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  1. Problem with research these days is that the results are skewed depending on who funded the research. Have no clue whom to trust.
  2. I totally agree with that. Being a grandparent myself, must say I would not want to take full responsibility for my grandkids. Too much energy required, as much as I love them I am happy for their parents to do the job. It’s the way nature intended, I believe.
  3. Well, to be honest, grandparents were parents once upon a time, otherwise they could not become grandparents! 😂
  4. It entirely depends on WHAT you are vaping! Buying vape liquids from reputable companies is a must, if you vape. I quit smoking soon 10 yrs ago and replaced with vaping. My lungs are in better shape than when smoking. That being said, obviously I should quit vaping too, but at my advanced age I’ve decided to hang on to one vice 😂 There is a general consensus from non-biased research that vaping is less harmful for your lungs since you are not inhaling a burning product, AND if you purchase decent vape liquids the amount of carcinogens are a fraction of what is used in cigarettes.
  5. Mexican yam is a source of progesterone! 😂
  6. It is said that if you decide to supplement with zinc it’s advisable to supplement with copper. If you supplement with 11mg of zinc, supplement with 1mg of copper. 20mg of inc with 2mg of copper etc. also separate zinc and copper intake by at least 2-3 hours.
  7. The American diet and fast food has spread its tentacles around the world.
  8. Yes, unfortunately man has decided to ruin many things. Even medicine these days is copied in a lab with synthetic molecules which the body does not recognise. On top of it we pay premium 💰for these copies and hope to get healthy. Can you imagine people spending exponentially higher prices for copy handbags rather than the real stuff, the real stuff which at least if handled with care will last for 50-100 yrs or more. Not saying one should spend a fortune on handbags etc, just an analogy.
  9. I lived in South Africa, 1982-1994, in the Johannesburg area, I saw the milky way almost every night. Amazing stars every night, obviously not on cloudy nights. Amazing, still miss it.
  10. Why aren’t more people saying NO to this trajectory? We are NOT getting healthier with hospital medicine, is nobody scratching their head by now? Are people happy being on 4-10 medical toxins and realise their health is not improving? Have we become so dumbed down that we’re not even asking questions? What will it take for people to wake up?
  11. Re red meat. I believe it’s healthy to eat every now and again since it contains taurine and proteins of course. However, the choice must be grass fed beef and hopefully cows out eating in the pastures. CAFO meat is poison with their hormone, antibiotic and other vaccinations. it seems all our food is being ruined these days with monoculture and CAFO cattle, caged chickens etc. Cattle being fed with grains instead of grass, no wonder they burp and fart. No wonder all the cramped animals get sick, they live on top of each other. No wonder our grains and veggies lack nutrients. The soil being depleted of minerals since the same species are being grown year after year. The mega industrialisation of food has ruined the quality of our food. Industries now fighting to get lab meat on the markets, plants being sprayed with all sorts of toxins. The result is that we become dependent on supplements since our food is lacking. Lack of nutrients is a lack of energy. A lack of energy (cell energy = ATP) causes disease, there isn’t enough energy left to fight disease that our bodies were once capable of doing. The more toxins we add the more sick we get. The more sick we get the more toxins our so called doctors hand out to us. A never ending circle.
  12. Supplements tend to work on a cellular level, so no dramatic changes are immediately felt. In the long run they can correct deficiencies on a molecular level. Nutrients take a while and can make a substantial difference in the long run. we are so spoilt with our allopathic drugs that give immediate results, both good and bad, that we tend to ignore the benefits of molecular nutrients that supply our cells with energy.
  13. The reason for might/may/could etc is that it is not allowed to state “will/does” is that the FDA prohibits claims that will cure or will treat unless there is substantial evidence from clinical trials to support it. However, many supplements have been used since ancient times thus collective wisdom has found that they do work, but obviously every person’s body is different. To name an example, for some people Ashwagandha may be too weak, and they may thrive on Rhodiola eg. Huge clinical trials are not carried out due to the costs involved these days, and the product cannot be patented due to the source being a natural plant/mineral substance so there are no huuuuuge profits to be made. Suffice to say Mother Nature has provided us with all we need and mankind with his hubris believes that petrochemical substances are better than the “real” source. i have come to realise that I must be the one in charge of my own health. I have relied on doctors too much in the past - to my detriment.

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