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Jonathan Swift

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Everything posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. People are insanely jealous of anyone who has a happier life than them, cannot admit it to themselves, and there you are.
  2. If you're going to bother to write something why not use a little punctuation so that we understand <deleted> you're trying to say? Because what you wrote was unintelligible gibberish. You wasted your own time.
  3. Never happened. Any other made up stories you'd like to share? Here's a true one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_Rebellion
  4. Why do you think this prelude has been announced? Cracking the door open just a bit. It's their way of working up to exactly what you said. Incrementally. Do you think the hi so families are not already part of the discussion? Ha! They are probably leading it. Wherever there is money to be made the seas shall part. Combine the profiteering with the tourism angle and voila! It's just a matter of sorting out the size and distribution of the brown envelopes and the "taxes".
  5. Whaaaaaaaaaaa! Taking away people’s happiness! Those terrible Happiness Police! Ludicrous. Anyone whose “happiness” depends on an endless spigot of booze is not mentally healthy, and what they end up with is not real happiness. They just end up drunk. You can get the same effect by hitting yourself in the head with a hammer. Genuinely happy people drink less. I wonder why? Happiness is not the sole property of the rich. It’s curious that you are so jealous of your purported wealthy “drinking parties”. Is everyone else in the world always having more fun than you? Maybe it’s you, not them. Anyway you miss the point of the article. Thailand is entitled to take any steps it sees fit to as a matter of public health. It’s their country, not yours. Those are the rules. Any other inconveniences you want to whine about? Yeah, I bet you could go on all day. Over your endless drunken happy pints, to everyone within earshot, whatever your rant of the day may be. BTW, I enjoy a few pints on occasion, but my “happiness” does not depend on it. As is the case with most people.
  6. Nobody dies or goes blind from "home made" alcohol. It's only when it is unscrupulously spiked with methanol for resale that this happens. The term for this is bootlegging, as in bootlegged alcohol which is NOT the same as homemade. Nobody is going to spike their own booze with methanol. Duh. You do know the difference between ethanol and methanol, right? Most of us do. That's why God gave us wikipedia. Thanks for helping to spread misinformation.
  7. Ya don’t suppose they’re targeting the youth market do ya? Say it ain’t so!
  8. In the US the dog would have been impounded and probably put down. This is so heartbreaking, the kid will be emotionally scarred as well as physically
  9. I suspect that with this story and its photos shaming the guy in public he may change his tune, unless he is just totally stupid and inhumane
  10. You don’t suppose it has anything to do with deterrence created by being well armed with US F-16s do you? Nahhhh, too obvious. Your armchair insight into military strategy is staggering.
  11. Brilliant! Let’s make you president of the world! And what sort of magical powers do you suppose the embassy has over these circumstances? You may not like Russians personally, but they are innocent civilian tourists and deserve basic human respect as well as sympathy, they are victims of the war
  12. I've lived in Thailand 9 years. I'm really surprised at all the stereotype button pushing in this story by a supposed old timer who ought to know better. I've met some of the "typical" characters here, but nowhere near the seeming plague Rooster describes. I afford the story minimal credibility because of its obvious bias and questionable story examples.
  13. Your insight into world affairs is staggering! Right up there with your spelling skills [Nagty Putin]. My guess is that you comprehend less than 1% of what you hear and read, nonetheless you consider yourself an expert. The fact is that countries, governments, and politics are complicated and nuanced and operate in many layers, and cannot be simplified to the pre school level on which you seem to operate. Your comments are uninformed, broadly prejudiced, and thus meaningless. The worst part of it is your insensitive failure on the most basic humanitarian level to recognize this international catastrophe for what it is, and your failure to recognize the profound and genuine horror and sympathy expressed on the part of all of a united Europe. Your “Western govs” stopped being “puppets to US” a long time ago, if they ever were, further alienated by Trump’s retreat from NATO, the climate accords, and other commitments. But feel free to continue to embarrass yourself by parading your tiny world view for all to see. It makes the rest of us grateful for our education, verbal skills, and mental health. Instead of pointing your crooked finger at others I suggest you first take a look at your own humanity. Something is missing there. You can do something about that. That’s where you need the work. I also suggest you stop reading the news. You’re never going to understand it. Watch some cartoons or tiktok videos. Peace be with you nonetheless brother.
  14. Rest assured, a statement like that in times like these will get around fast. I live here, but I would support a boycott Thailand movement until and unless he retracted his statement and joined the rest of the world in condemnation.
  15. If they were afraid to publicly commit I would have expected him to say nothing. But I have never seen Thailand in a position to have to make such a stand on the world stage. What a colossal PR blunder for him to say this in public. I had tended to reserve judgment as to Thai officials and their silliness, but this guy is morally repugnant. Mark my words, he will regret his words, if he doesn’t already. Imagine the looks he will get from his peers and acquaintances from around the world. The verdict in my court is he is one $tupid MF.
  16. A quote from the Nuremberg trials. “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing.” And how much have we learned since 1945? Tragically sad.
  17. He is going to find himself not too popular in the near future. If this were my country I’d be calling for his resignation. If Thailand were attacked by Myanmar or China would he let things follow their natural course or would he be on his knees begging for help and sympathy? But I wonder who else is behind him in this. He didn’t come up with this on his own. What are Thailand’s hidden connections to Russian powers, oligarchs, dirty money, and brown envelopes?
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