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Everything posted by crouchpeter

  1. If it was your son, you wouldn't be saying, "he deserved it". Accidents happen, usually out of the blue. That's why they're called "accidents". It reminds me of the NHS talking about refusing treatment for hang-gliding accidents 40 years ago. Not many people injure themselves sitting on their fat backsides with a beer in one hand and the remote control in the other. Remember, it's the insurance companies who are scum, not the policy-holders.
  2. Thailand's hospitals are as good as most western countries. Treatment protocols are basically the same.
  3. You talk as if it's not manly letting your wife organize everything. I couldn't be treated in a government hospital without my wife present, and many other bureaucratic necessities where an interpreter is vital. And actually, at immigration, you do go and sit in a corner while your wife arranges everything.
  4. You can still leave the country while your marriage visa is under consideration.
  5. This is one of the best reasons for living in Thailand. They don't let these loser "asylum seekers" flood the country, like our gutless countries do. No foreigners are going to swamp Thailand's culture.
  6. A "retired" nurse. I think he'd have more success with a "retarded" nurse.
  7. Is the scooter a two-seater? If so, he can show a girl? a good time. Like take them on picnics, trips to the temple, even go on the beach if it's 4X4!
  8. They'll use a drill to remove them. You'll have to have them redone, and this time, have them made in porcelain, by a lab. Composite is never successful long term, especially 8 teeth.
  9. Just make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before touching the phone and computer. And then wipe the machines with wet-wipes. (But will only kill 99.9% of viruses.)
  10. Might be a good idea to see a psychiatrist. He might be able to tell what's really wrong with you.
  11. My last accurate comment about this hard-to-understand poster got me banned! (Again)!
  12. No, it was the position of the sun. You don't want the western sun on your cabin. (Or your Thai condo for that matter).
  13. I can't win!
  14. I reiterate....the tropics has 2 seasons, wet and dry.
  15. Why would they want to smell your money?
  16. I've been using Thai dentists for 25 years. I'm happy with the work and costs, (although starting to go up). I've had crowns, bridges, RCT's, fillings, and am in the middle of having an implant. The secret, I think, is to use female dentists. They don't have the problems of "face", "machoism", and racism that male dentists often have.
  17. When disembarking on Thai air, the stewardesses usually do not wai a Thai girl traveling with a farang. Seems they've got the same attitude as Western women towards Thai girls!
  18. A perfect example of why you ignore the ignorant, the unqualified, the uneducated and the insecure.
  19. How come I always get banned, (and spoken to like a child), when I post sarcastic comments.
  20. The big vitamin and supplement con! Rarely supported by scientific evidence but only anecdotal. A billion dollar industry.
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