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Don Chance

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Everything posted by Don Chance

  1. I am tired of artificial aircon rooms. I like fresh air coming through windows. Not recycled mold and constant buzzing then to enter outside and feel a blast of heat.
  2. Seems Thailand is too hot! For most expats they congregate in Pattaya, Hua Hin or Chiang Mai.
  3. My other question was since it takes 20 working days to process the passport renewal should i get a visa extension right away before i submit my passport? What would happen if wasn't completed in 30 days?
  4. I am just a bit hesitant about sending my passport and application to New Delhi from Pokhara and them sending it back here to my guesthouse without a screw up. But since i have a 3 month visa now, i might as well go for it. DrJack54 I could fly Thai smile to BKK, they would probably be aware of the rules.
  5. Airlines use the IATA Portal to check these matters when you check in. Here is an example, for my late trip to Thailand . I present my Passport to the Check in Person. They put in my details and they know what flight I am goin out on and the one coming back. This shows them that in my case it was 29 days in the Kingdom.So that meant I was with the rules of "POOT" At the same time it tells them I do not need Visa . It also tells them that my passport is good for travel. Some years ago a person from Australia was in real Panic on Saturday, was flying next day and had less than 6 months. I did a double check even though I knew the answer . Just went in the IATA Portal put in deatails , it popped up clear to travel.
  6. Because i am in Nepal. Means i have to mail the application to the embassy in New Delhi. Which i guess i will do. But it would be easier just to fly back to Thailand in couple of months. here is the thread
  7. I seem this is ok to do. Any recent reports? I need to renew my passport, so next problem is that it will take 20 working days. So likely over the 30 days visa exempt i would get. So i would need to extend right away another 30 days, ya think?
  8. Wait till the discover the sandflies and jelly fish.
  9. I would go home for treatment or if that took too long i would go to India. I think India has the best doctors and prices, when you treat 1 billion people you tend to be on top of your game.
  10. Are you Thai? I guess not. I think you should assume you will never see your 4 million baht again. Better yet - just rent.
  11. I don't think that is true. I think you have to contact the airline yourself. The problem is if you need a refund, they won't issue it to you directly. But will help you change a flight. You can also try agoda.com /flights is a good aggregate next to google. Many online agent like gotogate will have lower prices. But will not provide an customer service or refunds so better be sure.
  12. What will happen when you split with your GF? If you want to move who will buy a 20 year lease from you? Probably hard to sell unless in a tourist area.
  13. Smiles. They believe that the guest is god. They also speak englsih. India has also done well with covid and their economy has rebounded.
  14. I entered VN by land from Cambodia, it cost $45usd 3 years ago. They bend the rules.
  15. Tell him to move to Cambodia instead. Only $300 a year for a retirement visa.
  16. I use Big farmer hat with flaps and also arm sleeves. Do as the Thai's do.
  17. Time to move somewhere with clean air from Feb to March.
  18. How about a heroin od? I want to go out with a smile.
  19. Softether, it's free. Don't need it very often.
  20. Where do you live? There is smog all over Thailand these days.
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