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Everything posted by Ebumbu

  1. As time passes, it becomes increasingly difficult for the accused to mount a defense. Witnesses might be unavailable, and memories might be unreliable. A statute of limitations protects the accused from having to defend themselves against stale claims where reliable evidence is longer be available. Statutes of limitations encourage law enforcement and prosecutors to act swiftly in investigating and prosecuting crimes. They promote efficiency in the criminal justice system and ensure that cases are resolved while evidence is fresh and witnesses are available. The constant threat of prosecution (that never arrives) or the burden of defending against decades-old accusations would be unfair and punitive to a defendant.
  2. One more time: correlation is not causation. Has the doctor every considered that those with existing mental-health conditions are self medicating with cannabis, which is the actual reason for the correlation? There is no evidence of a causative relationship between cannabis and mental illness. However, it you already have latent schizophrenia, cannabis can accelerate its onset and symptoms. This is well known. They really want this genie back into the bottle. If I know anything about Thailand, it's due to financial reasons.
  3. When hotel reviews are criminalized, only criminals will visit hotels! A violent-and-dangerous Yelp bully? If not said ironically, it's pretty funny.
  4. Kim Jung Eun would agree with all your points. He's a law-and-order kind of guy!
  5. My point is that sharing your opinion publicly, whether you're a nice person or not, must not be made into a criminal offense. Writing a review, even if vindictive, can't be considered a crime in a civilized society. I don't care about the reviewer's character because it's not relevant to my point. Even if his reviewer was Jesse James, it's his subjective opinion. Fortunately, karma came swiftly and harshly to the hotel. The regretted their decision to pursue criminal charges against the reviewer. They sabotaged their own business. Streisand effect! Hopefully, the same fate befalls the restaurant who decided to invoke archaic laws that make opinions into crimes. Bad reviews are part of doing business in the internet age. Deal with it. If he asked his friends to leave malicious reviews, the correct remedy would be a civil lawsuit, or contacting Google to remove fake reviews. It's their responsibility to ensure reviews are authentic, not the police.
  6. The hotel guy did get arrested for leaving a review. That's literally what he was charged with, defamation. I don't dispute that he was belligerent. Arrest him for belligerence then. But any business is going to get some disruptive customers and unfair reviews. It's the nature of Google and Yelp. There is no way that it's justified to put someone in jail who shared their opinion, whether they're right or wrong. Same goes for this case. A bad review cannot be a crime in anything resembling a free society. It's a backwards, North-Korea style practice that needs to be amended. At the end of the day, sending the cops to get this hotel guy did far damage than anything he could have written. After the incident, the hotel was buried with angry, negative reviews. What did they accomplish? Self sabotage. Opinions, even if wrong, should no be crimes.
  7. The internet knows how to handle this ... exactly like they handled the hotel that got a tourist arrested for his review. The Streisand effect is about to hit them like a train, if it hasn't already. Their reviews will be a smoking crater within a week of news getting out.
  8. It's Harry J. Anslinger by another name! Same tactics.
  9. He should claim someone framed him. He could say nobody would be stupid enough to put cocaine in their own passport. Credible. Might work!
  10. That's what I was thinking, but figured I might get flamed. We have no evidence that 1000 baht wasn't actually given. The tourist seemed to believe he was cheated. Who knows? The hitting was idiotic.
  11. "Beyond the seas of thought beyond the realm of what Across the streams of hopes and dreams where things are really not" "Come along if you care Come along if you dare Take a ride to the land inside of your mind" Thank you Land of Smiles!
  12. An early Christmas gift! Thank you Land of Smiles!
  13. Not only is she topless, but she is untidy! Oh, the humanity!
  14. If you decide to break the law, don't do it half assed! Go ALL THE WAY!
  15. This is a psychotic break or severe untreated mental illness. He needs 72 hours observation and assistance getting medical care, which may include a flight back to his home country.
  16. He's lucky they charged by the centimeter.
  17. 47 year-old grandmother? Do the math.
  18. When it comes to violence, a woman's menstrual cycle is no joke ... period!
  19. Fortunately, the ER team had a plasma welder.
  20. You can buy bulk cotton "vintage" T-shirts on Lazada by the dozen. I bought 20 for a very, cheap price. In fact, I bought 40 and only kept the 20 I like best. They have random printing on them, such as from some unknown sports team.
  21. Cannabis speeds up the heart rate. But, there is zero evidence that it actually causes heart disease. This study only confirms correlation. Yes, there is a correlation between cannabis users and heart attacks, and it's this: If you already have heart disease and are already at risk for an infarction, speeding up your heart can dislodge existing plaque and cause an event. It's exactly what happened to my friend who already had heart disease. Show me a study of healthy people who develop heart disease due to cannabis use. I'll wait.
  22. Parts of the sweeping, comprehensive law has been leaked by insiders. Here's the short version: Pay more money every three months for a farcical medical license for any given reason, such as back pain, headache, insomnia, Munchausen Syndrome, exploding head syndrome, bristophilia, pica, water allergy, boanthropy, and general malaise.
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