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Petchabun Man

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Posts posted by Petchabun Man

  1. This guy is dead meat already. But go ahead you will end up on the streets like 99% of foreign dreamers.

    Yeah I am here, read all the answers and here is my :
    My girlfriend has already a shop in phi phi more than 1 year.
    I met her there at the beach.
    I know to speak thai language enough to understand and make myself understood by others.
    I asked her about the problems you mentioned and she first got angry and she said that she doesnt know anything about this, and that there are many nepals that own shops and etc.

    So now I think about this method:
    Going to visit her for 2 weeks and learn the field,
    If it will look like we cannot do it (of course I will Ask the other not locals people about everything, even about the payment to the police as she said) then we dont, and if it looks like we can so we will.

    What you think?

    How long have you known your GF? How long have you been together? How long have you lived in Thailand? How and where did you meet each other?

    I hate to agree with the other comments here, but sir, sincerely, you are making a very big mistake. BEWARE...do not just automatically trust your Thai GF...they can be very cunning. Many foreign men have been in the exact situation you are in now and lost everything and many of them end up committing suicide. That's why you are getting the warnings from others here....it's because they care and hate to see another guy lose everything because 'love/lust is blind' If you have to put money into this venture, don't expect to see that money again. There is a high chance you won't. If anything, take your time, don't let your GF push you or manipulate you. You may think everything is fine now between you two, but if your relationship has any problems in the future, you're screwed. Yes, of course there are guys with good, healthy relationships in Thailand, and i'm sure there are some good honest and loving Thai women, however, the fact is, there are a lot of golddiggers and parasites in Thailand( yes, and in other countries) who have no scruples.

  2. My first question is: Where did you meet your Thai girlfriend that speaks English? Big problem #1 Koh Phi Phi. Big problem #2 I bet you do not speak a single word of Thai. Big problem #3 Opening shop with a Thai woman you barely know. Big problem #4 Getting married. #5 EVERYTHING. Sorry to tell you the raw truth but you sound like a common newbie that is about to get taken to the cleaners like thousands maybe millions before you. But hey go ahead and don,t listen. In less than a year you will be asking us how to save your ass from the Thais.

  3. Answer : #1 Cheap booze # 2 bar girls to get laid #3 Bar girls they can hire as a girl friend or wife that can help the helpless foreigner that can not speak a word of Thai . # 4 They are criminals on the run and not able to return home due to likely a long jail term. I ask that same question every day. If you hate it here so much PLEASE LEAVE. The Thais likely do like you for numerous good reasons. Stop moaning and LEAVE !

  4. drinks large amounts of alcohol BINGO!!!!! number one killer in Southeast Asia.and large amounts of foreign crap food ,KFC chicken, etc.

    hmmmm ...... what medicine was near the sofa ? where was his mobile & wallet ? where was his thai gf ?

    too many suspicious gaps .... 51 years old is not a dying age .... if he was in his 70's yes .. but not 50's.

    Sorry, but the demographics tell a different story. Many foreigners drop dead from heart attacks, The characteristics of these people include;

    - smoking

    - obesity

    - pre-existing health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, pulmonary disease

    - high consumption of alcohol

    Thailands resorts attract foreigners with the above characteristics. It's a concentration of high risk people. As a result, when these folks die it skews the numbers.

  5. So why do you live here? Another foreign criminal on the run?

    I get sick of living with these thai girls, 3 days is enough for me as they want to watch thai tv or thai music on youtube - has anyone seen this pile of utter <deleted>? I had to sit through it the other night - thank goodness I am on my own again and no more thai stuff on the tv / her tablet


  6. Agree . Wonder how long they would last in Alaska. What bar does she work in ? Pants any shorter she may as well be naked. Hope she avoids any temples.

    Must be mentally challenged, how could anbody get lost on Ko samui, i resided there 21 years ago and walk 90% of mountains A pushbiked , this could go in the running for the darwin awards, amazing

  7. The foreigners tend to be their own worst enemy. Alcoholics tend to attract trouble wherever they go. Never had a problem in a Thai bar. Foreign bars i just avoid. Too many dumb apes.

    Yeah.....All you can drink for 800B....One guy of 6 takes his shirt off and gets bounced.....

    Trouble already....The bouncers see 6 guys giving the uncomprehending drunken confused/angry/macho men stares while trying to figure out what's happening → and it's on......

    Amazing - same stuff from the same areas over and over.....

    Swimming with the sharks and chumming the waters at the same time.....Easy targets......by the looks of it too drunk to defend themselves and more to it than what they disremember....

  8. My hunch is the foreigners were likely drunk and being obnoxious very common here. From my experience many both men and women should be avoided. After nearly sixteen years here with the Thais i have never have had much of any serious problems. But then again i am not a common alcoholic.

    It's always the case afterwards that they were the victims... why don't you tell us the chain of events prior to the bashing so all of us here will have an idea why u got your head kicked in.

  9. Lonely Planet is used by millions of lost idiots.

    Many " Farang " are their own worst enemy.

    They continue to " tip " all the time to Thai people who have now come to expect the tip as a standard way of life, when really, these people earn sufficient wages, and are no longer " poor people ".

    The " Farang Tax " placed at National Parks Etc, is a directive from the present Government who mandated a 10X charge for Foreigners.

    Does " Lonely Planet Guide " mention this ?

  10. your girlfriend is correct. perhaps listen to her more often you might learn something.

    Many " Farang " are their own worst enemy.
    They continue to " tip " all the time to Thai people who have now come to expect the tip as a standard way of life, when really, these people earn sufficient wages, and are no longer " poor people ".
    The " Farang Tax " placed at National Parks Etc, is a directive from the present Government who mandated a 10X charge for Foreigners.
    Does " Lonely Planet Guide " mention this ?

    Yes this is why my gf gets pissed off at me when I tip. She tells me it's our fault Thai people now expect a tip from Thais too. Every time we take a taxi now she ends up paying because she doesn't want to tip. She really finds it moronic I do this.
  11. I refuse to go to the parks anyway. As far as being overcharged for taxis, food or whatever. I understand the value of most items already. If i feel they are charging too much i just walk away. If a restaurant charges too much after knowing the price i never return as with hotels. If you plan to live here and not willing to learn some basic Thai you don,t belong here and you deserve everything you get. No excuse for not learning the language . Move to Spain you learn Spanish, move to Malaysia you learn Malay, move to Thailand you learn Thai. Too lazy , drunk or stupid don,t move here period.

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