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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. Judging by the pose of the burly, standing at attention officials and one young, lone lady, one would think that they caught and apprehended some archcriminal or a mastermind of crime gang...
  2. You'd be surprised how many do, especially when stressed of in a hurry, everytime you see in the news a car lunges forward into a structure with a rocket's speed you know the gas pedal was depressed wrongly..
  3. It'll take another 10 years or so for Thailand to implement the 3 bins system like in many other countries around the world for a household garbage, recyclables and green mattress, not on the agenda now, either that or not important enough for the environment...
  4. I would love to try baby napkins, wide, comfortable and lost of room for all sorts of maneuvered as the masseuse will see fit and a good conversational topic about kinkyness and fetish..
  5. Just as well he hasn't got much time or health left in him, by the look of him, to atone of his sins for much longer...
  6. Probably A case of mixing the brake pedal with the gas one, specially when wearing high heels or totally not with it due to fatigue... good thing no one got hurt, cars are replaclebes dead humans not so much..
  7. The irony here that none of those who chant the 'River to the sea' BS would know what river or sea they are parroting about, and if they knew, and were given a map, they would be able to point where are those 'river or sea'...
  8. Probably the writer of the article thought that the mention of an Israeli would make it a juicier reading owing to all the commotion and protests around the world having to do with the Israel/Gaza war...
  9. Go on, blame the old guy, coming up with all sorts of silly scenarios as where the old guy was at fault, wait until you get to his age and someone treat you like that Mr. Crikey...
  10. This person has balls to do all the above, literally...
  11. Adults have the ability to sort out the bad information (well, most of the time) children can't, they try to imitates others and even to out do their peers with no one watching them no matter how 'behaving' your kids are , They're kids after all...
  12. What a childish response to the points i was trying to make...
  13. Worse by a mile, show me a kid that his/her fingers are not on some keyboard most hours of the day 24/7 taking in any BS people puts out there and acting up on it... way too much unnecessary, some dangerous information and way too easy accessing it...
  14. There was an article in western newspaper that Thailand's capital city name is the world's longest being officially named "Krung Thep maha nakhon" (city of angels) and now this tongue twister: "Petchcharat Hua Hin" and this is coming from a country that most of its revenues comes from foreigners...
  15. What a lame excuse, just go out and say 'We were racking our brains and thinking how to get more money from the public and we think we found it'...
  16. Now the wolves are circling the prey smelling the blood of opportunity here getting one over on the maid and as 'her lawyers trying to protect her' ( 'more like protecting their fees') We haven't heard the last of yet yet...
  17. Yeap.. This country is full of them bums with no future but being a nuisance to the public and causing problems, this case looks like a one way ticket back to where he came from...
  18. Ahh, now has come the time to enjoy the perks of the job, just don't put too much weight gorging yourself on them europian delectable and drinks..
  19. It is not possible to do a flight change on business class (or any other class it seems) on their website until you call and talk to an operator, hope this new App has fixed the problem...
  20. It'll only go back to be sold underground, where it was, and the bit of control the government had while it was sold in the shops, that to, will be gone, Way to go Thailand...
  21. Thailand needs more Subs like another hole in the head...Millions of Thais going without proper health care and Thailand buying submarines, talking about priorities or appeasing big brother China?..
  22. I think you're right, it is Pan Pan...
  23. It has been going on for so many years and still they haven't been able to stamped it out because to lure and the easy money are so great and enticing specially for the 'have not' young girls what want to be like everyone else and fit in the circle of her her have all those new phones and new close, Unfortunately, it will continue to be so in form or another, less or more, but it can't be wiped all out and the repid expending of society and not enough attention at home is to blame...
  24. It's cheaper and sunnier to be lonely here than in many countries around the world...
  25. I thought you were referring to the one in Pattaya, when it opened in the 80' it was the only building around everything around it was a barren land, Not so much now, however, the food there was fairly mediocre even in those days...
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