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Jonathan Swift

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Everything posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. Yeah, comments sections are populated by such shallow and despicable people. They take pleasure in judging, it makes them feel superior, though they clearly are anything but. Like their counterparts in America whom I sought to escape from when I moved here.
  2. Your comment is despicably shallow and lacking in compassion. He had it covered - he had planned to move back, but fate intervened.
  3. Sympathy for you as well sir. Very sad. "Spock" Leonard Nimoy died of it as you may know.
  4. That goes for streets in general at night, cities and bus stations, pretty much anywhere there are crowds and cover. I can't see why anyone would wear expensive stuff anywhere but to an appropriate fucntion or celebration. Like the Oscars maybe? But these people seem heII bent to try to impress whoever they think is impressed by their trinkets.
  5. "local investigative forces prepared to swing into action". Where did these writers learn to write? From 1940s detective novels?
  6. For those too lazy to search and would prefer to make snide and ignorant remarks, here are a few facts, just one paragraph from the document of the Special Witness Protection Bureau: The Law “the Witness Protection Act BE 2546” (2003) provides for two strategies. 1. General Provision Strategy This is the more common strategy. According to the Section 6 of the Act, in a case where a witness loses his or her security, a competent official from criminal investigation, interrogation, prosecution or the Witness Protection Bureau, as the case may be, shall desire for the witness protection measures as deemed appropriate or as requested by the witness or other concerned party. Where necessary, the said person may request a police officer or other official for protection and this must be subject to the witness’s consent. Protection measures may include arrangements for a safe place for the witness; or change of name/ family name, domicile, identification, and information that would reveal the identity of the witness as appropriate, and the personal status of the witness and the nature of the Criminal case. The protection of witnesses in general doesn’t apply to the witness only but can also be used for those related to the witness. In a case where a witness’s husband, wife, progenitor, descendant, or person with a close relationship to the witness is affected by the person becoming a witness and would lose security, he/she may request the competent official to design or arrange for measures as deemed appropriate, taking into account the consent of that person. Protection measures may include arrangements for a safe place for the witness; or change of name/ family name, domicile, identification, and information that would reveal the identity of the witness as deemed appropriate, and the personal status of the witness and also the nature of the criminal case. 2. Special Protection Measures A witness in the following [types of] cases may be eligible for the privilege of special protection measures: – A case under the law on narcotic drugs, money laundering law, anti-corruption law, or customs law. – A case related to national security under the Penal Code. – A sexual offence under the Penal Code relating to the luring of a person for the sexual gratification of another. – A criminal offence in the nature of organized crime under the Penal Code, including any crime committed by a criminal group with a well-established and complicated network. – A case punishable with at least ten years of imprisonment. – A case that the Witness Protection Bureau deems appropriate to arrange for protection. Whenever there are explicit circumstances or suspicion that a witness has lost his/her security, the witness or other concerned party, a competent investigation official, competent interrogation official or competent criminal case prosecution official shall apply to the Minister of Justice or his appointed official to arrange for special protection measures, subject to the witness’s consent.
  7. The Thai medical and research profession is among the best in the world, better in most respects than the US, where I'm from. Do you think the cure is more dangerous than the disease? It contains human antibodies. You are full of human antibodies. Are you still breathing? Are you not aware that you can research this? I had no trouble getting the information I needed. I've been vaxxed and boosted 5 times, including for omicron 5 just this week. Just to be safe. I have thoroughly educated myself in physiology, virology, and infectious diseases. Just to be safe. I will be buying this without hesitation. Just to be safe. Eh?
  8. So you blame the well intentioned victim then? There’s an inherent risk in such circumstances, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth a try. In many cases the outcome is for the good guys. So no to the idea that he had no business trying. He had a right to do so, and he may be a better man than you
  9. Most of you who are smugly declaring you've never been vaxed very likely have actually had it with no recognizable symptoms. Get an antibody test and find out.
  10. It's possible he had a lot to hide - perhaps past DUI convictions, visa or immigration issues, license or insurance issues, car registration issues, maybe killed a policeman while driving drunk. So it might be that he gets treated differently because he deserves to legally, not because he's a poor discriminated against farang. Did he not just break the law by switching places? That speaks volumes about his respect for the law.
  11. It seems the new prime minister may be worse than the last one. Is this his idea of economic common sense, or is he just posing for effect?
  12. Interfering with the free market carries much worse potential consequences. Exchange rates go up and down in cycles. That's how it works. By the way, the definition of "overvalued USD" - is that YOUR definition? Did you write the book on world economics? If so I'd like to read it and become enlightened like you. And BTW, haven't I been hearing about Thailand wanting the tourists' dollars back? So if this helps "dollar carrying tourists" how is it not a good thing? They'll be spending more and dumping it into the Thai economy anyway. Don't answer, that was a rhetorical question.
  13. Without addressing the issue of fixed rate cabbies not using their meters in the outer areas such as Pattaya, Phuket, The islands, etc., this story is not particularly useful. I'm not an expert, but it seems that the local provincial governments have to be on board with this in order to really affect the problem with tourists being overcharged
  14. Remember it's also an era when people make a fuss over SOMETHING. It's up to the police to decide what to do with the information, but they still deserve to be sent that information
  15. Change is slow here. Hope nobody dies before GFCI can be universally implemented. That technology has been in the US for many decades now
  16. "various hazards particularly electric shock as happened to some students on Friday," Correct. Electric shock, not electrocution. No one died, no electrocution. ELECTRO-EXECUTION! English grammar class dismissed.
  17. For a non O retirement visa The re-entry permit is a separate thing from the visa itself. The visa will be single entry unless you purchase a multiple entry permit at the time you renew/extend. I do this every year.
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