Re red meat. I believe it’s healthy to eat every now and again since it contains taurine and proteins of course. However, the choice must be grass fed beef and hopefully cows out eating in the pastures. CAFO meat is poison with their hormone, antibiotic and other vaccinations.
it seems all our food is being ruined these days with monoculture and CAFO cattle, caged chickens etc. Cattle being fed with grains instead of grass, no wonder they burp and fart. No wonder all the cramped animals get sick, they live on top of each other. No wonder our grains and veggies lack nutrients. The soil being depleted of minerals since the same species are being grown year after year.
The mega industrialisation of food has ruined the quality of our food. Industries now fighting to get lab meat on the markets, plants being sprayed with all sorts of toxins.
The result is that we become dependent on supplements since our food is lacking. Lack of nutrients is a lack of energy. A lack of energy (cell energy = ATP) causes disease, there isn’t enough energy left to fight disease that our bodies were once capable of doing. The more toxins we add the more sick we get. The more sick we get the more toxins our so called doctors hand out to us. A never ending circle.