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  1. How can he be responsible as he has only been in office a month? Do you think he can make an executive order for everyone in US to drop their prices by 25%? If so, then you have no idea how economies work. Give the man some time, you gave Xiden 4 years and all he brought was misery and wars. Where were your comments then?
  2. Well if he worked in the government then he is aware of the abuse and waste of the taxpayers money, right? First hand knowledge. In real life, 15 workers, 1 manager. In government, 15 managers, 1 worker. Pitiful, glad Americans are seeing the waste of our so-called government.
  3. All you are doing is quoting the lying Lamestream media. Any facts to back up what you say. Thoughtless layoff, where? Stupidest choices for cabinet heads, did you see the last unqualified cabinet? You are joking right? More air traffic incidents, yeah because of the lame DEI hires Biden hired. Air control is actively seeking qualified individuals and no one can blame a president in office for 1 month on such absurd BS. Lying about the Ukraine war, more BS, at least he isn't funding it with American money like the previous administration. Do you have any real data or information? Now I know you can find Lamestream media articles quoting this nonsense but if you read them there are no facts. American and the world are waking up. BTW, Trump's approval ratings are higher than ever, just another lie by the left
  4. Quote from a fired DEI hired individual.
  5. ChatGPT is a search engine that gives you the result that the leftist creators want. I prefer to get multiple answers and choose the most logical one.
  6. Well I say, give the man some time. no intelligent people expect the prices to come down immediately. It takes time to clean up all the messes the previous administration caused. BTW, is name calling and shaming people your style? How old are you, 12?
  7. If you voted for Trump, THANK YOU. Trump is actually doing what he promised to the American people. True Americans are happy and they know it will take time to change this horrible path that America was on.
  8. Guess what, 33 days and still counting, Democracy is alive and well. The current administration is doing the will of the people for a change. It is like a breath of fresh air to see a politician keep their word and do what they promised.
  9. Glad you have an opinion but America voted for this major change. The polls that you see coming out are from bias left winged entities which have no basis in truth just like the polls saying Harris will win. Already Trump has done more to help this country than any president in the hundred years. People are happy, major change is coming. Slimming down the government and implementing transparency. This is what the American people want and Trump is delivering, Go MAGA
  10. I am guessing you don't understand that it takes time to change things. Everything you stated happened because of the Biden administration policies. Trump has been in office for 30+ days and you try to blame everything on Trump. So sad.
  11. Do you know where the regulations are from a Thai government website? I found the Civil Registration Act 2 but that is difficult to read unless you are lawyer. My Amphur is very nice and willing to help but unsure if can proceed legally, asking for me to prove it to them.
  12. Update, Landlord is onboard but went with friend into local Amphur office as suggested. They are under the impression there are only 2 reasons to get the Yellow Book, marriage and condo ownership. They are very nice people but feel they are unable to help based on what they know. How can prove to them that the this is mandatory for SS and totally above board and legal? I have sent an email to SSO office as the 1506 hotline has no answer, no ringing, no nothing. My Thai friend is researching the Civil Registration Act and Immigration Acts but have not found something they will accept. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Jeff
  13. Thanks, I didn't know of this hotline. Greatly appreciated,
  14. Thanks for the advise, currently working with landlord but he is dragging his feat on calling the office to confirm.
  15. I hope this is the appropriate forum to post as it has to do with retirement. Recently I retired from 9,5 years of working for a BOI company. It was difficult but I got immigration to change my reason for stay from Work to Retirement with a Non-B visa. I waited 3 weeks as suggested by my HR for the data to get into the system before I went to SS office to apply for the section 39 benefits. I went with a Thai friend to the new SS office in Ayutthaya, filled out 2 forms and went to counter. First was told I needed to be married. After some discussion they said OK but needed proof of permanent residency. I whipped out the documents used for my Extension of Stay, New 1 year lease, Blue book copy and signed my landlord and his ID card. They said no, they needed my name in a Yellow house book. I contacted my landlord first, he is looking into it. But from what I hear it is up to the local ampere office if they want to give or not. Most say very difficult to get. So my question and I hope you great folks can help. Does anyone know of a SS office that doesn't require the house book? Any way to buy your way onto a house book? All suggestions are welcome. I really don't want to buy a condo to get my benefits. Thanks in advance all, Jeff
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