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Posts posted by soc

  1. Having a great breakfast at the Café Pascal on Second Road.

    Swiss restaurant.

    Gorge yourself for B200.

    Going for a walk at 6am. Cool air, then going to a Norwegian restaurant for excellent coffee.

    Browsing the bookshops,

    Check out the go go bars, then an icy cold Heineken.

    Got to be Paradise! lol

  2. Some people are clearly too stupid to be allowed to have children.

    Yep, you better include christians in that statement. They too have the belief in all those spirit things.


    Whether you believe it or not, Spirits exist.

    l have experienced them.

    Some good, some neutral & some not so good.

    l don't care if you laugh,

    l'm beyond worrying what other people think.

    But they are real.

    l think that we all have a spirit or life force within us that is released when the body dies.

    Kirilian photography clearly shows this life force of all living things.

  3. The French largely brought the problems onto their own heads by ignoring the proliferations of Muslim enclaves

    in France mainly in Paris and Marcie...

    No-go zones are Muslim-dominated neighborhoods that are largely off limits to non-Muslims due to a variety of factors, including the lawlessness and insecurity that pervades a great number of these areas. Host-country authorities have effectively lost control over many no-go zones and are often unable or unwilling to provide even basic public aid, such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services, out of fear of being attacked by Muslim youth.

    Muslim enclaves in European cities are also breeding grounds for Islamic radicalism and pose a significant threat to Western security.

    Europe's no-go zones are the by-product of decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to create parallel societies and remain segregated from — rather than become integrated into — their European host nations.

    The problem of no-go zones is well documented, but multiculturalists and their politically correct supporters vehemently deny that they exist. Some are now engaged in a concerted campaign to discredit and even silence those who draw attention to the issue.

    Quite true,

    The time has come to clean out the muslim filth from Christian countries.

    And when that exercise is completed it will be time to clean out the pc idiots who brought them here in the first place(who are more dangerous!).

    Then we MIGHT have Peace.(until some other stupid group & their pc supporters raise their evil heads).

  4. Where are the restaurants names that have tiger meat on the menu?

    Why do they always leave out the important parts of a story...

    The owners should also get whatever punishment is given to the ones that shot the tiger.... But I guess they're too high up the food chain to be named and shamed...

    So the 'Whities' that decimate(d) all the Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Rhinos etc in Africa and Asia just for the trophies are soooo different because they didn't (don't) sell the meat?

    No, they are wrong too.

    And a lot of us believe that there should be the death penalty for poaching endangered animals.

    Look at the world-wide uproar over the death of Cecil the Lion, in Zimbabwe.

  5. Delivering the meat to Bangkok restaurants... who were waiting for their <deleted> tiger meat? Who had customers waiting - for their order of tiger meat?

    Shoot the whole lot of them, the sick bastards. Loads of money but no breeding or class, is the problem.

    Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...

    My thoughts exactly.

  6. Spot on, Collingwood.

    lf a person was a genuine refugee, fleeing a war in say lraq, you would pull up in the first safe(for you)country, e.g. lndia, not buy a plane ticket to lndonesia then get on a boat to northern Australia.

    Are we supposed to believe that these people sailed from lraq to Australia? The Viets did in the 70s. They were genuine "boat people".

    Too many bleeding hearts think that we should just throw open the gates to any "poor" people & give them all the benefits paid for by our taxpayers.

    Most of these so-called "refugees"are muslim & refuse to assimilate. They've already suggested that one state, New South Wales, adopt Sharia law in a small way. lt has been refused for now, but in the future, no doubt it will raise its horrible head again.

    Telling it like it is, does not bother me in the slightest if l am called "racist" Doubt it as my children are part Chinese.

    Last time l looked, lslam was not a "race".

  7. The Pyramids were neither tombs or for grain-storage.

    They wouldn't be internally big enough to store much grain relative to the difficulties of construction & no bodies have ever been found inside them.

    No one knows what they were for or how they were built.

    There is even doubt as to who built them.

    We are taught that they were built during the Old Kingdom, but there is no proof of that & no records.

    Go figure.

  8. Is SB for real? 30% of kids born in marriage are not even the biological father's kid.

    You might like to reread your post.

    lt doesn't make sense.

    lf he is their biological father, then he is their father.

    Did you mean to say that 30% of the children are not their mother's marriage partner's children?

  9. Sure fire cure for insomnia.

    1) No caffeine after about 2pm(2am if you work nights).

    2) Dark, cold room.

    3) Sex just before you want to sleep.

    l would have thought that #3 would be obvious.

    lt works even better if you've been working nightshift & you have the glare shut out.

    Always works for me on the rare occasions that l can't sleep.


  10. l found that Babies generally like the taste of beer. Maybe a contrast to the bland food that they get given.

    All my children(4)were given small sips of beer from my bottle. l mean small sips, no more than a teaspoon or so.

    lt scandalised their mother's Filipino family but did the children no harm. The youngest now is 29 yo & is a successful Doctor in Australia.

    However l would never give my children, or any children for that matter, hard liquor like Whiskey etc.

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