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Posts posted by soc

  1. The yes/no thing drives me crazy as I have to constantly invent ways to check if the information got in there correctly (like a CRC redundancy check for computer techies amongst us) or if the receiver went into sleep mode while I was still in mid sentence (tip: just insert "som tam" every couple of words to keep the connection active). Do we go left or right here?, Yess, is that left then? Noo, is it right? Up to you. This is not from an idiot partner either - my GF is actually a pretty street smart girl, but our languages don't interface how I would have preferred. I'm pretty sure I'm boring her to tears every time I open my mouth, but binary is an idea I might introduce to her after a decade or two more familiarisation. I can imagine when they get together they all gossip and say something like "don't do anything that makes the farang talk, just close the deal and be done with it, I promise you, otherwise they'll drive you crazy"...meanwhile on the other side of the fence... Maybe that's why she leaps on me to give me a hug so much - to make sure I don't talk or think [too mutt].

    To answer your question about suggestions, I think most of them would sound like I'm Thai bashing which I don't want to do, so I'll mention just a couple of the more innocent practices:

    1. like when you're full and 30 mins after finishing your meal they ask "are you hungry yet?"

    2. They put some piece of fruit to your mouth and you back off to see what it is because you've become long sighted over the years, and say you don't really like this particular one and prefer xyz, but for the next 365 days you have ground hog day.

    3. The myopic behaviour in the street or on the road, even with the soi animals that look really shocked when you're within 1 metre of them. Back home your dog knows the sound of your vehicle approaching from 1 mile away. Here they only notice when you stand on their paw or beep your horn to stop from riding/driving over them, and they lazily get up and stroll to the side of the road. Why thanks buddy for tolerating my efforts to help you stay alive another day...

    My Filipina ex-wife giving directions, me driving in heavy traffic.

    Her "turn"

    Me "which way?"

    Her "turn"

    Me "left or right?"

    Her, pointing right,"turn left".

    Me, driving on as still not sure & some maniac hooting his horn behind me.

    Her "why you not turn?"

    Thinks, l must love her not to get cross.

  2. ONE of the reasons that Tony Abbott was dethroned is because he announced that Australia would take in Christian Syrian refugees.

    This wasn't good enough for the PC Crowd who went on the news saying that we MUST take muslims as well!

    Australia would have taken 12,000 Christians initially with more to follow.

    They are still Syrians so it sort of makes a mockery of the PC Crowd when they scream "racism"!

  3. He is not an aussie

    So what is he?

    An Aussie short for Australian is a person that loves there country and proud to say so, he is just a piece of scum that was let in the country by mistake. He might even have an Aussie passport but to read what he was plannining means he was against the Australian way of life., to follow the law and make an oath. So my view is he is not an Aussie ,far from it and should be deported back to where he came from.

    He is a migrant or son or grandson of a migrant that despises our country but wants the benefits.

    lts on record that a religious leader from one of these people has said that they will never assimilate.

    We have taken in nationalities from all over the world & after some initial problems or adjustments they have all settled down & their children are as Australian as any of us.

    All except one particular group who "demand" special treatment & want things to be changed to suit them.

    They recently put in a submission in one state for inheritance laws to be changed to suit them.

    lt was not allowed this time but they have said that they will keep trying until they get what they want.

    inheritance laws this time, if they get it, then what else do they want to change?

    They should never have been allowed into the country.

    No prizes for guessing who this group are.

  4. The last thing I'd want to do is go back to my old country. When I've had enough of this place, I'm moving on to somewhere new. Fresh adventure, no looking back.

    Ecuador is the place to be.

    Been told that by a few people.

    You can pick the temperature that you're comfortable with by changing altitude.

    l like it very cool to cold. But not too cold! lol

  5. OK, the naysayers have had their say. Lets bring some clarity and reality to the situation with respect to Syrian refugees.

    1. Syrian refugees are real refugees. They have nowhere to go except to run from their homes. Yes there may be some other nationalities who are really migrants and hiding among them but they will be easy to find out.

    2. The Syrian refugees that made it to Germany are those who are highly likely to be middle class, who had the money to get themselves across the Mediteranean and feed themselves on the long journey mainly on foot. These people are motivated.

    3. Middle class people are highly likely to be educated and motivated to stay middle class (i.e. to work, get jobs, save and purchase property etc etc)

    4. Germany is heading for a serious crisis over the next few years - the crisis is a huge labour shortage. Merkel may be many things but here she saw an opportunity to provide a solution to a humanitarian problem and a solution to an impending labor crisis.

    5. No one expects that the Syrians will immediately step into jobs, will arrive speaking fluent Hoch Deutsch. But of all the immigrants you could ask for, these are the best. Given some time, this is going to be a win-win situation if people allow it to happen.

    You reckon?

  6. When I stayed in Africa we had an amazing variety of snakes about including cobras, some semi-feral cats who considered our garden as home-base and two Siamese cats born in Chicago who never went out of the house.

    Many times I saw the feral cats send snakes packing. Never saw any cat taken out by a snake, but on the other hand I never saw any obviously old cats so the survival of the fittest must have prevailed in some way.

    Occasionally a snake came in the house. Apparently a rearing cobra is innately programmed in feline brains even by Chicago born house cats, but their strategy was to put as much distance as possible between it and them ,doing the veranda to bedroom closet dash at record speed.

    My small cat brought a small live black coloured snake into the house then released it in the lounge room.

    Shes always bringing me presents, mice, little birds(which l try to save)& even large live beetles.

    Pandemonium broke out in our house as l had 3 shrieking females(human), a cat who kept getting underfoot & a slithering snake all getting in my way as l tried to use a plastic dustpan to scoop said snake into a plastic bucket.

    Darned if l was going to grab the thing.

    l finally succeeded & took the annoyed snake outside & released it.

    lt was also an effort carry the bucket & slam the door shut behind me as madame cat wanted to have another crack at the snake.

    Ah the joys of having an inquisitive, feisty cat!

  7. These so-called "refugees" are never going to give up pushing the buttons of the bleeding heart crowd.

    The only way to discourage them is to shoot a couple of them & leave their bodies on display as an example to the others.

    Hang on there mate. I agree with you only up to a point. I think you will agree that you have to have a pretty good reason for walking away from your home and travelling to a country whose wherabouts you are a bit vague about. The problem is not the immigrants themselves, but the system that allows them to get this far, allows them to hope that they will never have to do an honest day's work in their lives if they get to the UK. The EU has started to exert pressure on the UK to allow more of these people (those that have family for instance) enter which will do nothing to help stem this invasion. The French don't care what happens to them as long as they disappear and blame the UK for what is happening.

    So how would you stop them?

    No normal person wants them in their country.

    Except the do-gooder fuzzy feeling crowd, who are then inflicting them on the rest of us.

    l might have some compassion for these opportunists if they weren't so arrogant.

    Expecting everything to be given to them & contributing nothing.

    And then despising the countries that take them in & biting the hand that feeds them.

    You've seen their actions in Germany.

    Would you like something like that for your daughter?

    lts about time that spineless politicians actually earned their massive salaries, listened to the people & permanently repatriated these parasites.

    l await your illuminating response, with bated breath, what YOU would do to clear up this situation.

    Don't be shy, you've got the stage.

    My answer is that you are confusing cause with effect. The UK leaving Europe would or should, be part of the solution.

    I don't have any illuminating responses, do you expect me to give you a three page answer? Anyway apprently I hurt your feelings (hate, mostly) so I do most sincerely beg your pardon. By the way, talking about arrogance...

    No you didn't hurt my feelings.

    You may consider it hate, hate can be a very useful emotion.

    Hate is not always wrong.

    Without hate you would never get men to defend their women & children or their country in times of war.

    You just confirmed what l said.

    Another wishy-washy that won't face facts & makes excuses for these invaders & can't or won't accept what is happening.

    Yes talking about arrogance……you were saying?

    Also, l'm still waiting for your solution.

    What makes you think that leaving Europe will make any difference?

    Norway & Sweden are not in the EU & look at the problems that they have had since they opened their doors to all & sundry?

    How would YOU stop unwanted immigration?

  8. These so-called "refugees" are never going to give up pushing the buttons of the bleeding heart crowd.

    The only way to discourage them is to shoot a couple of them & leave their bodies on display as an example to the others.

    Hang on there mate. I agree with you only up to a point. I think you will agree that you have to have a pretty good reason for walking away from your home and travelling to a country whose wherabouts you are a bit vague about. The problem is not the immigrants themselves, but the system that allows them to get this far, allows them to hope that they will never have to do an honest day's work in their lives if they get to the UK. The EU has started to exert pressure on the UK to allow more of these people (those that have family for instance) enter which will do nothing to help stem this invasion. The French don't care what happens to them as long as they disappear and blame the UK for what is happening.

    So how would you stop them?

    No normal person wants them in their country.

    Except the do-gooder fuzzy feeling crowd, who are then inflicting them on the rest of us.

    l might have some compassion for these opportunists if they weren't so arrogant.

    Expecting everything to be given to them & contributing nothing.

    And then despising the countries that take them in & biting the hand that feeds them.

    You've seen their actions in Germany.

    Would you like something like that for your daughter?

    lts about time that spineless politicians actually earned their massive salaries, listened to the people & permanently repatriated these parasites.

    l await your illuminating response, with bated breath, what YOU would do to clear up this situation.

    Don't be shy, you've got the stage.

  9. Good Lord!

    A very benevolent crowd this Sunday morning.

    Usually by post #5 there have been accusations of murder, robbery or some other misdeed requiring a full autopsy and the involvement of a foreign police force to follow up the evident plethora of clues which have been overseen or deliberately ignored by the Thai police in some cover up.

    I guess that the normal bar stool hoppers are either recovering from Saturday or gone to church.

    Nah, drunk 68 year old man loaded with viagra, is just looking to fall off the perch at any moment.

    l hope not!

    l've got a few years left yet!

    Anyway, Viagra gives me such a headache, so l don't use it.

  10. Thailand is the 6th country I have lived in.

    Each of those countries had different cultures and their own idiosyncrasies.

    This 10th rate article is written by a sexpat. So whilst we can't expect it to be too cerebral, we could hope that the people at Thai Visa don't reproduce this sort of tripe to cause some sort of anti-Thai discussion.

    Thailand is an easy place to live. You are welcome to leave any time. You fit in with the culture of the host country. I lived in Japan for over a year and I can tell you that Thailand is a much easier culture to adapt to.

    If the author of the article actually knew Thailand a little better, he may find that in many establishments, if a server gets an order wrong, then they end up paying for the order. This is not unique to Thailand.

    I was with my family in Hoi An once and amongst the many dishes we ordered came a dish that admittedly sounded like the one I ordered but was something else. The girl disagreed initially but eventually took it back with a smile. We later spotted someone consoling her as she was crying close to the cashiers till. We pulled over another waitress and I asked "will she have to pay for the dish we sent back?" and she told us that she would. So we pulled the girl over and told her to add it to our bill. By that time we were full anyway, so we told them they could eat it themselves if they liked. Cost to us - about $10. Cost to her - a days wages.

    I wouldn't do this all the time - but she was a nice girl, service was good.

    So sometimes, the reason for someone disagreeing that they made a mistake is not so much face but the fact that they stand to lose a significant amount of their days earnings for making a mistake at work.

    Some people though - they just drift through this country with only a superficial knowledge of what is going on around them.

    So not quite the "Sleuth" ht thinks he is...

    That was very honourable of you.

    l would do the same

    Actually a friend & l were in a restaurant & we received the wrong order.

    He was going to complain but l convinced him to just eat it anyway & not make a fuss.

    lt was still good food, just not what we had ordered.

    l didn't know that she would have to pay for her mistake though.

    Glad now that we didn't complain.

    So little to us, so much to her.

  11. Have you ever noticed how people often close their eyes when they want to listen very careful, for example when listening for the finer details in classic music. They are trying to simulate night conditions.

    Try googling: 'Why does sound travel better at night'.

    Sound travels further in colder air.

    Not sure if it has anything to do with lightness or darkness.

    lt just happens to be colder at night.

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