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Posts posted by patongster

  1. 400 pounds, that's lot of weight? how did you get that far? You must be large guy in frame, or densely muscled?

    I tried to PM you, buy didn't go through. I started bodybuilding 3 months ago, i'm hardly 5'5" only and weight 160Lbs. I can bench press 200 Lbs only. I use optimum whey 100% protein as only supplement. I'm looking for some tips on how i can become much stonger and put on much more body weight close to 190-200 Lbs, if possible without taking very strong stroids. I'm moving to phuket end this month and looking to team up with some pro B.B to gain more experiance specialy on supplemention

    Team up with some pro bodybuilder........very unlikely. What is possible is to find a "big guy" in the gym and ask if you can train with them, they may need a spotter etc, and go from there.

  2. Mate be very carefull. With the new anti-terror laws in Thailand you may very well be refused entry into the country. In a more extreem case you may be held in a immagration detention camp for up to 30 days or untill you can grow your mustache back.

  3. Patpongster, perhaps if you tell us your accommodation budget we can point you in the right direction.

    Also, do you prefer a complex with a swimming pool, room service, cleaning, central location, quiet, 24 hour security etc etc.

    Thanks for all the advice!

    Ok, I will be arriving around the 3rd of May. I would like to get away with 8,000 baht per month including electric/water etc. But that being said I don't mind paying up to 10,000 baht if I have too. As far as a central location goes I’m not too fussed as long as it is on or in walking distance of the baht bus route. Having said that, dew to the price I want to pay I don't mind it being out of the action a bit, to be honest I would rather something out of the action but not too far away. Another big factor for me is I would like something close to Tony’s gym if that is possible? No need for a swimming pool, but if it has one that is a bonus. I would like the room cleaned at least twice a week with fresh towels and sheets etc. 24 hour security would be nice also.

    Thanks again!

    ps, steve I will check out the breakfast buffet, wow 75 baht all you can eat! nice.

  4. I often eat the Diana Dragon Bar-B-Q in their restaurant. Great meal.

    I have only looked at the rooms but never stayed there. If you are on a tight budget they may meet your needs but the rooms are small and very basic.

    One bar worker I know, who spent one night there with a casual customer, swore never to stay there again, no matter how good looking the customer was or how much he was prepared to pay for her taxi home.

    If you are coming to Thailand for a two month vacation, you will have plenty of time to check out similarly priced hotels. I think you could do better.

    I can't help you with prices.

    Thanks mate! Looking for cheap long term accommodation on the net is giving me a major headache! Lots around 12k per month, but not much under it. I think I will just have to look around once I get there, but the little annoying voice in my head wants me to have an exact budget plan before I get there.

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