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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Either way, those guys will not see day light again for a long time, right or wrong, you don't attack a Thai police person and worse of all, take his gun....Here's the link to the NZ Herald article... https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/kiwis-hamish-day-and-oscar-day-arrested-in-thailand-accused-of-attacking-local-police-officer-and-snatching-gun/XYNVYQOSX5EZ7OJ4NZ2AN2BCS4/
  2. Like i have already posted in the first thread, I don't fancy their chances to see NZ again any time soon.. The'll be be able to speak flaunt Thai by the time they'll get out...
  3. Not fancy their chances to see NZ again any time time soon...
  4. Russians robbing other Russians, No skin off our nose...
  5. These type of posts seems to appear very often and the way things are, they will continue to be so, the lure is just too great for poorer people not to take the chance...
  6. And his is, 'I'm smarter and well connected than what you give me credit for, and here's the proof'...
  7. Mostly Thai condominiums owners views foreigners owners as nothing more than guests ' in their country and in their place of living in particular, and every attempt to ask 'too many questions' are met with resistant and disdain like 'who are you to ask those questions and complain about the methods of doing/running things the Thai way'?...
  8. I was a committee member of a rather large condominium in Bkk, and a vocal one at that, until i got a bullet in my mail-box, do i need to continue?...
  9. A lot of mambo-jumbo that really means nothing or things that are a forgone conclusion and it goes without the need to say, talk is cheap, action and right now is what is needed...
  10. For the same reasons Thailand buys f-35's, submarines, destroyers and other big toys, the need to play with new toys and of curse, spend the budgets...
  11. Maybe he'll see his lover in court but not his money, that has been long gone...
  12. By the same rational why don't they tell the people to also leave their valuables and wallets at the doorstep in order to reduce break-in, right...
  13. My post wasn't about a popularity contest, just an observations...
  14. You have missed the point of my post where i was referring to the fact that the word Israeli wasn't followed by the usual words now days concerning the war in Gaza...
  15. This is about the times when i usually hear from my lofty condo, those loud muffler's bikes and cars running around with full throttles bent on waking people up...
  16. Could it be that the young man did to the horse what he was thinking of doing to another person? either way, this young man needs help...
  17. For once, you read something with the word 'Israeli' in it without to be followed by the usual words like Gaza, Palestinians etc. etc....
  18. It seems that Pattaya's road constructions department are the bustiest in the world as there are always, really always few sections of Pattaya's roads that are under months of constructions...
  19. Tomatoes are very expensive now to waste them on a crook...
  20. I guess that a blind eye is turned for a local prostitute, but big No No for a foreign one as you might have seen from many reports of foreign nationals getting caught working illegally...
  21. 'Receives Warm Welcome' received warm welcome from whom? few of people who were there because that's it was arranged so it will look good?... Not like there were masses of people to welcome him with flowers, loud cheers and applauds...
  22. Just the sight of him makes me fell queasy, what a character...
  23. My deepest and most sincere apologies: Nowadays...
  24. if he only could put his extraordinary abilities and 'gifts' for doing good things rather than being a criminal but i guess there's no money in being good now days as being a criminal...
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