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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 6 hours ago, MickTurator said:

    So an extension based on retirement is not covered with this new online service.

    I saw this: 6. Resident families And I think since this isn't quite sorted they will include retiree "residents". I remember during covid with the certificate of entry application it didn't show the non O as a category and I was told to use the OA category. That's the kind of thing I suspect here. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, MaiChai said:

    How about modernising the Tm30 system; its almost unusable and we have given up and just go to a police station instead. That is the report where you are staying in 24 hours process, which you need to do if you stay at your Thai wifes house (and not a hotel, etc, where they do it for you).

    When traveling it has been done online for me, also when I do my 90 day report. I did my 90 day online last time. I'm surprised if you can't do the same with your TM30. But it may vary for region? Well good luck to you anyway, chok dii krap

  3. 6 hours ago, lujanit said:

    How can a man charged with rape not have his Passport taken off him and not placed on a no fly list?  This is a almighty screw up by the UK justice system.

    If he were charged and released on bail, how many hours does it take to jump on a plane after being charged? I don't know anything about the UK courts, in the US he would have likely been held without bail given the severity of the crime.  But like you say there are many holes in the process, it was likely that the passport would have been taken or cancelled at his arraignment hearing which he skipped out on. In the US it's common for criminals to be caught at the airport before they almost got away, and just as common for them to successfully escape. There are a lot of scenarios. I'm just speculating. It stinks, but sometimes due process is there to preserve the rights of individuals who have not been tried or convicted and it is the process that opens up the loopholes.  On the other hand, I see his photo all over the internet, and criminals are usually not as smart as they think they are, so eventually he will likely screw up and be caught. Where could he go from Thailand? His passport was likely cancelled immediately, so he PROBABLY is still here hiding, and will be caught eventually. How is he going to support himself? It's not like he has the money of the Red Bull heir, or the clout of a law enforcement officer. He may be caught doing SOMETHING illegal, and that will be it. I read elsewhere that he is still here, which makes sense if his passport was cancelled and he doesn't dare expose himself to Thai immigration. We can only pray he doesn't commit another violent act in the meantime. Cheers.

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  4. 51 minutes ago, malt25 said:

    My first thought when reading this was "Google translate - notoriously inaccurate". I agree this was true some time back, but find the Google translation very handy & accurate these days. Am I missing something ?

    It depends on what you're trying to translate. Single words are OK. Short phrases can be accurate, but the longer the phrase the more incomprehensible. The biggest reason is that Google does not hear and translate the tones in Asian languages which contribute to the meaning of words. It also has a hard time with syntax, which is often reversed or absent completely.

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  5. All kidding aside, at least there was no bloodshed and no one died. In the US the guy would have had an AR15 and been randomly mowing down everyone within range. Yeah, you don't have to remind me of that terrible school tragedy, but in the US it happens about once a week. Just before I left my house in the US to come back here a gang shot up a guy at a house 100 meters from mine, hospitalized in critical condition, don't know if he made it. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, dcalaska said:

    About time. I hear many GRAB delivery bikes in my area with modified exhaust. Wish the GRAB company would require the delivery drivers use NON-modified vehicles. 

    I hear about 10- 20 % of vehicles with modified exhaust over all. The police should follow the law and get them off the public streets, destroy them forever, and fine the drivers 50,000 B.

    Why anyone would advertise via loud exhaust they are insecure in their manhood, ( small penis), is beyond reason.

    That's not what's going on in their minds obviously. They think people are impressed. Or they're impressed with themselves. Wouldn't it be funny if someone did a study and publicized it, showing that people making loud vroom vroom generally had smaller penises? maybe it would stop, haha. 

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  7. 21 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Anyone wearing valuable gold, watches, or jewelry out on the streets of Pattaya at night, towards the end of a 2 year long pandemic which has seen unemployment, and homelessness skyrocketing, and incomes plummeting, has to be considered a fool, and does not have my sympathy.

    Darwin was right. The theory of natural selection, means we all have to exhibit certain survival skills, and common sense, to thrive in this world. Self protection is just one of those skills. Some have it, some do not. Those who do not are prey for the darker spirits who live like vampires, feeding on the misfortune of others.

    That goes for streets in general at night, cities and bus stations, pretty much anywhere there are crowds and cover. I can't see why anyone would wear expensive stuff anywhere but to an appropriate fucntion or celebration. Like the Oscars maybe? But these people seem heII bent to try to impress whoever they think is impressed by their trinkets. 

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