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Everything posted by placnx

  1. It's so light that it's easy to push start.
  2. I have been going to Dr Chalermpong at Ram for years. He does do exams before making a treatment recommendation.
  3. I had a washed US passport and laundered money while I was staying with a friend in the US. Maybe she didn't put too much soap, since the ink only ran a bit. The cash looked immaculate. I continued to use the passport for another 8 years with no complaints from airlines or immigrations.
  4. "When the Jews went back to their historic land, it was a barren wasteland—sand, desert and nothing else." This is a trope that has been around since the 19th Century, part of the original Zionist settlement campaign.
  5. In the latest attack on Al Shifa Hospital, IDF took away news reporting equipment, etc, so that there is little evidence of what happened. There was reporting that there was fighting, but around 100 m from Al Shifa. On a previous operation on Al Shifa, in an IDF guided tour of the "command center" in the basement, they pointed out the "terrorist staff list", actually a calendar, and showed off some Hamas equipment that IDF could have brought with them. Propaganda. It seems to me that all these attacks on hospitals are just part of a strategy to make Gaza unlivable.
  6. It will take the ICJ years to issue a definitive judgement. There will need to be sanctions long before that if another Nakba is to be avoided. This is a matter for the world to decide. It is not up to Israel's whim.
  7. Many Western governments still do in spite of their people being strongly in favor of a ceasefire.
  8. Maybe it came from a photo of holding the Israeli flag.
  9. Your statement sounds quite paranoid. You are the only person using the phrase "drinking blood of the poor palestinian babies" which evokes some Medieval Christian suspicion of dark Jewish practices. If Israel went back to living in the pre-1967 lines and did not threaten its neighbors, the Middle East could have peace.
  10. It would have ended long before the Ayatollahs if in 1948 Israel had compensated the 750,000 displaced Palestinians and returned movable property of the Palestinians people to what remained of their lands. Now Israel itself is in the throes of its own fanatics, not a happy prospect for the world.
  11. EVen the recent UN report had to admit that there was no victim testimony, only second-hand allegations of rape. NYT and other sources debunked a lot of the propaganda, but not before politicians in the West like Biden reported it as fact!
  12. Let's hope that the biggest losers will be the vicious settlers. In 1947-9 Zionist thugs forced 750,000 Palestinians from their homes in present-day Israel. So the world in concert should make Israel take back the 700,000 settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Palestinians in camps in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria can come back to inhabit the settlements relinquished by the settler squatters. "Several million Israelis against 2 billion muslims" Repeating this trope ad infinitum only increases the paranoia that has led to around 70% of Jewish Israelis approving the ongoing genocide.
  13. Let's hope that the biggest losers will be the vicious settlers. In 1947-9 Zionist thugs forced 750,000 Palestinians from their homes in present-day Israel. So the world in concert should make Israel take back the 700,000 settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Palestinians in camps in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria can come back to inhabit the settlements relinquished by the settler squatters.
  14. The campaign going on across the West to make criticism of Israel, in particular its policies regarding Palestinians, be categorized as anti-Semitism is intended to suppress legitimate speech, even outlaw it in some cases. There is a government ministry in Israel created to combat BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions). In the US this campaign is pushed by Christian Zionists who are a major force in the Republican Party.
  15. What they have done is genocide, but will Netahyahu, Ben Gvir, Smotrich, Gallant, et al ever face justice? It would take severe sanctions for the bubble around the Israeli public to pop, so that they wake up the horrid crimes that many among them have been committing for the last 6 months, not to mention their forbears in the last 100 years.
  16. He /she is probably referring to prehistoric humans. We call them hunter gatherers. They did not practice agriculture, but, by analogy to recent primitive populations, subsisted on plant products such as fruits in addition to hunting. It's possible that they consumed wild greens, but only a few really old stomach contents have been discovered so far. Various cooking methods predate the appearance of pottery.
  17. I believe that his column replaced one by "Maew Mong", a foreigner perhaps named Halliday, who did great Bangkok restaurant reviews. I tried some of these relatively obscure spots - quite impressed. I didn't like Trink's column, either.
  18. Maybe it all comes down to having filed a return. If you don't have to pay anything because your country's tax treaty with Thailand requires Thailand to give a tax credit, e.g. US, then you might not have any tax liability in Thailand, but have to file a return anyway.
  19. Here's a compendium of SMR projects - see attached. SMR_Book_2020.pdf
  20. Why don't you do the first 90-day by post after traveling abroad? I use EMS for sending and for the return envelope as well.
  21. Thanks. I have looked again at the Thai-US treaty and saw the tax credit provision, but if some specific elucidation is possible regarding calculation methodology it would be a great help.
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