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Don Chance

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Everything posted by Don Chance

  1. Cambodia here i come. Only $30 visa fee. Then i think Sri Lanka looks nice for some surfing!
  2. I think living a minimalist lifestyle is healthier physically and mentally for anyone. I started cooking my own food and feeling much more healthy than eating fried, msg, sugar etc. Chasing things, women, sex, drugs, bling etc. will just make you unhappy and not satisfied. Unfortunately Thailand is very capitalist and they want you to chase things and spend money. Working on your physical healthy can be easy too. Swimming walking, lifting rocks etc. are all free.
  3. I think you forgot the part about about a root canal?
  4. If thing that is expensive consider how much your money will losing to inflation. It could be earning 10% invested which is about $2100 USD per year. So your retirement visa is really costing you $2100 a year. And who knows if they bank doesn't misplace it. For me, no thanks.
  5. I suspect people are eating weed or drinking it which is causing more sever side effects. Side effects being paranoia and anxiety. People should avoid eating weed products. There should be some sort of educational program provided to the public. Overall i think it is good for many people to chill out who are otherwise rather tense.
  6. This one looks pretty good. Lots of good reviews. 198 baht ใช้ได้ไม่เกินวัน แย่มาก I guess you guys are right.
  7. Here's one for 189 baht. There is another on for 79 baht.! Are these legit, i guess the price has come down since the last time i checked.
  8. I use it for my skin. It is the best and cheapest product.
  9. A lot of Israelis and Spanish around, they love da weed.
  10. When the order is shipped it will tell you the name and phone# of the driver. I suggest you call the diver if it is COD and ask what time they are coming. Get a thai speaker to do so. They don't always call you or update their system. I won't use a CC because the additional charges for foreign use on my card. btw, i just got 1 kg of petroleum jelly for just 150 baht on Lazada. Good deal i'd say.
  11. Thailand and Thai's are not multicultural. They are mostly right wing, nationalists, religious fundamentalists. Statues is very important and in a capitalist country like Thailand, money means statues. This is why they will resent foreigners. If you want to be friends with any capitalists give them money, sex, drugs or statues. When it runs out they will be gone. If you don't give them these things they may try and take it from you. Capitalism always creates inequality, unfairness, resentment and jealousy. It puts people at each others throats!
  12. Easy. Just give them some money.
  13. 800k invested should make 10% a year or 2000 $USD. I would say that is too expensive for a visa. Not sure if i trust Thai banks, seems one too many stories of disappearing cash.
  14. I wonder if they are using chemicals to ripen the durian?
  15. I guess they didn't look at the violence in the family or society during their upbringing?
  16. Torrents are free.
  17. I'm no expert but i gather you or your RE agent finds a piece of land or property for sale and it is just written up as a 30 years lease with the lawyers. There is an option to renew but i wouldn't count on it. One problem is you have a 50% chance of living past 85 and you could be out on the street. Philippines sounds better, they have a 50 year lease. https://thairesidential.com/all-about-the-30-year-leasehold-in-thailand/ At any rate you have to do some hard thinking because if you invest the money and just rent the property you will probably come out a head and with less headaches. If you spend $100,000 on a property, it could be earning $10,000 a year invested. So if your rent is only $5000 a year you will come out way ahead.
  18. 30 year lease. Also lots of pollution up there in the winter. I would think twice.
  19. Use your google account and upload any data that you are not using now to the google drive. Also all your image photos can go to http://www.google.com/photos https://www.google.com/drive/ Then use one of the many free drive clean up programs. https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner lastly do spyware cleanup . I'll be you have an infecting! https://www.malwarebytes.com/mwb-download
  20. This is why they legalized weed in Thailand. Hopefully people will chill out and stop raising their kids with such violent culture. But that is how the right wing is, isn't it?
  21. If Thai's smoke it they might become lefties.
  22. Once you have your cloud set up in AWS it is very difficult to move it somewhere else. Invest in AMZN is easy money.
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