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Posts posted by patongster

  1. Hello everyone with contributions! My wife has just had the interview today, 15 January. I am hoping it won't be long until she gets her visa, but the person interviewing her told her there are allot of people to process at the moment and it will take up to 3 months from when we first handed in the paperwork which was the 8th of December!


    8th December handed in paperwork to VFS.

    14th December contacted for interview at Australian Embassy for 15th January.

    15th January interview at Australian Embassy.


    I was hoping 3-4 weeks max time left.

  2. Thanks for the responses guy's, well my soon to be wife will be changing her last name when we get married in Thailand, just wanted to know if It should be done before or after the Police check, (trying to time everything to maximise speed of processing.) Anyway I’m sure with the translated name change documents there shouldn’t be any problem if she has the police check before her last name changes, Thanks again.

  3. Not so tough now.

    Stupid to do but i don't see the problem if people want to do steriods. You cant get addicted to it and you dont harm others under the influence of it. Its your own body.

    AGREE. As this is a Thailand forum, I doubt you will find many people who will understand, just quote the media and their own misguided perception.

  4. Anyone know of any good companies to use for shipping?

    Maybe able to offer a bit of help. A mate recently sent a bike back to Oz in a crate. He was sailing a yacht back and should be back there by now. He had some shipping company up the road in Chalong take care of most of the necessary arrangements, including the packaging. Price I believe was very reasonable. If you like I can give him a call and see how it all went and also the details of this end.



    Thanks sportsman. Is this them?: http://www.advanceinterfreight.com/contactus.php

    Located in the center of the shophouses opposite the Roumong (sp?) School on Chaohfa east, before town, behind my favorite aquarium shop. See map on the website. They came in under asiatradinglonline's qoute by quite a bit. Ask for Apple. She was very helpful. They can de-register the bike for 1000 baht, which may be an extremely valuable service in the case of my bike.

    I will post follow-up to how everything else goes.


    Any update, I am looking to ship a scooter back to Australia in December, any help and information on costs appreciated.

  5. Does anybody have any idea how long it takes to obtain a spouse visa to Australia once the application is submitted? It says that it can take up to 3 months, but some people say it can take only a few weeks. Any personal experiences of how long it would take?

    My wife submitted hers in March this year and she got a call 2 weeks later to ask for an Australian Police check (which I'd already applied for back here) and another call a week later to say it was approved. 3.5 weeks all up. May have only been 2 weeks if we had lodged the police check with the application as she wasn't required to have an interview.

    Like has been said many times on this site but can't be emphasied enough: Make sure you application is complete, thorough and set out neatly in a folder(s).

    Why did she need a Australian police check as well as a Thai one? Does it have anything to do with how long she spent in Australia and if so how long is it? Because my gf would have spent 7 months in Australia by the time she applies for her spouse visa, thanks

  6. before anyone jumps up and down and shouts ,i love it in Thailand and always have.our neighbours are terrific and i have a good familly who never want anything(except her young brother,lazy sod),but its those in charge ,who always seem to want our money ,but give us nothing in return .things like double pricing,150 baht charge to take your money out of an a.t.m. draconian visa regulations ,not being able to own land ,ect what is it? they keep coming out with guff about making Thailand the perfect destination but to my mind its just b-llocks.

    what do you lot think?

    I don’t usually reply to posts like this but really,

    Thailand is called "Thailand" for a reason, it is for Thai people.

    Boo hoo, now you have to pay 150 baht to take money out of your bank in a different Country, why should the greedy Western banks make all the money.

    Did you ever stop to think what would happen to Thailand if they let everybody and anybody into the Country, let them buy up all the cheap land sending inflation and land prices through the roof making it unaffordable for their own Citizens to get into the market.

    Harden the fuc_k up, or go back to the Country you left behind.

  7. Well I handed everything required into my local immigration office today and I will update this thread when I get the results. We applied for 6 months, and required a chest x-ray, because the intended stay is now over 3 months. The immigration officer did say "We can't guarantee 6 months" thats pretty much it, and asked my gf some questions about what she has been doing here in Ausrtalia.

  8. My wife did the same thing I bought her over on 3 month tourist visa we also were going to get married and apply for fiance visa when we went back to thailand she stayed for an extra 4 months and we both went back together .

    It sometimes takes a while but all they do is give you a bridging visa until the dept of immigration decide .

    We are now happily married with one little 10 week old bambino.

    Good luck with what ever you do just check with dept of immigration they will say yes or no but I think you will be lucky :o

    Thanks for your reply, did you have to give them all the information again (pay slips etc), like when you were applying for a tourist visa? I have written up a stat dec explaining the situation.

  9. Hello,

    My GF is here with me in Australia now, we applied for a 3 month tourist visa and there was no condition 8503 - no further stay, so we are going to try and extend her tourist visa by 6 months.

    Anyone done this before? any idea on the success rate, should it be automaticaly granted? My reason is we plan to Marry at the end of this year, and want to stay together untill I can travel back to thailand with her.

    Thanks in advance.

  10. The "not valid for further travel" stamp merely indicates the visa was for a single entry only. ie you can't use it again for another entry.

    The 8503 visa condition (if there is one) means you can't apply for an extension of stay (further visa) while in Australia. (except in prescribed circumstances)

    Thanks for the reply's.

    She does not have the 8503 condition but the "no further travel confused me.

    How easy is it to extend the visa?

    What about a prospecive spouse visa, can she still go back to Thailand for a month if it was issued here before her tourist visa runs out?

    And do you have to get Married here by the end of the 9 months or could I do it in Thailand.

    Bridge your expertise would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Hi Patongster,

    Happy to answer any questions you may have - no problem with that whatsoever. Please clarify a few points though.

    Is your girlfriend currently in Australia holding a subclass 676 tourist visa?

    Is she intending to apply for a fiancee visa (prospective - marriage subclass 300)? If so, this visa cannot be applied for in Australia. It must be applied for offshore, i.e Thailand.

    Once issued, the marriage must occur within 9 months from the date of grant of the visa (Condition 8519). As CharlieB correctly pointed out, the marriage however can take place in or outside Australia, as long as the visa holder (as they would then be) makes an initial entry into Australia on the subclass 300 visa (Condition 8515).

    Condition 8515

    The holder of the visa must not marry before entering Australia.

    Condition 8519

    The holder of the visa must enter into the marriage in relation to which the visa was granted within the period of the visa



    Thanks for answering my question, she is on the 676 tourist visa.

  11. The "not valid for further travel" stamp merely indicates the visa was for a single entry only. ie you can't use it again for another entry.

    The 8503 visa condition (if there is one) means you can't apply for an extension of stay (further visa) while in Australia. (except in prescribed circumstances)

    Thanks for the reply's.

    She does not have the 8503 condition but the "no further travel confused me.

    How easy is it to extend the visa?

    What about a prospecive spouse visa, can she still go back to Thailand for a month if it was issued here before her tourist visa runs out?

    And do you have to get Married here by the end of the 9 months or could I do it in Thailand.

    Bridge your expertise would be appreciated. Thanks.

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