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Petchabun Man

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Posts posted by Petchabun Man

  1. Totally disconnect from the culture or their people sounds like the many traveling and living here. The fact is the majority can really care less about the Thais or their culture. And they bitch and moan how bad the Thais treat them. I wonder why? HINT! HINT! HINT!

    A country that have to warn their tourist not to sun bathe in a bikini in tourists spots just so the will not ne sexually harassed, has a lot to be answered for and can not

    be called a tourists destination... wouldn't be much more prudent to be on a lookout for predators rather

    than shoo tourist away and thus giving Thailand a bad name?

    It doesn't take long to understand why Thai girls wear jeans and t-shirts while swimming in the sea...

    You got it totally wrong, probably due to not understanding Thai society and (if you actually live in Thailand) being completely disconnected from the people and culture.

    Thai people do not sun bathe, and usually wear jeans and t-shirt on the beach as wearing a bikini is like being naked for them. Only place the'd wear a swimming suit (and usually a very modest one) is in a swimming pool where it is not allowed to go in the water fully dressed, but most will put on a gown as soon as they get out of the water. You might view it as ridiculous and old fashion, but this is Thailand, the land of the Thais and if you come here you have to respect it.

    Being a tourist destination Thais are willing to accept that sort of dress code on the beach, but not in a park where you are supposed to be dressed up.

    As for the police explanation - again, you have to understand the Thai way in order to understand why it was explained the way that it was.

  2. You are a GUEST in THEIR country. If you can not respect their customs or beliefs LEAVE!

    It doesn't take long to understand why Thai girls wear jeans and t-shirts while swimming in the sea...

    It's called decency and sun protection. As a society we decided long ago to cover our body and move on from sex, hunt, gather to better things

    Walking around naked is not what society is about(especially in Thailand). Might be enjoyable for some when the woman is hot but most of the time its downright upsetting because its the ugliest whales that cover the least.

    The police are not using the word decency because the western civilization that mostly visits thailand have never heard of that word. Safety makes it easier for them to understand why they cant walk around naked and makes them a bit more scared to act out for attention by being naked in public.

    What are you, a puritan? Maybe you didn't notice, but it is now the 21st Century, not the 1600s.

  3. A country that have to warn their tourist not to sun bathe in a bikini in tourists spots just so the will not ne sexually harassed, has a lot to be answered for and can not

    be called a tourists destination... wouldn't be much more prudent to be on a lookout for predators rather

    than shoo tourist away and thus giving Thailand a bad name?

    It doesn't take long to understand why Thai girls wear jeans and t-shirts while swimming in the sea...

    You got it totally wrong, probably due to not understanding Thai society and (if you actually live in Thailand) being completely disconnected from the people and culture.

    Thai people do not sun bathe, and usually wear jeans and t-shirt on the beach as wearing a bikini is like being naked for them. Only place the'd wear a swimming suit (and usually a very modest one) is in a swimming pool where it is not allowed to go in the water fully dressed, but most will put on a gown as soon as they get out of the water. You might view it as ridiculous and old fashion, but this is Thailand, the land of the Thais and if you come here you have to respect it.

    Being a tourist destination Thais are willing to accept that sort of dress code on the beach, but not in a park where you are supposed to be dressed up.

    As for the police explanation - again, you have to understand the Thai way in order to understand why it was explained the way that it was.

  4. OMG! A foreigner that finally gets it. i totally agree with you. Sadly the majority think its asking too much. Would you walk around half naked in your own country ?

    A country that have to warn their tourist not to sun bathe in a bikini in tourists spots just so the will not ne sexually harassed, has a lot to be answered for and can not
    be called a tourists destination... wouldn't be much more prudent to be on a lookout for predators rather
    than shoo tourist away and thus giving Thailand a bad name?

  5. It's not helping matters . Is it?

    A country that have to warn their tourist not to sun bathe in a bikini in tourists spots just so the will not ne sexually harassed, has a lot to be answered for and can not
    be called a tourists destination... wouldn't be much more prudent to be on a lookout for predators rather
    than shoo tourist away and thus giving Thailand a bad name?

    What shit.

    If tourist are stupid enough to wear skimpy bikiki and things in public parks they are asking for trouble as parks are more a place for Thai families. With children, so they should respect that. Keep it for the beaches. Fair play to the police on this case, he could have just saved them from being raped. Or worse.

    Ahhhh, so a girl n a bikini gets raped and its her fault. I get it.
  6. Sadly the majority of foreigners in Thailand don,t seem to get that. It's the i,ll do as i damn please attitudes of the foreigners that piss off the Thais. Seen far too many half naked foreign women walking down main street and into shops. I wonder why the Thais do not respect us. Get a grip this is Southeast Asia not Brazil !

    It doesn't take long to understand why Thai girls wear jeans and t-shirts while swimming in the sea...

    It's called decency and sun protection. As a society we decided long ago to cover our body and move on from sex, hunt, gather to better things

    Walking around naked is not what society is about(especially in Thailand). Might be enjoyable for some when the woman is hot but most of the time its downright upsetting because its the ugliest whales that cover the least.

    The police are not using the word decency because the western civilization that mostly visits thailand have never heard of that word. Safety makes it easier for them to understand why they cant walk around naked and makes them a bit more scared to act out for attention by being naked in public.

  7. Learn Thai ? 99.999 % that live here don,t bother they have their so called girlfriends to talk for them. I wonder why so many foreigners have problems here? Hint! Hint!

    If you want big city - BKK

    If you want beach town close to BKK - Pattaya

    If you want decent city but more rural Udon

    If you want mountains - Chiangmai / Chiangrai

    If you want nothing but peasant rural plenty of places but learn Thai.

    What do you want?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. Mass tourism is only destroying much of Southeast Asia. In a few more years it will look much the same as the place you left. More 7-11, Pizza Hut, KFC, Dairy Queen, Starbucks, McDonald's and resorts everywhere , Thailand is losing its charm and is attracting more and more very questionable and trashy looking foreigners. YUK ! YUK! and YUK!

  9. Once the foreigners start showing up and with it their often nasty disrespectful attitudes kiss paradise goodbye. Watched numerous places destroyed because of them and greedy Thais that believe cement = money. It just makes everything look trashy.

    I really hope things do not pick up, Thailand does not deserve that it does. I went to Ko Samet in 1994, now look at it, ruined! Thais would concrete over the beeches if the price were right.

  10. why take a bar girl in the first place if you are serious about a REAL relationship ? But that might mean having to learn Thai and having to deal with other serious self issues first.

    Ha... I think it's more pathetic if you are rich and still have to be with a bar girl smile.png

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. agree with you. but communicate with their Thai girlfriends? seen too many that can barely speak English. Always wondered what they talk about besides hand signals and pointing at their wallet.

    The 'phenomena' of little children swimming around to take the coins, is as much a tradition as the floating of the Kratongs themselves . . . . . Perhaps, if Falangs would actually "communicate" with their Thai' "better-halves", they would know this . . . . . .

  12. The shop would be on my list of places to never return. Too bad you could not give us the name and location to boycott the weasel.

    I remember going to MBK with my wife; who needed( wanted) a new handbag. She went shopping at all the small shops, while I went for a coffee.

    When she decided which one she wanted and had bargined for the best price, she called me to pay.

    After paying and while we were leaving the store owner asked( In Thai Language) her why she had bargined down the price if the Farang was

    going to pay. Adding the Thai people need to stand together. The shop owner was really angry !

  13. You enjoy getting over charged ??????? Your joking right? Otherwise you are part of the problem.

    I like when I go to a restaurant and order the same food as another table and get charged double what they are charged. Because I am rich and I love Thai people and it's always good to be complimented and to be thought of as upper class and to be respected.

    My biggest complaint is that chain restaurants do not have a dual pricing system. I almost had a heartache at KFC when they insisted I pay the same prices as the rest of the customers.

  14. I agree that the loud music drives me nuts also. But then again i am very careful as to where i live. Here are some options. (1) Realize your in Thailand. (2) Move to a quiet place and make sure your neighbors , have no dogs, are over seventy, have no kids, nor motorbikes. (3) Live near loud foreigners, maybe you can adjust to them. (4) Buy the loudest stereo money can buy and point it in their direction when they are sleeping. (5) buy some headphones that will block out a jet airplane at three feet away. (6) Drink yourself silly, nothing will matter. (7) Move to Alaska my nearest neighbor there is six miles away by boat. (8) Deal with it. (9) Pack your bags and get on the next plane. (9) is likely your best option.

  15. Those are Euros. Sorry Americans tend to dress much better than the slobs you speak of.

    Race yes. Culture and behavior ... hmm.

    Culture and behaviour are as diverse as race. The lack of please and thank you in Russia shocked me initially but

    it is not a mark of impoliteness, just a cultural difference.

    Those unable to accept behavioural or cultural differences should really stay in their own country.

    It is the differences in both that make living in a multicultural society so interesting.

    I'm not a moron, dude.

    I know all about Russian cultural differences. Duh. Such as the not smiling.

    My grandparents all spoke Russian and made really good borscht, much better than I've had in Pattaya.

    But am I correct that you don't live in Pattaya and take the baht buses regularly when the Russkies are in town?

    The way they act, many of them, not all, is truly atrocious.

    They push and shove to get on the buses at the Jomtien queue much worse than any nationality here.

    The queue minders need to carry weapons and I kind of don't blame them.

    Then they don't make space for others when it's crowded.

    I was NOT joking about sitting on them. To get a seat, I REALLY do quite often need to sit on them.

    And the people I sit on are ALWAYS Russians. Coincidence? Not a chance.

    It's like they are 100 percent oblivious to anyone outside their group, unless they are also RUSSKIES.

    No, this is real.

    The American way of describing such obnoxious brutish behavior is asking: WERE YOU RAISED IN A BARN?

    Yes, dude, as I said I'm not a moron.

    I know there are cultured, educated, and polite Russians.

    I have worked with some of them.

    Not talking about them.

    Talking about the RUSSKIE HERDS here in Pattaya.

    Again, you don't live here, do you?

    I get it. You want to be culturally sensitive, multi-culti, tolerant, "PC" etc.

    I'm sorry. In this case that does not wash. The behavior I described is objectively very RUDE and awful. Can you even admit that?

    I apologize if I have offended any Russians reading this who are not that way. I know you are not all that way. But I'm sorry, the behavior I described is simply beyond being "tolerant" about.

    Thank you so much for stating twice in one post that yu are not a moron, that will remove all doubt..possibly.

    I lived in Pattaya whilst I had commercial interests there (not a bar) but the daily digest of farangs in wife beater shirts and socks with open toe sandals ( mostly American, I'm sorry to say) and

    stomaches that bounced lower than their knees as they waddled was just too much to bear.

    How do you know they are all Russians and not from a former Eastern bloc country like Ukraine? Do you demand a passport when you sit on them?

    Finally, I do appreciate your reminder of that intellectual hillbilly put down.

    Dude, have a good day.

  16. your kidding right?

    We'll get Russians this season.

    Many already here.

    Clearly not nearly as many as previous recent years.

    How to measure how many because of Egypt?

    Maybe there will be news about this from the travel industry. Maybe there won't be.

    Taking it from previous posts from you, you have traveled S/E Asia extensively. Good for you.

    Why is it that Russian Tourists (or Investors) have accumulated such a negative image of themselves in such a relatively short period of time ?

    Thailand is a truly cosmopolitan turf. All nations of the world congregate here.

    Only problem is: It seems,nobody likes Russians, And Russians don't like the rest of the word That may well be the root of the problem.



    just the effects of coldwar propaganda I think, most Thai probably couldnt tell the difference, and as a non US westerner they seem no different to any other eastern european to me

  17. This will thin out many very questionable foreigners living and hiding here. It likely in the long term will improve things. Those who have a serious (REAL) relationship with a Thai woman that have not married it could hurt. That is a very small minority. I think its a great idea the only thing i question is the amount in a bank account for six months and the required hotel reservation. That is NUTS!

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  18. Agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It amazes me how many people still brag about overstaying so many months or years. The usual reply "well, you don't know their circumstances" just doesn't cut it with me. They should be banned. I hope that the PM implements the proposals soon.

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