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Everything posted by villageidiotY2K

  1. some chemical is attached like this not sure its safe to live in his kind of coindition.
  2. Hi, as the subject while your house is under termite treatment, is it safe to stay in you house & also showering? Im concerned about the inhalation of chemicals they use, aswell as possibility of water contamination & inhaling termites. Please give insight to those that done this before.
  3. hi thanks for your inputs, i was so looking into this newly built spacious detached town house for a reasonable price, but this fooking temple making noises turned me away. how do the owners of the houses really feel when they can't rent or sell their properties because of this sacred temple? or they have to endure this noise terror because they can't waste their monies renting other places or woot. i read about an article here in thailand about some thai school complained about the noise temple makes due to their exam time or some <deleted>e. And u know what, 50 members of the temple came to vandalize the school and injured many. this temple <deleted> is really fooked up, and really fooking up with ppls lives. I feel like im gonna do some burn out or honk the beep to wake up the monks inside or near the temple in the wee hours, if they really make others forced to hear some obnoxious bonkey buddha clamined noises. Im kidding ofcourse!!! i found the link that i wus talking about, and some random cases just found by strolling, not respecting the people's right to worship <deleted> form 4am in the morning??? fooked up self consumed reatrds... https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/crime-crime/2019/02/25/temple-goers-asked-to-lower-noise-level-vandalize-school/ https://www.dw.com/en/bangkok-foreigners-blamed-for-quieting-a-temple-bell/a-45841003 https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/bangkok/2018/10/05/first-temple-bell-tower-now-mosque-lowers-prayer-call/
  4. Hi folks, I’m interested in moving to this fairly new detached townhouse but there’s a temple around a km away. does anyone lived near the temple and had problems with the noise that u got to move out ? im sort of aware they blast the speakers when someone gets ordained or something
  5. so whats the answer yes or no, or anyone ever claimed for vandalimsm or u only got a moped or somthing
  6. Hello there, im curious to know if ur car gets deep scratched with a screwdriver, tyres punctured, does the car insurance covers for them repairs? For 2+ class insurance from roojai. Any info would be swell.
  7. do the officers really check the details of the house such as qty of their husbands underwear in the drawer, qty of toothbrushes in the toilet, qty of male shoes business shoes if working etc.
  8. Hello folks, ive noticed this musty stinky smell coming out of my kitchen cabinet and im guessing below pic is the suspect drain under the sink. the plastic tube seems stuffed with gunk and i woulike to change the whole plastic thingies. but as the first pic, is the plastic white tube connected direct to the pipe? or is there fastners to tighten up by dialing? Or is it better to just flush the system with some corrosive drain cleaners?
  9. thats exactly my though as insurance wont cover for any damages if ur DUI but i found the news i wus walking about and at around 5min mark they mentioned that the drunkards insurance will pay for all damagaes except for his own very strange and i find this not the case for all, if possible some one pls check with their insurance broker?
  10. Hi folks, I just saw on thai news that some drunk dude crashed to like 19 cars, but he was on 1st class insurance and the news reported that the insurance covers for damage except for his vehicle due to hes intoxicated. is that really the case anyone know?
  11. hi there, i also invested few amount on NOK AIR on thai stock which became bankrupt, but ive still got it on my stock portfolio. Once theyre bankrupt, they need to give back the monies to the share holder?
  12. oh i thought this was a thai company ate only once around 5 yrs ago but not sure not craving since then
  13. u useless bonker u should have mentuioned ur destination was via ma.aysia u bonker. u are fired
  14. hi there, i got the same advice from some other here and i did that 2 days ago and they actually replied my email requesting proof of documents that i have contacted the airline, ticket no, payment invoice, etc how look did it take for u to get ur monies back after reaching out to em?
  15. oh so sad reading that you need a wheel chair, dont get me wrong airasia is my favourite ladies with those tight outfits in those small aircrafts, i try to sit on the aisle seat so i get a chance to sniff their body good and me bonkers susages getting cooked! if u know what i mean...
  16. hi thanks for ur advice. donmuang is a bit far from me places and with all that traffic i don have the energy for that how about suvanaphumi, do they have this help desk as well or are they just a counter for issuing tickets? my bad, actually i used the visa debit card not a CC. will that work even if its a debit card transaction? ive checked the status on bot and air asia APP for my case, still says pending. if it shows as pending refund, i possibly think the bank wont be on my side so do i have to take a mega phone put my voice recording on a loop on a cassette player and blast it infront of the airasia ticket office or whateva?
  17. Sorry folks who adviced to talk to the bank, my mistake, its not a credit card, i used the visa debit card... does claiming the bank still works? Also the screenshot i have, air asia mentions that they will refund, but no mention of time grame. So possbly banks might just say i gotta wait or contact to air asia again or somthing? (which is impossible cause they got no office for customers, no local phone number, no email
  18. do you mean they will refund sooon? cause i get no reply from any of their members theres no contact number in the thai office and im getting anxious that they might be a scam
  19. Hi folks, somehow even though i paid to asia asia via cc, then informed my booking was unscuccessful after they've collected my monies???? (not my cc at fault) i book a flight worth 32K on aug 12, ive tried sending emails to airasia, talked nonsense to this chat bot thing, and no reply whatsoeva on giving back my <deleted> money. as below scrrenshot, theyve escalated whateva and send email back to me soooooon, but its been 2 weeks and no <deleted> reply from these malaysians anyone expereienced this? how did u get ur monies back? they seems to have an office near the suvanaphumi airport opposite to novotel. but i heard of some sources that they wont help you and keep insistihng they are part of air asia group that does the booking and inisit to contact to the correct air asia representatives if any i dont wanna go there cause that kind of reply mught make me punch them in their face and i dont wanna getdeported just yet
  20. is it just me when i see smokers smoking, they look sad serious and about to cry always cell phone on their right hand fiddling something im a non smoker but a drinker
  21. Hi folks, my aircompressor is making this buzzing sound,so i went to the honda dealers to check the price. Cost of replacing compressor was 20000B at both honda dealers. (10000 for com, 6000 for clutch?, 1200 for labour , etc) My car is honda city. I checked the price online and was around 4k on shopee. The dealer infomred their price is honda authentic parts and they wont assembly if i brought parts from outside. I went to the local somchai garage and they wouldnt service compressor matters. What do u think my options are? my location is pattaya
  22. Hi folks, i sometimes view like multiple threads like below on thaivisa, and sometimes im not infornt of the computer all the time. below i see like a pause mark below, and im wondering are they running somekind of media or somthing thats using my bandwith? what are they doing as im abit concerned about my pc security these days. Cheers.
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