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Posts posted by mgb

  1. Point to Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zum Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU .

    Die Verweisung des § 2 Absatz 4 Satz 2 bezieht sich ausschließlich auf die Regelung der Visumpflichtigkeit.

    Paragraph 2.4.4
    Im Rahmen der örtlichen Gegebenheiten sind ihre Anträge unverzüglich anzunehmen, zu bearbeiten und zu entscheiden.
    Ein Zustimmungsverfahren nach § 31 AufenthV findet nicht statt.


    The sentence from Paragraph means the Aufenthaltsgesetz is only applicable for the question if a visa is needed or not. More is not allowed.

    Paragraph 2.4.4 means the visa application has to be processed immediately. Asking the foreigner office in Germany is not allowed. 

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  2. Article 5 of the directive 2004/38 give the right of entry for family members.
    Article 134 of the schengen convention exclude provisions which are not compatible with community law.
    Therefore the visa code article 6(1) is not applicable for family members of eu citizen.

    The right of entry cannot be denied because the family member is not staying in his home country.


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  3. 19 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    I am talking about non-Brits getting a leg-up on the UK Immigration laws which is what the BBC article in the OP embraces. You are talking about Len from Dorking who retired to Ubon over 6 years ago but suddenly can't qualify for a marriage extension any more so when he wants to take the once beguiling Noi back home with him, he finds he (still) hasn't a pot to piss in.

    The story about Len is exactly the theme.
    If he want to fake a life in Ireland and get his Mia Noi into the UK via this scam route he has to find 25,000 pound first.

    The surinder singh route is not working without a corresponding Briton. 

  4. On 11.1.2017 at 8:47 AM, MaprangHolmes said:

    So emailed   JUST-CITIZENSHIP {at} ec.europa.eu  and got his reply, which if I am honest I can not make any sense off. 


    Dear Colleagues,


    This might be for you as it concerns general rules set out in the visa code.


    Many thanks,

    Kind regards,




    If you want you can ask them what they think about article 134 schengen convention.

    Article 134

    The provisions of this Convention shall apply only in so far as they are compatible with Community law.

    The directive 2004/38 is community law.

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  5. 4 hours ago, MaprangHolmes said:

    Anyone got any other ideas?

    A schengen visa can be applied 3 month in advance of the planed travel date.
    If you can prove the dependency of your mother in law you could apply for a visa for a family member of a eu citizen via the schengen application form in BKK.

    Mark other at field 21 at the application form and write family member eu.
    Field 24 mark multi entry.
    Field 25 the number 90 for 90 days
    Field 29 1. june 2017
    Field 30 add 179 days giving 27. September 2017

    That would give a visa valid from 1. june to 27. september for 90 days in this period.

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