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Everything posted by crouchpeter

  1. Don't ask for anything. Go to Thai Wassadu (?), and browse the aisles.
  2. Time to cut right down on international travel unless you're very well-off. Singapore, pre covid was $100 for a clean hotel. Got back yesterday after a month in Europe, and the Singapore hotels were $180 and $300 each. Both excellent. (Wanderlust and Owens House). The $100 hotels come with dirt, cockroaches, an old sock and ants. Disgusting! Singapore: the worlds biggest con.
  3. Do you understand the word "extensive"?
  4. Extensive dental work and its high cost is regarded by dentists as the penalty patients pay for a lifetime of poor oral hygiene, laziness, and not having regular check-ups.
  5. That's why the sentences given to those scum in the Arberry murder were so right!
  6. In the tropics there are only 2 seasons; wet (monsoon), and dry. We've just been through the "dry" season, and are about to enter the "wer" season. Of course, you can get some rain during the dry and very little rain in the wet in some areas. (eg. the Sahara Desert). Not to be confused with"wet & dry sandpaper as this reporter has done!
  7. We're in the French Alps at the moment. I tell people that my wife is Thailand's top woman snowboarder. Then I explain that she's Thailand's ONLY woman snowboarder!
  8. Why comment when you know nothing!
  9. Only if you're accused of any "....phobia"!
  10. Your daughter may need help. Guarantee the chronic pain is psychosomatic, and she's addicted. And it will get worse.
  11. Tell us something about the cataract surgeries you've seen that went wrong. Supposed to be rare, but a bit scary.
  12. In Australia it's $7 a month with a health card or pension. Otherwise, about $40/month. Real cost is almost $100/month. You can get Apaxiban in Thailand for about 3,500 baht, up to 5,000 baht, a month. An Indian generic, Apigat, is about 1,500/ month. One 6 month supply got through, but they confiscated my last lot, (no scrip), so in the end, not worth it! Better to go to Oz if you're a pensioner, and see the vascular guy, or the cardiologist, and try for 2 prescriptions; ie. 12 months supply. The savings will cover your airfare with Scoot or AirAsia!
  13. Have you found that most girls you meet want to punch you in the face and can't stop?
  14. Thailand has rabies, the UK doesn't. Your ignorance is so typical.
  15. NHS guidelines don't apply to Thailand.
  16. Your own dogs should NEVER bite you!
  17. It's the 2nd biggest killer of men in Australia. Watchful waiting is for the very old. If it spreads out of the capsule, you'll probably be dead within 10 years. If you're 85 this doesn't matter. If you're 65 it could matter! And, a radical prostaectomy is major surgery. I don't know morbidity figures for different ages, but the older the worse. My advice, for what it's worth, is don't wait. Have the biopsies. Sexual impotence is better than the alternative!
  18. How many legs have you got? Could be vascular insufficiency. Incurable, but you can try to stop it getting worse, with good compression socks, (20-30 mm.Hg.), and elevation. Or you could even see the doctor and have ultrasounds etc.
  19. I wouldn't call Belgium a closed mind society. A community with many interests from suicide bombing to mass paedophilia! When the chips are down they don't waffle about! (And the world's best beer).
  20. The Thai passport has become much better for travel over the last 20 years. The first thing I did once I got married was to get her Australian citizenship. (Only took 2 years residence in Oz in those days.) But before we were married, it was a racist, insulting nightmare. Hassle after hassle, and usually the immigration stooges were <deleted> themselves! Now, of course, the Thai passport gives visa free entry to a lot more countries.
  21. That money would have fed a whole village in Nigeria for a week!
  22. That's a harsh statement, and not quite true, in this most competitive racket. You've insulted the Philipinos, the Indians, the Cambodians, Panamanians,......the list goes on. Only the dumb and dumber RTP think they're Number 1!
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