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Posts posted by Rookiescot

  1. 7 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

    just seen the “shackles of westminster” and “ make their own way” !

    listen sunshine, westminster ( english tax payers) last year subsidized scotland with GBP 32 ( thirty two) Billion ( with a B) . Barnett Formula.

    scotland are broke & bankrupt without the english. sad fact.

    oil revenue share circa 700 mill. & falling.....broken institutions......snp again

    bright scots are mostly long gone ......or opposing snp .....

    little life left in the place.....

    scottish tax base now old, poor, young, unemployed,,drug addicts, sick.

    oh, and tourism , whiskey & shortbread.....


    any remaining smart businesses will soon depart to england if independence sensed.......then no uk govt. contracts or uk govt. offices.....

    leaving scotland with what exactly........ snp windbags leaving for EU....

    well, all peoples do get the govt. they deserve....EU aint picking up that corpse..... no return to UK either....... majority English wont have it......

    Then you should be happy to see the back of us surely?

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Jesus, these tossers have no idea of what a real riot is, 1973 Andersonstown or Andy pandy town as we used to call it, apart from the Falls road, Divis Flats, the Creggan & places like Londonderry where we used to get bricks, bottles, petrol bombs & shot at plus the occasional bomb just to add to the fun, these guys have it easy, wait till the protestors ramp up the anti, then they'll know they've been in a fight.

    Divis flats was always a giggle. Getting old fridges, cookers and freezers dropped on you.

    Oh how we laughed.

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    And perhaps one might add "see you Jimmie" as that is what is really driving this exchange!

    Does it really irritate you so much that another country would want to free itself from the shackles of Westminster?

    After all the countries which have gone before and never looked back?

    Must be really annoying to think that so many countries have tasted freedom from English exceptionalism and enjoyed it.

    Still. Its a win win isn't it? Scotland gets to make its own way in life and England can become the racially pure Brexit utopia everyone wants it to be.  

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  4. 30 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

    clearly the above adult political analysis & home truths are well above the rather dim scotnat comprehension level...... cant help you there .....perhaps wait until you’re at O Level English skill level....... 

    O grade English means basic grammar such as sentences, should start with a capitol letter.

    It also taught me that any written correspondence should be easily understood and structured. 

    Perhaps you can come back after you have mastered these basic concepts of your native language. 

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    The UK left Afghanistan in 2014 

    No we had a troop reduction in 2014 which was subsequently pretty much reversed. 

    The full troop removal only happened about a month ago. And look what has happened since. Its going to end up as an Afghan civil war. North v South.

    Sad really given all the advances and sacrifices those who served made. They truly did make a difference but their hard work, losses and pure endeavor will have been for nothing it seems.

    Once again the troops win the battles but the politicians lost the war.  

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

    snp pushed the “generational” indyref vote 

    ”generation” common definition is 25 years so circa 2040 ?

    Gove pushing for Scottish Tory Votes with his “ settled will” 3rd ref bs.....

    shetlands & orkneys want Crown Dependency status not snp socialism

    now been two scotty indyrefs in my lifetime. enough. I’m half Scots btw....

    revoke the stupid Devolved UK Parliaments by Bliar.

    govern UK from Westminster again.

    anybody now seeking to break up my country like the power-mad regional governor Sturgeon and her 1.3 million snp votes ( from possible 4. 3 mill ?) should be facing potential Treason Charges & UK Aid Cuts ..........raise your own taxes if you vote snp & independence.........

    and resurrect your own dead language if you hate the English so much....


    rookiescotnat: your funny “question” already answered in my post .......

    you know, the “ people prefer to rule themselves” bit ?

    Are you OK?

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Oh really.


    "In 2020/21, the United Kingdom spent approximately 44.6 billion British pounds on defense, an increase of two billion pounds when on the previous year. Compared with 1996/97 when the UK spent approximately 22.1 billion pounds on defense, there has been a net increase of 20.1 billion pounds. When adjusted for inflation, defense spending in 2019/20 is 8.5 billion pounds larger than it was in 1996/97."



    Is it at the same level as 2008?

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

    I'll throw an American  hand grenade.


    From reading about this topic for years on here, maybe the best answer is to have the English & Welsh vote on Scottish independence.


    From my non scientific analysis, pretty sure the SNP would get the result they want!


    .....over to you boys lol

    They probably would. But then again the English and Welsh voted for Brexit so probably not a good idea really.

  9. 3 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

    As one of those clearly evil Americans, I don't really want to get in the middle of some internecine fight.


    But looking from afar, isn't the overall lack of surface ships a problem?


    An aircraft carrier is a wondrous sight, but it needs to be part of an overall carrier strike force to be in any way effective?


    At a bare minimum 2 destroyers or frigates, supply and logistic ships and as in often the case with the USN submarines.


    Take those from the available fleet for one aircraft carrier and it puts stress on the remaining activities of the Royal Navy



    You are absolutely correct. Sadly the UK defense budget has been slashed by Conservative governments year after year. Ironically When we have had Labour governments that was not the case. But somehow the Conservatives keep managing to convince the electorate they are the party which supports our armed forces.

    The commissioning of fleet carriers has meant the Royal Navy has had to cut many other assets which is why we now have a ridiculous spectacle of carriers with no planes.

    Hence we have to "borrow US assets" but call it "a joint exercise" if the carrier actually goes somewhere it might be threatened.

    This is not unique to the Royal Navy. Speak to any of your compatriots who have served alongside the British army and they will tell you the same.

    The US army actually called us "the borrowers".

    To its credit the US army always did its best to accommodate us when we were on the scrounge for kit.    

  10. 8 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    Yep, nothing to worry about at all. Just another embarrassing defeat for the Anti English SNP and their nationalist extremist supporters.


    All a bit of a waste of time though. Maybe we'll allow it in a decade or so, once Covid has blown over and even the most blinkered Remainers have seen that the UK is thriving outside of the corrupt protectionist racket that is the EU. No rush...

    Oh you will allow it will you?

    Very magnanimous of you.

    How about Scotland just holds a referendum and you English nationalists get advised of the result. Thats whats going to happen anyway.  

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  11. 8 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Nah, the only "Sassenach Experience" I've ever had was with a bartender on Sauchiehall hall St who didn't want to serve me (I had just finished work & was wearing a suit & tie at the time), guy kept serving everybody around me but wouldn't even acknowledge me... I'm out with 6 (thirsty) Scottish lads & it's my round so, as you can imagine, that attitude didn't last for long...  


    Most likely that was nothing to do with you being English but because you were wearing a suit and tie ????

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  12. 7 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Last time I did that I put on 3 stone (19KG) in 3 years... 


    But what a 3 years :), even got to meet Oasis (Both Gallaghers) & Chrissie Hynde (Pretenders) during my stay at the Copthorne (As was on George Square) & experience a few nights out in Clatty Patts (Cleopatras).... 


    My favourite story was me driving from Warrington (NW of UK) to Glasgow to get on a coach to Blackpool for the weekend - It was a Scottish FA Cup FInal weekend (Rangers were playing) but on the same day England were playing Holland so we hit every pub in Blackpool until we found one showing the Scottish FA Cup game... Jagged Thistle what a day out ????     




    Happy Days ???? 





    Surely you were subjected to torrents of abuse from the English hating Scots that roam the streets looking for people to beat to death?

    I am assured this is the case by many of the Brexiteers on here.

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