you would be so judgemental.

    In most western countries a significant % of homeless people suffer from a mental illness of some kind and fall through the cracks. That may be the case here. He could have blown his life savings on booze, holidays and women. He could just have easily have been robbed or cheated, suffered an illness, have no living family and few friends to call upon. We don't know.

    I pray you are never down on your luck and in a desperate situation having to face the sort of attitudes you have expressed in your post.

    Cry me a river man. He is a farang and its not Thailands problem, deport these scum back to their Country of origin and they can live on the streets if they wish. That is the point.

  5. This topic raises some interesting questions regarding photocopied passports, and how that information could be used against that certain individual.

    Let’s say that a business owner thinks they have been wronged by a customer for some reason, and they want to make life difficult for that person upon leaving or re-entering the country. Would this be possible?

    Most tourists will have their passport photo copied multiple times by persons/businesses for many reasons during their stay in Thailand.

    Someone I know was threatened by a farang business owner, who had a photo copy of their passport that quote “Next time you enter Thailand I could make your life very difficult.” Hinting that he would pass the details of their passport onto immigration with some bogus claim against them.

  6. I like it,

    Everytime I stay in Pattaya its in Soi Buakhao.

    I especially like to stay in Dianna estate, and last time I was there it was even better now you can walk to Central Beach Shopping Center, no more having to get multiple baht busses to BIG C.

    Cheap good quality food everywhere and I especially like eating at the nighttime market (if I can make it past a few good noodle vendors)

    Easy walk to Tony's Gym by cutting down soi chaiyapoon.

    Some dodgy looking farangs are the only downside, but hey its Pattaya and to be expected everywhere.




  7. I have visited Thailand 4 times for about four months time total. I have a good friend who has lived in Thailand for 6 years. I know that Thailand is not and will never be a perfect paradise. I find Thailand interesting and entertaining.

    I think you are going to be just a statistic in crashing and burning farang style in Thailand.

  8. Hello,

    Can my wife travel back to Thailand in the first 2 years on visa 309? My wife arrived in febuary this year, and we planned to go back next year for Songkran.

    But recently a few people have told me that she will not be able to travel out of Australia until her 2 years provisional 309 visa has run out.

    This is on her visa label:


    note that "MULTIPLE TRAVEL is the last two words.

    Thanks, Luke.

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