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Everything posted by keysersoze276

  1. I don't know you and you don't know me, but I am willing to bet you drink more than I do, just by chance. She didn't even take her stuff. Walked out with a purse and has two suitcases here. I figured she would pack up some clothes and shoes and things while I sat on the balcony.
  2. Yeah, I took a good hard look at myself, and I have recognized, admitted and apologized for any blame. I know I am not perfect. I can't change the past, but I can do better in the future.
  3. Thank you. She left again yesterday and I didn't even consider buying booze. Last night would have been the night to "drown my sorrows in a bottle and ruin my life", but no. It's not good for anyone actually, and I admit sometimes I overdo it so I am done with it. Other people keep calling me a drunkard, but really all I do is like to sit out on the bench outside of my condo and have a few beers after a long day of work. But occasionally I would drink more than I should. Anyway, I don't need that stuff. I appreciate your encouragement. Thanks. OK. Not sure how i deserved what I got, but I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. And asking myself why- all I can come up with is peer pressure and wants to just party every night with her "friends". SHe drank maybe five times a year before, now she is posting photos at the clubs every night.
  4. I am 44, She is 31. Thanks for the encouragement because this hurts.
  5. Yeah, I hear you. But they all wear masks! 555. Also, she doesn't want out. She said she will come back in a month or two. She wants to make quick cash and spend it all at clubs getting hammered every night. I am the one that wants out. She won't sign the divorce papers. Thanks for a decent reply!
  6. Ok, I definitely wrote this wrong or you guys just like to kick people while they are down. I said that was her side of the story and it is partly true when she is constantly late for work, can't keep a job, Runs out of money all the time buying things she never needs or uses, then I complain and encourage her to do better. P.S. I am speaking for myself, mate. Glad you found a nice, responsible wife. Kudos.
  7. You know nothing about me. What I meant is I can lose my temper easier if i am drunk, which is fairly common for a lot of people. I didn't mean I was a wife beater. And I didn't mean I am mean and nasty anytime I had a drink. i am finished with alcohol now, so your point is moot. The only regret I have is admitting my own faults on this post because these kind of comments are not helpful.. But as I said to the other fella, you can bash me and rub salt on the wound. I am beyond devastated already. And why would I need professional psychological help? Anyway, thanks for your advice
  8. 1. I said at least some. I did not bash all Thai women. My wife is completely irresponsible with work, money, , spending and obviously marriage. I have been on this forum long enough to know that many feel the same. 2. At least I gave her side of the story and admitted the problem of drinking too much. 3. I am devastated enough that you can rub all the salt on the wound as you like.
  9. How embarrassing to write this, but here it goes. My wife (Thai) and I went out to a nice dinner with plans to get a massage afterward. There was no argument or anything. Then in the middle of dinner she says her two female friends want to meet her/us there and get massages. I don't know them and didn't care. It was probably 11pm when they arrived, so I told her she can go with them to get massages, as it may be hard to find a professional massage place with four masseuses (Huay Kwang, Bangkok). She asked for 10,000 baht, which I don't understand. She said for the massage and a grab car home. She promised to come home that night and didn't. Sent me a message asking if she could stay with her friends and come home in the morning. I said ok. Then the next morning she said she was staying in a hotel and partying with her friends in BKK (She almost never drinks). Then returned home (here), four days later. Everything was fine, but I was pretty <deleted> at her for blowing money on a hotel and whatever else she was doing with her "friends". A week later, she got wasted at home, started a big fight (she is crazy when she does drink), so bad to the point I left. Then she stole 20,000 baht from my office, went to stay with her female friends, rent free. Her side of the story is I drink too much and am too controlling. Both are true, but I quit drinking completely a week ago and you guys know how at least some Thai girls are. They need to be controlled because they act like irresponsible children. Then she told me she won't come home and will live with her friends and got a job working with them at a sex shop! The ultimate betrayal, but I do love her and told her I would forgive her if she comes home (go ahead, call me a sucker in the comments if you wish, but this is way out of her character and she is drinking heavily with friends every night). She said she would come home last Tuesday and then cancelled. Then came home this Tuesday and I apologized for my drinking (I admit I can be a mean drunk sometimes), and anything else I did that would cause her to betray me like this. She says it is easy money (I'm not rich, but I provide her with everything she needs and occasional getaways or whatever). She had only been here three days and went back with her whore friends to be a whore yesterday. And she wants her freedom and to build her own future and we can be together one day. HELL NO! I told her if she went back to her friends and sex shop and hanging out in clubs getting drunk and picking up customers that I want a divorce. I printed out a Simple Divorce agreement since don't have any real assets, no children, nothing like that. She burst into tears but finally started writing on the document, said she made a mistake, crossed it out and refused to sign the other one (I printed two in Thai and two in English). I have done a little research and adultery in Thailand is grounds for divorce AND illegal. I haven't found what the penalty could be yet. A wife working as a prostitute (also illegal) in a sex parlor...<deleted>? Does anyone have ideas about what I can do? PS>. Thanks for reading this far and note that I don't know where she lives or works. Would it be permissible to post her photo on here or somewhere like fb to see if anyone has seen her? Do I need to prove where she works even though I have LINE messages of her admitting it several times? Can I take legal action? I'm spinning and don't know what to do. We've been together seven years and this is beyond anything I imagined happening.
  10. LOL, my wife. stole most of my money (It's an exaggeration TBH), so 2k is not pleasant at all! I appreciate your advice. I don't post much, but you and a handful of other guys (UbonJoe, BritTim, and the other usual suspects), sure have all helped me and many others without knowing it. Thanks so much for your dedication of sharing solid knowledge and advise, gentlemen!
  11. Oh, damn me! Thanks for confirming my worst fears, DrJack. LOL. I thought I was being paranoid. Going through a sudden separation, possible divorce and seem to have made a mistake with my mind elsewhere. Immigration office is pretty far away. I will go in person tomorrow. I am assuming seven days = one week...not seven working days, right? The report date was a Sunday (4th Sept), plus I will be going tomorrow, which is a Monday. Do you know if I will be penalized?
  12. Hello, all. My 90 day report date was set for September 4th. I almost forgot and did the online report on September 9th. Am I still within the window? As I understand it, it may be done up to 14 days before the report date or 7 days after the report date. My question- is this timeframe/window true for online reporting? Also, I submitted online six days after the report date. Is that ok? Or is it from whenever it is approved, which would be after 7 days. Still pending because of the weekend. TIA for any clarification. P.S. I have already done my first report at the immigration office, and my next one successfully online.
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