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Posts posted by soc

  1. As has been said, the air is cool, especially now.

    l generally walk about 3 or 4 kms in a circuit.

    Only ever had trouble once with dogs.

    Some Monks actually smile at me now.

    Best time of the day.

    Then home for a shower & a cup of good strong coffee.

    Is pepper spray illegal in Thailand, like it is here in Singapore?

    Just thinking it might be a viable soi dog defense......

    You're Welcome!! smile.png

    Don't know.

    l carry a few hefty stones just in case, but only had to use one once.

    The cur took off yelping.

    Luckily it was not part of a pack.

  2. Yes, as advised, you must see a doctor.

    l had the dizziness that you described, about 10 years ago.

    l was living on my own & l just could not stand up or l fell over & also puked all over the place.

    l was diagnosed as having Middle Ear lnfection.

    lt affected the spirit levels that we have, somewhere in our heads, to enable us to keep our balance.

    The doctor seemed to think that l could have picked up the infection by inserting earplugs with dirty hands.

    l can never get rid of it but l now have pills to control it & they work well, when l remember to take them!

    Definitely see a doctor.

  3. So you just left it in pain ??


    You're joking, right? I don't think you have a clue about vet care out in the countryside in Thailand. There wasn't a vet in a 300 kilometer radius who could have performed emergency surgery or would have been equiped to euthanize the dog. The only "humane" thing I could have done would have been to back up and put it out of its misery. Would that have met with your approval?

    l've unintentionally run over both cats & dogs.

    lf they were still alive & beyond help then l put them out of their misery.

    You should have killed the dog.

  4. I have driving in many countries around the world, and the thing is that drivers agro is NOT unique to Thai

    drivers, I have seen and experienced much worse, with tail gating, horn honking, light flashing, middle fingers and coming

    out to physically hit you wit some hard instruments or a tool....

    In my opinion, Thai drivers are way timid compare to many other places around the world...

    Exactly, try Argentina, possibly the worst drivers in the world.

    And lndonesia.

    Was out driving with my gf(in the middle lane)& being overtaken on both sides by bikes & cars who would then cut in front of me.

    l fully expected to see the idiots side-swipe each other & was poised for it.

    That didn't happen but then we came to a red light at a crossroads & everyone just kept driving through it.

    l stopped to the furious honking behind me & the gf shouting "go go go go go".

    The cross traffic also had a red light & were stopped.

    l guess that they were about to start up any second, hence the joker behind me getting frantic to get through before they did.

    So l had to start up again & drive through.

    Have you ever consciously driven through a red light. lts a difficult mental block to overcome.

    Of course then l had to put up with the gf's repetitious, "why you stop?" until she got tired of it.

    How do you explain that with everyone else believing that they are right & you are wrong?

  5. l have had trouble on the beach from sunglass vendors when l wouldn't buy.

    l had a perfectly good set of sunglasses on & he wanted me to hand them over to him to "try them out".

    He got very belligerent when l refused.

    This happened twice,with different vendors.

    What would he/they have done?

    Broken them, so that l would have to buy from him?

    As l walked away, one of them kept shouting after me, "show me. show me".

    This was on Beach Road, Pattaya.

  6. Doesn't Australia have a special word for these sort of people?

    Bogan or something?

    Yeah old boy, I wrote BOGAN in my post, didn't you read without your glasses on today ? 555555

    Actually a Bogan is an uncultured hillbilly. There are some nice people who are Bogans.

    To be a Bogan does not necessarily mean that you are a criminal or a lowlife.

    I would say that the correct term for this pair(if guilty)would be "no-hoper" or "scumbag".

  7. He has been parking at a non-parking zone on a daily basis....ha free parking.

    Been doing much more than that. Everyday the Australian parked there he was thumbing his nose at the guard. Daily the Australian let the guard know that he was nothing in the eyes of the Australian. Everyday the Australian stole a little bit of the guards dignity. Why did the Australian act that way towards a Thai ? Racism comes to mind, because the Australian was much bigger and could do as he wanted? The mistke the guard made was in not pulling the trigger and serving his two months. Thailand and the expat community don't need Australians like that swaggering around Thailand giving us all a bad name by thinking that might makes right. No wonder they gang up on farang, they have to.

    What nationality did you say the bike-rider was again?

    Think l missed it, lol!

  8. Has airport security ever stopped a real terrorist with all the crap they make you do these days?. Take off your belt, shoes, take out you laptop, iPad, etc... I guess they did catch some guy with a bunch of heroin the other week though.

    If it's for safety i don't mind to do all you mentioned.

    But then EVERYBODY has to do that, not only me and then let many Thai pass without taking their shoes off.

    Also i don't like it when i am in the bodyscanner and my stuff is all on the belt between strangers grabbing the baskets next to mine.

    I always want to see my baskets and i think i have the right for that.

    And why don't they have a space where i can take on my shoes/belt quietly on my own pace? Or at least something to put my feet on when i take my shoes on.

    I always get a bad mood from the security-check while i'm sure not against it, it's just the way they do it and can't spea englit at all.

    l've never had to take my shoes off on my many flights in & out of Thailand.

    ln fact l've only ever had to take my shoes off on SOME,not all internal flights in the USA.

    lts a pain removing your belt, holding your pants up, then trying to re thread your belt though.

    Especially when you can lose the little loop that holds your belt from flopping about.

    So l got cunning & threaded a long bootlace through my belt loops on my pants, under my belt.

    Then when you remove your belt, your pants don't fall down.

    Ah the joys of air travel in the 21st century.

  9. I sure hope this posting does not turn into an opportunity to shed light on all the unsolved murders which happen in Thailand...The PM is reforming the police dept so have patience

    Can't we just focus on all the good stuff...the easy visas...and smiling people...the inexpensive costs...the helpful Thais...

    Don't even get me started on old fat beer drinking ex-pats that come to Thailand for the young women...

    Well, l did reply to your moralising post but its been removed.

    l guess some people don't like the truth.

    Too bad, l say it like it is.


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