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Posts posted by Rookiescot

  1. 3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    It was actually .

    The U.K were able to make its own vaccine without having to wait for the E.U.s approval .

      We had made a vaccine , tested it to out standards , began making the vaccine and injecting people , whilst the E.U were sure and wanted more tests to be done

    Only if we had joined the EU's vaccine program. Something which was unlikely.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    If you read the report, you will see that the reason why the U.K is falling behind in vaccinations is because some people refuse to get vaccinated .

       33 % of 18-30 years old choose not to get vaccinated .

    The reason why the U.K is falling behind some other Countries in vaccination  rates is because of peoples choice and its nothing to do with Brexit 

    I never claimed it was.

    However Brexiteers like to claim that the success of the vaccine rollout was because of Brexit. Which is plainly not the case.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

    nobody “voted to leave” the british empire.

    not bothered to educate yourselves on Great British achievements then...

    empire nations were offered independence (which other countries do that ? right, NONE) which was usually (but not always) accepted because people prefer to rule themselves incompetently & corruptly with great poverty & injustice & genocide (Africa prime example) than be governed fairly & properously by foreigners..... irrational collective human insanity strikes again......


    tiny childish Brit Haters can always surrender their UK Passport, LEAVE Permanently  & take EU Nationality / Residency  ...... right, thought not.....

    Right so how many have asked to come back then?

    • Like 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Its a new ship and will not be fully functional for a few years yet , we have our 47 of own aircraft , and are awaiting getting the full capacity , which really isn't "having to borrow American aircraft .

       The Americans were doing a training exercise  


    from your link 


    Meanwhile, the ministry also has been slow to buy F-35s. “From 2015, its intention has been to buy 138 Lightning II jets, which will sustain carrier strike operations to the 2060s. The [ministry] initially ordered 48 jets but has not yet committed to buying any more. In response to wider financial pressures, it will also receive seven of the 48 jets in 2025, a year later than planned.”

    No, we have ordered them. We currently have 17.

    • Like 2
  5. 25 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Incorrect .

    The U.S aircraft used the U.K Aircraft carrier for training purposes so that.............."This week a squadron of Marine F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters wrapped up nearly two months of training aboard the U.K. Royal Navy HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08), paving the way for U.S. and U.K. fighters to operate interchangeably when the British aircraft carrier leaves on its first deployment."



    Britain Spent So Much On Two Giant Aircraft Carriers, It Can’t Afford Planes Or Escorts (forbes.com)

    • Like 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    I was a teacher; NI + Superannuation were stopped at source monthly.  I even had many monthsworth of NI stamps from four years work  during my student holidays.

    It will be of little consolation but I and I think almost everyone else on here thinks it is absolutely disgraceful the way British pensioners are treated here in Thailand by the UK government.

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