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Everything posted by villageidiotY2K

  1. Bro I did it man I did it all by myself im the man and learnt new things feel guuud theres no leak cost from homepro jug 199, hose 16in 80b total 280b I gotta celebrate by some leo and salmon and cheese yeeehaaaaa
  2. Nah I’m gonna go to homepro get me self some cheapy and diy i ain’t want somchai sniffing my undies no thanks
  3. I see I though this stuff was like a filter. I tried to take the tip off and now the whole thing came off. the fuka got the terminal corroded and the male female ends can’t connect. oh lord jesus pls help me
  4. Ok cool it’s called the Faucet aerator do u really need this as skimmed through seems just controls the flow of water
  5. Hi folks, is it possible to change just the tip of the tap water just the mesh area? Or do u need to the change the whole jug? the mesh area is rusty and prolly got like gunk stuffed inside eeew
  6. the mayor wants to go home quick after a quicky before his wife finds out but with current traffic situation is causing havoc to his plans for a quicky and he wants this <deleted>ter solved quicky
  7. hello there. ru srettha by any chance? cus ur profile pic, if not forget me not
  8. correct me if im wrong, but whats all the hype with 1-2% rate etc etc? if 2% of 1mil is at around 20,000 baht per annum?? do these retired expats in TH got 50mil baht in their account or something? Im honestly am not sure as i dont have retired acquaintances. for myself this come across as thais filling their diesel up cus they heard the news that fuel price will rise 0.50 baht the next day... how much savings did u get for ur diesel? 30 baht??
  9. This morning I went to Krungthai bank to set up my APP NEXT. And on the APP it shows list of funds. Eye catching ones are like KT-JPFUND +13%, KT-ENERGY 17%. I don't know much about these funds, and if u are kind enought could pls explain below? 1) what do these % represent? Is the % gain from a year ago? 2) On the NEXT APP, theres 3 categories on "Tactical funds" What are they? a) Fixed income b) Balanced c) Equity 3) There numbers on "Risk" I see mostly Risk 5 & risk 6, what do they mean? 4) These funds are they like stock and you can sell anytime? 5) Also what do you mean by the bold highlight on your comment regarding tax advantage? Do u mean if I hold these funds, they can deduct income tax? (Same as health insurance tax reduction scheme?) I have been using bualuang broker (Bangkok bank) to trade thai stocks mostly on energy. (PTT, OR, BANPU, NOKAIR) But im losing around 50% now (around 1.5MB) and NOK air bankrupted and stock just remains in my portfolio. I've asked the broker, I couldnt sell the remianing NOK stocks or do anything about it. So that means its down the toilet and i dont get any back? Dividends on my current stock brings around 100KB a year, but thats small compared to initial investment of 3MB?
  10. Hi folks, as the subject are they any good? https://www.tisco.co.th/en/personal/investment/global-trade.html I heard from a Thai that this is the firm companies in Thailand mostly use to invest provident fund. So its fail safe and must be guuud right? What do you think?
  11. no body is commemtign on his martial moves. hes quite skilled using his weight on the hit. his hips shoulders and stretch of his arm explodes with pin point pressue not just a normal street fighter swinging its arms. maybe baojiquan or tae bo praticioner. thai part time secutiry was stunned with just one strike like a drunken skunk, maybe he was drinking lao kao though, but the monks strike was guud and devestating shockwave through the brain https://virtuafighter.fandom.com/wiki/Bājíquán
  12. my beast is the one same as this issan youtuber dude. 10kg toshiba, around 7500B from mega home, 2 years in the market. im actually quite shocked about the dishonesty with the thai fooker who quoted 5000b to fix i would like to give my experience and review to his google map location but prolly they wont hesiste to stab me in a snap really im really disappointed with thai ppl i know not all are like that but im encountering a lot more than other countries ive been no i will not go home, cus rent is cheap ok?
  13. do u need to use hot water? & needs to be filled at full tub? does Washing machines in TH have hot water option? https://pental.com.au/how-to-clean-your-washing-machine-with-bleach/#:~:text=Just add half a cup,flush out any remaining bleach.
  14. dear gentlemen thank you for kind support and consideration ive checked this issan dude fix his precious machine and seems this white plastic switch is related to flip flop sensor or something. basically i found out water was leaking from the tub, and the tube connecting to the tank was disocnnected. it was disconnected when i took out the tub from the machine, ive reconnected and voila my precious beast is working as normal again. it was fooking husstle contacting 2 mecha and they wanted 4900 for it even telloing me shock abosrober needs to be changed even they havent tested the machine!!! fook ur genuine thai hospoitality. i said fook off and they begging for 400 gas fees. go on puss git git yaay im so happy, i gotta celebrate today for not being ripped off again and my amazing problem solving skills. thank you all for ur support
  15. does sheput condom on the cucumber? some likes the one without flavors cause it resembles the smell of semen. i heard that susage is more realistic meaty feeling, but its too nimb so i heard from educated hot thai girl.
  16. for those that rcv this message as me, u must have visited some naughty video site
  17. Hi folks, i tried to clean my washing machine by actually dismantling and taking the tub out. What is that white plastic thing? Is that like a switch for water sensor? Cause it was bent due to plastic terminal dislocated, the water doesnt automatically stop when filling. Im truing to fix the bend now by dismantiling again. Basically that white plastic stick needs to be straight and just falls in between frame and tube without any attachment to the tub? I guess its a switch so it must be attached somewhere to the tub ?
  18. Hi, there I use gmail, but got I below msg from genuine MS. Whyis this the case? As mentions below someone is using my email trying to hack or something?
  19. tip of the knife is sharp as. maybe i gave the wrong impression, im testing this on my families old bikes and cars that are not working anymore. (panels stripped resold, others will be scrapped)
  20. Hi folks, backs in the days i was riding a honda wave 125cc it was easy to punture a tyre, i think they had this rubber tube thing in side when i went for a repait. Nowadays, i noticed the mechanism of the tyre has changed for both bike & cars? Just for experiament, i tried to stab a motocy tyres, sidewall, with a knife. but it was like stabbing a concrete. same as for recent cars. i couldnt pierce with my knife. Anyone know the evoluition with the tyres during this 15 yr period>?
  21. Hi folks, just out of curiosity in this LAND OF SMILES, surprisingly i often hear that they will sue one another blah blah. When actually win the case, does the losing side needs to pay for lawyers fee etc for the winning side? im not sure how much the lawyers fee here, maybe around 50KB max? but if ur deadling with suppose 30KB, even if u win, financially u lost. u get my drift?
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