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  1. It is sad. I quit smoking about 8 yrs ago and switched to vaping. I am pretty upset about this, needless to say. However here’s an interesting read on vaping. https://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/ashtray-blog/2022/04/is-vaping-safe.html im pretty sure that the raid on e-cigs in Thailand is for the protection of the tobacco industry. Naming this raid “saving the public from harm” is ridiculous. In Europe and I believe in the US it is well established that vapes are less harmful than cigarettes. It seems Thailand lacks the infrastructure to regulate the liquid and the result is banning it totally. They should instead make sure that the liquid imported is from reputable companies.
  2. Hoping this link works. https://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/ashtray-blog/2022/04/is-vaping-safe.html
  3. Here is a link about vaping, an interesting read. I find it terrible that vaping is illegal, it has helped many people quit smoking. The problem in Thailand is regulation of the liquid used. There are many reputable companies making e-liquid, problem is, just like alcohol, some unscrupulous people sell tainted stuff. Tax vapes and the liquid, but as already mentioned, the tobacco industry here does not want competition, there is no thought whatsoever regarding the health of people. https://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/ashtray-blog/2022/04/is-vaping-safe.html
  4. Beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable. Albeit at my 76ers of age, not going out to night clubs, making sure my immigration status is up to date etc, but I am beginning to feel uncomfortable reading about all these crack-downs everywhere. E-cigs, raiding night clubs where tourists and locals alike are, raiding for breaking immigration laws, I’m beginning to wonder if I have landed in a “police state”. Personally, I don’t have anything to fear, I hope, but I am getting the feeling that the peace and quiet is being disturbed. Maybe it’s just overzealous reporting?
  5. I have the vapes that last a long time, Vaporesso is the brand and I have a small stock at home so should last me a year or two. I normally have 4 “on the go” so those 4 last me well over a year. just spoke to a friend of mine who also vapes. He is of the opinion that this too will pass. Even in Dubai it was forbidden until about 6 yrs ago when they made it legal. (My daughter lives there so that’s why I mention it.) my smokers’ cough disappeared quite soon after changing from cigs to vapes. It’s clean, no butts around, in my case no smell from the vape. I don’t vape huge clouds like some like to do. I’m pretty discrete with it. My lungs have improved tremendously since I started vaping around 8 yrs ago. I really get upset when such blatant lies are made about vaping. It’s obvious that the Thai government is not cracking down on this due to the health of the people. They would do far better, as you say, to promote it instead and regulate the vape juice to ensure only reputable companies can sell here. The total madness about young children being sold vapes near their schools is done by terribly unscrupulous adults who put God knows what into the liquid. The problem is not the vape, it’s WHAT you vape. Kids will always find something illegal to do, it’s in our nature. I remember as a teen ager (stupidly enough) Starting to smoke and hiding it. I got older friends to buy for me. However, when I started it was not as well known how bad it was for your health, so for me it was an act of rebellion and a stupid attempt to seem like an adult. That being said, most governments around the world accept the fact that vapes are less harmful and therefore work on regulating it as much as possible. Many of the alarmist trials on vapes were actually financed by the tobacco industry itself. There were two famous research centers, one in Italy and one in Greece that did independent studies which proved that there was less harm done by vaping as compared to smoking. One of the biased studies that proved metal toxins and formaldehyde was very much prevalent in vaping, was actually done in small cages with mice that were forced to vape continuously for 48 hours - non stop. No wonder the vapes overheated and started leaking metal toxins and by the very same heat created a high degree of formaldehyde. No one vapes non stop day and night! well, I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but I do get very angry and upset about lies, hypocrisy and pigheadedness. Why not let the science speak for itself (I know everyone says it’s too early to know yet), but so far it is known to be less carcinogenic than cigarettes. Thanks for replying to my previous message, I appreciate that.
  6. Nicotine is needed by our bodies in smaller amounts. Cigarettes have many hundreds of chemicals mixed with the tobacco, of which nicotine alone is not the addictive part. There are at least 90 chemicals added which are considered carcinogenic as well as addictive. The tobacco industry in the US are now involved in the food industry since smoking has declined, as a result the addiction lessons learned from tobacco are now being added to food. We have nicotine receptors in our body, so nicotine is quite a necessary part of our life. You will find quite a fair amount of nicotine in eggplant as well as tomatoes. Guess you’re not addicted to that? You are correct, vaping is relatively new. However, so far one has been able to establish that well reputed companies producing the liquid is much less harmful than cigarettes. Personally, I find it shameful that vaping is not permitted but smoking is. The hypocrisy is amazing. As others have mentioned, tax it, regulate it, but allow it. In Thailand I believe it is the families who own the tobacco industry who are up in arms, I doubt that they really care about people’s health.
  7. How long time do you suspect that this will continue? I’m flying from BKK to Kho Samui in about a week, would this be confiscated by security check? Do you believe that after this blitz that things will get back to “normal” again?
  8. I totally agree with you. I too am a vaper after having smoked for 45 years. Absolutely ludicrous that this is going on. It has helped many smokers quit cigarettes which are far more harmful to health than e- cigs. Most of the rest of the world have acknowledged this. But yet they would rather have youth smoking cigarettes than vape? BTW is it illegal to own e-cigs? If I have for personal use, could the police confiscate them?
  9. I’m planning on going to Kho Samui for a week. I’ll be traveling from BKK. I wonder if my e-cig will get confiscated in security before take-off?
  10. L-theanine, An amino acid found primarily in green tea is known for its calming effect and cognitive enhancing effects also known to improve sleep quality. Apigenin, a molecule found in celery and camomile, mainly used for making senescent cells “behave” , but is also a precursor to GABA which helps with sleep. So taking those two with magnesium glycinate about 30-60 mins before bed is great for sleep.
  11. Problem with research these days is that the results are skewed depending on who funded the research. Have no clue whom to trust.
  12. I totally agree with that. Being a grandparent myself, must say I would not want to take full responsibility for my grandkids. Too much energy required, as much as I love them I am happy for their parents to do the job. It’s the way nature intended, I believe.
  13. Well, to be honest, grandparents were parents once upon a time, otherwise they could not become grandparents! 😂
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