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Everything posted by Ebumbu

  1. Cannabis smoking is a gateway drug to gardening.
  2. The consequences of a cannabis overdose are: sleepy, horny, hungry. The consequences of the others you name are death. Withdrawal from alcohol can actually kill you. Ban alcohol. Hell, ban coffee, unless you agree that adults should have the ability to exercise some autonomy over their own bodies and minds.
  3. Fast forward 6 months from now: "I have back pain. Take my word for it. Here is my 10,000 baht medical fee, payable every three months."
  4. And it is more delicious (adds Umami flavor).
  5. Why are Thai cops able to arrest him without putting 11 holes in him first, but the US isn't?
  6. Are you sure it's illegal for a cop to demand my urine sample if I'm sitting in a bar? Is it legal to film the cops while you talk to them here? I'm thinking it would end poorly if I ever tried that. What's worked for me so far is total submission.
  7. Purple urine? Are they snorting unicorn glue?
  8. Hi. Could you share some more information about this please? When I Google it, I get unrelated results. Thanks!
  9. It happened to my friend in Vietnam during the Covid lockdown. They sealed him into his house and provided no food, according to him. He finally got back to Germany where he was diagnosed with leukemia. Then he suffered a stroke. He didn't make it. Wonderful, kind, happy guy. Life screwed him over. I don't know about his insurance in Vietnam, but they were welding doors closed, according to him.
  10. The problem with monthly transfers is that they're going to start being taxed on Jan 1st, 2024. Best to bring in the 800k or more now, if possible, to get in under the wire.
  11. I hear he got in early with Bitcoin.
  12. At the point my illegal activities have netted me 100 million baht, I quit while I'm ahead. That should be enough to live on frugally.
  13. Amazon. I buy a giant sized pack of Haynes to last a decade.
  14. Does VYKE pass as a US phone number and not a VOIP? Does it work with banks that actively restrict VOIP phones like Google Voice? If so, good find! Will try it.
  15. I think I found a way to do this. The Capital One 360 mobile app will let me log in without any OTP. It's a Thai android phone with a Thai phone number. It worked to log me in! I will thoroughly test and then link all account together so if one gets shut down for any reason, I can move funds by pulling from other bank. It seems like the mobile app is a substitute for OTP, even if it's a Thai phone. Not sure, but this is what it seems like today. I'll test thoroughly.
  16. I think it makes sense to link all my 3-4 US banks together so if I get locked out of Capital One, I use the other bank to pull the money out ASAP. This is probably less trouble than screwing with a US phone I don't need that could get lost. Yeah.
  17. Thanks. I need to be super safe though. Do you mean that you also have a USA Sim card? I don't. How would I get that cheaply ... only to use for this purpose? I was going to spill the beans and tell Capital One support I'm an expat. It it disallowed? I really don't want any gray area because I'd be putting my emergency funds in this account. I can't take risks with that. Am I being dumb? ???? I had another idea. If I get locked out of Capital One online, could I link other account now (like Schwab) to auto withdraw this money in an emergency?
  18. Hello expats! So, I have a Capital One 360 money-market account with a small balance. It's paying more than 4% right now. Based on that, I want to add significantly more funds. But, I'm wary: - I'm using a Google Voice number to get my OTP for online banking. It works and has been working fine. My concern is that it will stop working and I'll lose access to these emergency funds. - Do I absolutely need to get a legit US cellphone to do this safely? If so, how would I approach that? Which company? Do I need to activate it in the US? I hate to rely on a cellphone for banking, but I'm weighing options. - Am I allowed to hold a Capital One 360 account while living in Thailand? I am a long-term US expat. Could I run into trouble? I opened the account while in Thailand. - Are there other banks paying this much on a money market account that won't give me hassles? Thanks for your insights!
  19. That's a good idea. Bike is probably worth 9000 baht or so. Thing is, it runs perfectly. Since I can't foresee all the potential scenarios of liability, I'll go this route. Thanks.
  20. I'm nice, as long as it won't come back to bite me. I'm OK with money.
  21. It's more than 5 years old. Runs fine. It could be 10 years old. Unsure. Bought it used. I got insurance and license and stuff about 3 years ago and have done nothing since. I don't want to register it in her name unless she lays down cash. Unlikely to happen. OK, so I ask her to get it taxed and insured. And inspected? I'm in Phuket. Sounds good.
  22. OK. This is at the Land Transport office where I got my Thai driver's license? Will Google it. Thanks! Maybe I ask her to go and hope she doesn't take out an entire family on the way there.
  23. Hi everyone. I have a Thai friend who is broke. I plan to lend her my scooter. It's registered to me, but I didn't keep insurance active. I use a car now and don't need the scooter. My car is legal and insured. If she were to get into an accident with my scooter, could I be held responsible for damage? How do I avoid that? Do I need to go to Land Transport to renew insurance with her name on it? Do I need to bring the bike with me? I hurt my hip and avoid riding scooters now. Thanks!
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