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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Just looking for reasons to take those jets out of their mothballs and clear the cobwebs off them to see if they still can fly..
  2. In the old days, way, way back, they used to chop the hands of such people, now I'm not advocating for such punishment but it seems that those criminals are getting off way to lightly to want and continue to commit the same over and over again...
  3. Same every year, after the revelry of Songran comes the grim news of how many people have lost their lives on the nation's roads, and next year will be the same, and the next and next...
  4. As if more proofs needed to show how tainted and crooked Thai police are, which begs the question: how the Thai police can now be trusted at to do a fair job in the light of such accusations of its senior members?
  5. He's a undeniable proof that miracles do happen, from being very sick to a complete recovery in no time, no jail time that is...
  6. Israel posses the ultimate weapons of mess destruction to deal with such murderous regimes who calls for the total distraction of the state of Israel and no matter what, and if it wasn't for the US, they would have paid dearly for their direct attack on Israel...
  7. As I said already in numerous posts, Iran is the head of a snake that sponsor, finance and facilitate world-wide terrorism and OPENLY calls and acts for the inhalations and destruction of another country, something that unheard of among civilised countries, and as such, they should be dealt severely and by full force, no punishment is too much and just the US restrain Israel from using its ultimate weapons of judgement day that Israel is not using them...
  8. Is anyone winning and arguments here yet in this often repetitive thread? is there anything left to say that hasn't bee said yet by the same group of posters? why don't we all just agree to NOT agree because i see new here, same ol' narratives, arguments and points of views... and as iI type this post 5 more now posts added, and I bet that they too, have been posted before...
  9. Israel for an example, relays almost entirely on foreign workers, be it Palestinians or Thais and other nationalities, so when it's managed right nothing in impossible...
  10. Thai people and reading books, here an oxymoron for you if i ever heard of one...
  11. Do what every other country does when it short on labour, bring them from neighbouring countries, lord knows no shortage of those from Laos and Cambodia just dying to come work here..
  12. Yeah right, like asking grand Prix formula 1 drivers to watch the speed limit of 40... Good luck...
  13. The scrooge of unregulated and unprepeard usage of utilities by ever increacing number of tourists, it is not enough to want more and more tourists, one has to accommodate the needs of such waves of visitors and obviously those in Koh Pha Ngan and Koh Samui weren't...
  14. It's the repeated offence that caused the court to punish her so harshly and the fact that knowingly, she committed the offence time and time again knowing it was wrong to do so..
  15. Still young at 54, lots of elderly people die from falls mainly in slippery places, and to die from such unfortunate and avoidable circumstances it's a pity and a shame...
  16. One of UK’s most wanted men arrested at Heathrow Airport after 27 years on the run coming back from Thailand: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/wanted-man-richard-burrows-heathrow-arrest-thailand-b2521916.html
  17. In a place where, nepotism, neglect and corruption, no wonder why beach road look like a big mess where almost everyone and everybody just park and set up stands wily-nily to sell their wares...
  18. F-35 and 6 rockets, that what it took for Israel to Israel to bombs and demolish the Iran consulate in Syria, killing high ranking Iranian commanders, as Churchill quoted: In war times there are 2 choices, shame or war, if you choose shame, war will happen anyway... https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-bombs-iran-embassy-syria-iranian-commanders-among-dead-2024-04-01/
  19. This wishy-washy PM should take a leaf from Germany who just legalised the weed big time... https://www.news.com.au/technology/germany-gives-controversial-green-light-to-cannabis/news-story/435236b7636222394a00da7810a8a9eb
  20. You do get the odd numb-nuts (to say the least) among the tens of millions of tourists coming to Thailand as these pages have been shown...
  21. Could it be an April fools day announcement? and if not, it means that ' we need more tourists/passengers' equals more revenue/income...
  22. And being no doubts rapped as we speak, not to mention the torture and the inhumane sufferings, the curtly and vicariousness of the Hamas terrorists AND THE Palestinian civilians men who took parts in the massacre, rape torture and kidnapping, that alone is enough to make sure that such deeds will never happen again by the need to eliminate as many of them as possible...
  23. I had a bet the other day that the Thai government will do that...
  24. What a BS of a PM, just the look of him makes me sick, he's got the look of ' I'll show you all what I think of you all, you bad people' ...
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