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Everything posted by villageidiotY2K

  1. i just want to see the gooey dirty liquid pouring out from the hole. my intial plan was when ramped up, put some dead mags underneath for safety. these dead mags are like 200-500 a pop. oh and i saw those metal ramps on shoppe for like 3KB, but its heavy ass like 6 kgs a pcs
  2. Hi folks, i've came across this on shopee, which looks like a rip off of rhihno ramp for the US. I would like to try changing my oil, transmission fluid by myself which i was keen on doing it for a loooong time. https://shopee.co.th/Car-ramp-หนุ่นล้อ-ยกสูง(-20-cm)-ซ่อมบำรุง-ล้างทำความสะอาด-1950-B-ต่อคู่-ส่งไว-1-2-วัน--i.115329010.23981802012 Anyone used them before? What its like? Is it safe? I can't be arsed to jack the car up and i dont have the knowledghe of jacking it. and im quite worried being crushed by the car. its gonna be a slow painful death i assume....
  3. i also got this vip gold thingy but i aint getting da deal!!! i think its like the agoda thing to make u feel important... (sorry my blood has boiled and im bashing ripoff dishonest agoda HARD ON) conclusion ; direct w hotel 700B, risk free cancellation via adgoda 1000B risk cancellatio fee with ill rip off feeling Im gonna take 300B, which is like 40% of the deal and celebrate have a cold ice coffee, cheers i feel much cleaner 5555
  4. im a 5 star dude but i can confirm theres no 5 star in thailand, only priced as 5 star but the qualuity & service is 1-2 stars. Welcum to thailand! so for meself, i dont waste my energy & money and those 5 stars places in LAND OF SMILES. (even at the gents club my dudes,i do it muself if u know what i mean(
  5. hi folks, i've just booked a hotel directly here in the LAND OF SMILES. on agoda it was priced at 790B and finally came up to 1000B due to tax service charge total of 17% blah blah and was informing that theres only 3 rooms left. I've called the hotel directly and i was able to book direct. I dont need to pay in advance, and agoda has a policy of 24 hrs cancellation period. (even though hotel dont) Price was 700B and i asked about the occupancy level and theres heaps on avail, misinformed scammed by agoda by informing me only 3 rooms avail. So whats up with agoda???? this kind of practice really boils my blood bro i tthink i will boycott this agoda thing and save me self some monieees oh one more think i noticed.... on agoda it mentions orignal price is aT 1200B and save 35%. what a cock of <deleted>
  6. yes can use thaisim in china access to google fb and such, but google map location is a bit off and takes time to pin point ur location which is stressful. so better to use chinese map application so they can also recoomend ways to the destination via public transport Chinese EV taxi are way cheaper safer cleaner and way better quality than thailand's banged up cars with some drivers tring to knock u off... u dont get the smell of semen like in thai taxis!!!! sniff sniff
  7. i have a standard 1st person insurance from bagkok insurance, does this nomally covers the rental car fees?
  8. Hi folks as the subject, when they are at fault and ur car needs to be repaired should they also be responsible for the car rental during ur car repair? what am I supposed to do catch a cab everyday?? Has anyone had battled this stigmas???
  9. Hi thanks for indepth info. I downloaded the True ISERIVICE and i checked the extra pack prepaid. Just wondering which package do you use?
  10. Hi folks, I would like some reco for cheapest and efficient sims package that you may know. Im in TH for 6 months out to Oman and comes back to TH and do another 6 months (repeat) I would like to keep my SIM active as for OTP purposes. I rarely call or recieve calls. Sometimes use net when in cafes and stuff. (Mainly use wifi at my condo for youtube etc) Is there like a prepaid packages which I can top up bare minimum to keep the number active?
  11. Hi transam, you seems to know the owner of this B-Quick? Could please help me out for him to refund me my money? Long time ago I bought a 4 sets of tyre that was put out infornt of their shop in chonburi bypass branch. I think it was on promotion and Brand was deestone and it was priced if i remeber around 8800B. I got it changed at this branch for my toyota innova plate number ทญิ9591 After one week tyre got like these bumps and I claimed them but they won't refund or exchange due to promotion or somnething. That time, I didnt know much about tyres and I think they were selling very old tyres. I dont have any evidence, but I guess they might have transaction history. I only used this chonburi branch once. To be honest, they shouldnt be selling old tyres or damged tyres, as it concern safety. And its bad rep for your company. Can please help me look into this matter and give my money back? I dont have innova anymore so please refund. I dont want vouchers or other somethings
  12. i had checked up today but are they really mechanics??? what are they looking for? do they really need 2 "mechanics" to check up on a hood? its good sprit on them for handling complaining farang's request, but just cruise driving and using their mobile as a flashlight really sums it up... i aint be using B-Quick again, they might be like putting diesel on a petrol car... just my opinion 😞
  13. Hi folks, around 3 months ago I got a clutch replaced by B-quick, and recently I have this same problem of hearing swoosh sound when pressing the clutch pedal like the sound of air hydraulic & I feel the pedal is sometimes loose or hard. They charged be 14000 Baht for a sedan and also seems to change the drive shaft seal?, master cylinder as stated in the invoice. One of my friend said its too expensive as he got it replaced at his Nissan dealer for 7000Baht all inclusive. Anyway, I think they do not specifiy the warranty period for clutch, may be categorized as others which the period is like 30 days? Anyone had this sort of issue with this garage and can they be responsible for their low quality or incomplete work but passing the warranty period?
  14. Hello folks, have anyone bought prepaid AIS or TRUE Sim2fly for visit to China? Were you able to access google maps, LINE, etc ?
  15. Hi folks, Im planning my trips to china, and as I read on their immigration site, all flights & hotels must be booked before applying for a visa. I feel its bonkers to book in advance and waste all once visa is denied. Is there anyone who counter striked this? Please kindly advice if you may.
  16. Hi folks, Ive been wondering how to these SIMs work? I think they are like valid for 1 year after activation, but anyone here use them and what are their adv and dis adv? (Dis adv might be with recieving OTP from banks maybe) https://shopee.co.th/Sim-Cards-cat.11044951.11045114.11045604
  17. Hi folks, does anyone uses critical illness insurance policy? Im interested to get the coverage for hefty fees for major illnesses. ive been checking checkdi.com but seems the critical illness area seems to be not working. Any old peeps out there got any good reco or any bad experiences with this policy if u would like to share to enlighten us all
  18. Hello folks, as the subject, what is the difference? Im currently on class 1 and I guess it covers all the shizzles, but as I read somewhere class 2 also does the same, but seems more cheaper. My ride is 14 year old banger, but im paying like 10KB for annual 1st class insurance. Maybe class 2 is at around 5KB. Class 3 is 2KB. Im interested in class2 cuz i need repair my car when crashed while drunk.
  19. dont mess with me boooi, it will get messy. oh well the thai moody HR finally realized im not da one to mess with, cuz im da gansta soldier. I've politey explained about the employment agreement conditions stated and whats up, u gotta do what u gotta do booooi dont mess with me, u know u gonna get messy sista. Anyway, i will be dismissed as planned on E/Feb, so will be one depressed hermit again... Anyone got some good paying easy jobs for me?, must be over 100KB & every Sat must be a holiday.
  20. Hi folks, I got a termination notice this month due to my performance....and working till E/Feb. But as I accepted this job offer, one of the condition is to have a driver pick me up & send me back home daily after work. Since I have started working at this company since Dec last year, I have taken 5 sick leave due to back pain, which I also submitted doctors certificate. Now the company decides not to have a driver pick me up anymore with out even telling me before hand. With this kind of situation, what are my options? *I've got this job via recruitment agency, but I'm worried if I inform this situation to the agent, they may no recommend future jobs....
  21. Hi folks, as the subject what happened? I haved used my Kbank for a while, seems theres no more internet banking Kcyber. Puzzled with their amzing website, came across Kplus seems app for internet banking. I tried to reg, but requirement is to be a thai nationl and need to provide national card id number. Whats going on?
  22. Ok cool my peeps. the problem was I had ad blocker on my chrome browser. Once I turned it off I do rcv otp now so it’s cool now yet I’m not happy with true that 60 baht increase without informing me anyone can reco cheaper post paid less than 380baht? Seems all other providers start from 399 these days I just need my number for otp or should I stop being a cheap skate?
  23. Hi folks I’m an old man but never had tooth filling before. I do floss before brushing my teeth twice a day and use tooth picks afterwards to remove remains but I’ve noticed at the back tooth there’s black rot between the teeth. I’ve actually informed this to my dentist around 2yrs ago and at that time they X-rayed and not necessary to fill just yet. I’ve seen some utube vids and process of filling involves drilling off chunks of teeth before plastering the hole and some says they regret doing so as it <deleted> up their teeth… I can clearly see the back teeth is rotting away but I’m quite hesitant to drill away and possibly damaging my teeth next to it. should I just let it go as the flow of nature and extract it when the pain comes? What’s ur experience and thought on this my peeps?
  24. Hi folks, I used to be able to recieve OTP from overseas bank with true-H, but about a week ago I do not recieve OTP after I login onto overseas bank. Does anyone had this problem and was it the True-H's end? Also seems they increased the monthly price from 320 to 380 baht without informing me. I use iphone.
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