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Jonathan Swift

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Everything posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. Not only that, but with the new policies of intolerance to corruption, any one of these "agents" could take a hit along with any of their clientele. As you say, tolerated does not make it legal. So continue to ask questions until you are sure of yourself.
  2. No different from a hundred other countries. Thailand is simply a lot sillier in its methods
  3. I went back and watched some reruns of this show, and it was really a well done and well acted comedy. Carter and Pyle characters were played so well off of each other, each one brought his character convincingly to life. Those shows stand up even now. "memories". Yup, I'm old, 66
  4. And your home country is perfect? Has nothing of the sort?
  5. I'm just someone who observes but knows his opinions are not based on any comprehensive insight into the given subject. It seems to me that immigration enforcement should search all of the Chinese passports on file, as well as any permits issued, and track these people's movements, looking for any red flags. I don't know what else to suggest, but Chinese organized criminals are a horrible scourge tainting an otherwise wonderful place.
  6. From Iraq, too bad he didn't just seek asylum. I think stupid and careless, but harmless. Sad story
  7. Let's do the math and add some business sense. If this happened in the US, as you may know, the cost to settle after a lawyer got involved would likely be a million DOLLARS or more in negligence and punitive damaes,. In this case, the original fee was 2500 baht. The victim sought 200,000. Now they cry about lost business, but they were warned and could have prevented it. If that lost business is 80 lost customers that equals the 200,000 baht. How many customers do you think in the next year they will now lose as a result of the publicity? If there were an average one lost customer per day for the next year at 2500 baht, 365 x 2500 baht fee = 912,500 baht. And that's a very conservative guess. I'm sure they stand to lose at least that much, and they brought it on themselves. At today's exchange rate it's a little under 6000 US dollars. Measure that against the gross yearly income and the likely loss of "tourim". And so another example of that lack of common business sense that is so common. And, it's likely they could have negotiated down as much as to half at 100,000 baht. That is usually to be expected. Instead, the business owner decided to play victim and cry to the press, which only made things worse because now thousands more know about this and will not come.
  8. rather than make comments that are not based on reliable facts, and reflect little to no knowledge of the actual science, you people could actually research this yourselves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesium-137 and https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/emergencies/isotopes/cesium.htm There wasn't enough in that capsule to present any danger if it was smelted or burned unless someone was in close proximity at the time. The only danger would have been to anyone who handled it, or if someone at the factory inhaled fumes from it, and that is unlikely. That's the REAL science. But believe what you want.
  9. "You" and "they" could research this yourself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesium-137 and https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/emergencies/isotopes/cesium.htm There wasn't enough in that capsule to present any danger if it was smelted or burned unless someone was in close proximity at the time. The only danger would have been to anyone who handled it, or if someone at the factory inhaled fumes from it, and that is unlikely. That's the REAL science. But believe what you want.
  10. He who smelted it dealted it. I think they will eventually consult with outside experts.
  11. Anyone who uses one of the "visa services" had better be cautious and have some kind of backup plan, like learning how to do it yourself. Especially if it's the kind of service that makes that fake deposit of the 800,000 baht. Money laundering of that sort can be traced.
  12. Anyone who uses one of the "visa services" had better be cautious and have some kind of backup plan, like learning how to do it yourself. Especially if it's the kind of service that makes that fake deposit of the 800,000 baht. Money laundering of that sort can be traced.
  13. Racist comments are a violation of forum policy, and an offense to the rest of us. Self deport please.
  14. Only a heartless and calloused individual would "blame the victim" in a case like this. Especially not being directly involved or privy to specific details, but rather judging by a mere news story. I have no respect for judgmental narrow minded people who lack empathy or compassion for fellow human beings. Such people do not fit with the Thai culture around them, and don't belong here. People are emotionally vulnerable, especially when it comes to searching for love to fill a lonely life, it's how we're made, and anyone can be victimized by a good con artist. That's why romance scammers have proliferated unchecked for decades. No victim deserves it, or deserves to be vilified for making that mistake.
  15. These materials are often used in test equipment such as flow meters, thickness gauges, moisture density gauges etc. I realize creating drama in these forums is more fun, but you might try looking things up if you really want to learn. Such as, nuclear plants are in fact steam turbines in which steam is generated by nuclear fission rather than coal or fossil fuels.
  16. remember that even old farts like us were young once. My indulgences were in the 60s and 70s and if I hadn't wised up I might be an old drug addled grandpa right now. Undoubtedly this is a case of drug use being passed down through the family. I feel sorry for these people, the real bad guys and criminals are the Chinese gangs who traffic in drugs and human beings, taking advantage of the addicted. I know nothing of the subject, but I suspect drug rehab treatment is not a thing in Thailand, but I hope I'm wrong. My brother died of an OD at age 42 in 2002.
  17. And that's all there is to it. Harmless cosplay. And not illegal if it's not done to impersonate students. People who are full of evil themselves love to read evil intent where there is none.
  18. It's no worse than before, there is just more news coverage than ever.
  19. Why should they? It's their country, they are not the intruders, interlopers, disruptors. They have a right to hold outsiders to any standards they deem fit. How does YOUR country treat immigrants and minorities?
  20. I guess SOMEONE has to 'splain this to you - many are seeking to escape persecution and death because of the Ukraine war, or do you not read anything besides aseannow? I'm sure that is not what they tell immigration or news writers. I've heard it straight from the Russians themselves. So I'd say they're entitled to a symphony orchestra full of violins.
  21. Perhaps you're not aware that the citizens of a country are not responsible for the deeds of its leaders? Perhaps you are also not aware that many Russians are fleeing persecution, arrest, and imprisonment for opposing the Ukraine war? As well as fleeing because they don't want to be conscripted and sent to their certain death there? Perhaps you are not even aware there is a war in Ukraine? I just recently met and had a nice chat with a Russian couple whose answer to my first question, why did they come here, was answered with "because our country wants to kill us". So, just askin', where's YOUR humanity in all this? How many ethnic minorities are you afraid might take over your nice safe territory, in a country that was never yours in the first place?

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