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Posts posted by soc

  1. On 28/01/2017 at 0:06 PM, AlphMichaels said:

    Color bias is global.  Unfortunately, here & throughout Asia, the idea that being light places you in a higher social order is wrong.  Start checking the consumer solutions sold everywhere and exposing them for their false promises is a start.  


    Maybe the aliens will come and just make every human green or purple.  That should effectively remove color bias.   

    Green would be nice.

    Shiny, jungle green.

  2. Why does Sweden, indeed ANY western country, need these sort of immigrants?

    lf you need immigrants, then governments should be more choosy.

    There are many law abiding honest people looking for a new start.

    And finally, any person who suffers, in any way from any immigrant, should be able to sue the government AND the Bleeding Heart brigade, for allowing these trash to come into your country & "bite the hand that feeds them"

  3. On 20/01/2017 at 10:42 AM, Oishii said:

    I've been here for nearly 4 years and get my hair cut every 4 weeks. I've tried all the ฿40 barber shops and have now settled an a ฿100 barber.  She knows exactly how I like my hair cut, she speaks a little English, and while she's cutting my hair, her dad washes my car and mum makes a nice coffee for me.  All in all I could have murdered a few barbers along the way, but it grows back quite quickly.

    l pay B200 & the lady trims my fingernails(if needed) & toenails too.

    But l tip her another B100 because she is a very pleasant person & does such a good job.

  4. On 15/01/2017 at 11:41 AM, hdkane said:

    In general the Chinese women aren't as attractive as other Asians...you're just pointing out a single example...

    l find Chinese girls to be very attractive,

    And Thai girls,

    And Malaysian girls……

    Damn it, there are attractive girls in all races.!

    l love them all!

  5. On 12/01/2017 at 7:43 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    You appear to be talking about people seeking a better life by paying vile people traffickers to take them to rich countries in expectation of jobs etc.

    The OP is about refugees, and your post is off topic.


    BTW Saudi Arabia is not in a similar situation and is very rich. It is also culturally similar. Why do they not go there? 

    Because Saudi Arabia is not filled with young White Women.

    A factor that is never recognised about these young muslim males.

  6. 3 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Some pretty good choices I think. One I never tried though which is Beerlao.


    Heineken is a good beer no doubt. World wide sales would tell us that to. For me it is more of a cost difference then preference. I prefer Tiger though. Singha is a good beer also, but I find it too gassy. Makes me bloat after a few of them.   

    l find Tiger to be just as good as Heineken & a little bit cheaper.

    At the hotel that l stay at when in Pattaya, the Heineken is/was 55 baht a small bottle & the Tiger is/was 45 baht.

    Perhaps l should have made Tiger an equal lst or 2nd on my scale.


  7. Naturally its "Horses for Courses", but personally l think that the taste of Leo beer is utterly revolting.

    lts far too sweet for starters.

    My choices, in order of preference, are:-

    1) Heineken Draught.

    2) Heineken Bottled.

    3) Tiger(bottles).

    4) Beerlao lager

    5) Singha(bottles).

    6) Chang.

    l used to like Chang, but now find that its too sweet also.

    l used to buy Beerlao in Australia in 660ml bottles for $50 a case.

    When they put the price up to $60, it just wasn't worth buying anymore as l could buy the local XXXX Gold for $33(& the XXXX came in 750ml bottles).


  8. On 05/01/2017 at 8:31 PM, geriatrickid said:


    Yours is the classic irresponsible selfish post of the thread. Why wasn't your dog spayed? Why weren't you a responsible human? You bitch and complain, but you have just shown that you are a selfish, irresponsible person.  Why didn't you act responsibly and prevent  the inevitable  problem?  And if you will now claim, it wasn't inevitable, you truly are short a few cards  in the deck. Of course your dog would one day get out. It happens. Everyone's dog gets out at some point, because people make mistakes. Don't blame your wife because you failed.  And who  purchases a cold weather siberian husky for a hot tropical climate? Again, not much going on upstairs if you believe that was appropriate  animal management.





    I support multiple  animal care organizations around the world including in Thailand. My last donation was probably more than what you paid in Thai income tax for the last year. I  do it because that is the way I was raised and because I am fortunate to be able to share my wealth.    I also contribute to a number of  other charities because I have some very persistent  family members, clients and neighbours including one lady who won't take no.


    Again you are running off on a tangent because this is about a DRUNK who intentionally ran down a sleeping dog.  Know what's amazing? Your desperate attempt to justify an event that defiled the wat and that offended every religious Buddhist in that wat. You don't care do you? On any  given day you wouldn't accept the claims of a Thai criminal, but on this you embrace the violent drunk driver's claim about an alleged  biting incident. Odd that no one corroborates the story. Why would you take a cruel, malicious drunk driver at his word?  The man is most likely lying because he was caught. The idiot was DRUNK and needed an excuse to justify the evil he brought at the wat.  Do you not understand that killing living objects in a wat is forbidden? Make an effort man. You are living in Thailand.

    What a Hero!


  9. 6 hours ago, Alan Deer said:



    This theory about alcohol is total bunkum......


    The comment personifies the “white” attitude to the first Australians - a string of "convenient" pseudo scientific pronouncements have been made about them that are used in some way to shift blame from the European invaders.



    Social conditions create a predisposition for alcoholism, not genetics............ this baseless idea dates back to colonial times when it was thought native people all over the world were particularly vulnerable to addiction, but there is no evidence of this whatsoever. Yet again a false theory is used to support a notion hopelessness and fatalism in indigenous peoples thus perpetuating the erroneous concept of a “dying race”



    what white Australia is failing to do or trying to avoid are the causes of problem drinking which are the same throughout the world - and that is as a a release from a desperate situation - then accompanied by other substance abuse, it is followed by alcoholism.....the kind of anti-social behaviour on alcohol is by no means just an aboriginal problem, it is seen all over Australia and the rest of the world especially amongst disadvantaged sectors of populations, amongst all people regardless of skin colour or heritage - it is seen all over the world..



    the media doesn’t help (v. this thread - they get their facts wrong and reinforce stereotypes.......The real message to be learned is to  objectively approach the problem and not try to cling to fallacious theories in the hope that they remove some of the responsibility from the non-indigenous population.



    BTW - various Aboriginal nations in Australia DID have alcohol before the Europeans arrived ...in some places in quite a weak form - from plants and fruit. In the North they got alcohol from the traders from Indonesia...and there is also evidence that they fermented their own alcohol too.


    A greater percentage of indigenous people abstain from alcohol that non-indigenous...1.6 times less.


    Reliance on processed food has dome a lot of physical harm to indigenous people too as they previously lived a very low salt diet - many suffer from salt/sugar related diseases....these are a far more insidious threat.




    I wish people would get their facts right before posting  on this topic - mind you there are about 200 years of lies and b/s to sort through first






    l think you are the one talking bunkum.  l've never found an Aboriginal person yet who could drink alcohol & not get into trouble.  l've worked with Aboriginals and they themselves acknowledged that fact.  Many of them didn't drink because they knew what it did to them.  Don't worry there are plenty of white people who can't handle their drink either.  And don't get your knickers in a knot, this is not about bashing anyone.


    Nobody is "shifting blame"why? do you feel guilty?

    You are the first person l have ever heard that says that the Aboriginal people had alcohol.  Excuse me if l am skeptical……Links please.

  10. 6 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    This is an ideologically tainted representation of some aspects of Aboriginal culture and the pre-history of Australia. It would appear that some issues are raised merely to attempt to diminish the Aboriginal culture. While somewhat more precise than the general anti-Aboriginal slurs to which I was responding, the politicization of aspects of Aboriginal culture and history has the same effect. It would seem that that is the intention of this post reinforced by using statements as fact with no citations or acknowledgement of the ideologically based dissension about many of these issues.


    Representing Aboriginal people as immigrants has but one purpose, to attempt to de-legitimize their culture and ties to their land. Accusations that they were responsible for the extinction of mega-fauna are likewise controversial. The invasion from India theory is an entirely ideological interpretation of recent genetic studies.


    All this seems to reinforce my earlier assumptions that those of the Right need to feel that Aboriginal people are somehow lesser or less culturally advanced. Your moral relativism is entirely one sided.

    And you would be wrong.

    l am an admirer of Aboriginal culture & of their accomplishments.  But l am also sadly aware of their failures.   l also have Aboriginal friends & although l do not raise the subject with them, so are they.  Of course they are immigrants.

    Do you think that they evolved within Australia?

    They came from South-East Asia in waves of different races & cultures. They also introduced the Dingo, which killed off the Tasmanian Tiger, which used to live on the mainland. That was only about 4000 years ago.


    You are actually talking rubbish when you say that they lived in "perfect harmony" with the land.

    You need to take off your rose-coloured glasses.

    Ever hear of the "Bunyip"?  Thats a race-memory for all the Mega Fauna that used to live in Australia but was hunted to extinction before the white man arrived.  Similar to how the Maoris exterminated the Moa from New Zealand, before the whiteman.

    Maybe you should stop feeling sorry for yourself & just face facts. 


    The Aboriginal people have to make the effort to help themselves.  The opportunities are there, they just need to take them.  And l wish them luck.

  11. 23 hours ago, moose7117 said:

    I am actually an Australian, of mixed descent. Irish and indigenous.

    After working for a few years as a musterer around Halls creek and working for over 20 years in remote Australia, Kimberly, Pilbara,FNQ etc.and having worked with a "few" Aboriginals, i really have no idea what i am talking about then?  i just ate and shared campsites and worked with them full bloods on a daily basis.


    It amazes me the crap you read that sprouts from the educated academics that live in their ivory towers and have never lived with or seen first hand the people that they are experts on.


    come to the Halls Creek rodeo one day, drink in the middle bar , spruik your beliefs and see how long you last.


    maybe that fellah in the feather boot come looking for you !


    And i must be a Racist as i am a mixed breed but my wife is full blood Thai, so what are our kids ? 1/4 Paddy, 1/4 Boong and half gook ?

    l'll bet your children are good looking.

    l'm British & Russian & my (ex)wife is Spanish, Chinese,Filipino & American & our 4 children are quite handsome(even if l do say so, myself! lol!)

    One of my daughters is a model.

  12. On 17/12/2016 at 6:17 PM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    It has become axiomatic that while the Right is not per se racist, those with racist views find welcome in its embrace.


    What is the context for such culturally imperialist rubbish? You have money and can buy anything that represents 'advanced' culture like remote controlled helicopters, expensive tread mills and trophy wives? Have you personally contributed to the advancement of the culture that you have appropriated? The culture of Aristotle, Michelangelo, Isaac Newton and others? Or have you just taken from it? I like Western culture. I have tried to contribute to it through my education, my work and my social interactions. I appreciate and support the fundamental liberalism of western culture and seek to promote its advancement.


    But how does an appreciation of one's own culture grant entitlement to demean and diminish the culture of others?


    "Nothing they did was sustainable" Nothing except their culture that was sustained for 40,000 or 50,000 years. "No agriculture" Aboriginal culture at the time of the invasion was hunter-gatherer. Perhaps we would have had to wait another 50,000 years for them to develop agriculture (as you define it). We will never know. What we do know is that their culture and way of life was successful for them and their environment. "Rudimentary Structures" Do you have any concept of Aboriginal spirituality? It is an ancient and complex mysticism that has existed for centuries. Well beyond any physical structures built by non Aboriginal societies. "Raped and burnt [sic]" Aboriginal people were so in tune with their environment that they knew much of native Australian flora required fire to reproduce.


    What else you got?

    You are cherrypicking now about "in tune with their environment"

    The Aborigines routinely set fire to the bush(to clear the undergrowth & drive out game).

    l'm not saying that that practice was wrong for the results, but its hardly conservationist.

    When the Aborigines arrived in Australia(yes, Daeng, they are immigrants too!), there were large marsupial animals that no longer exist.

    Scientists now believe that these animals were hunted to extinction by, guess who? the incoming "invaders"

    lt is thought that the original inhabitants of the mainland were the same people as the Tasmanian Aboriginal, while the successive wave of "invasions" of the mainland Aboriginal people today came from lndia.

    A completely different race/type of people altogether.

    They killed off or assimilated the locals.

    White Europeans are not even the last invasion.

    There is more to come.

    Like it?

  13. On 17/12/2016 at 4:05 AM, RachaRob said:

    Some of the aborigines I have met are racists themselves but some are quite decent people.

    Most Aborigines are very decent people until they drink alcohol.

    Prior to white settlement/invasion(call it what you like)the Aboriginal people had NO alcohol whatsoever. Their metabolism cannot handle too much of it.

    Our ancestors have been drinking alcohol since the Sumerians invented beer.

    For their own protection, Aborigines were not allowed to drink alcohol until about 1964 when the UN got into the act & said that the Australian Govt was "racist"(don't the PC do-gooders love labeling anyone who disagrees with them with that word"!)& brought pressure on the Govt to repeal that law.

    Now we see what happens.

    l know that there are plenty of white idiots who cannot handle alcohol either, but l have never seen/found an Aborigine who can get completely drunk & not become belligerent & violent.

    l too, have worked with & along side Aborigines & when sober, are a likable people.

    When drunk, l would just make myself scarce.

  14. 1 hour ago, mdotinc said:

     A lot of people here on Thaivisa love to open their gizzards with no clue or facts behind their statements. It is not "a couple weeds", it is an overgrown lot growing in some places over 20 feet tall, breeds all kinds of mosquito's that carry dengue and malaria, and tons of snakes etc.


    I have a child and worry for my family. All of you people recommending that I "cut it myself" have no idea the severity of the issue but continue to talk about it....you people that have nothing better to do than to repeat others' "dumb" words need to get a life instead of trolling 24/7 on peoples thai visa posts. Straight up. Losers.



    Oh do be quiet, you silly, silly little creature.


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