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Posts posted by ianf

  1. A typical blind response, it is nothing to do with the severity of the offense, an offense is an offense. Some offenders are punished, some are not. This is double standards whether you accept it or not.

    Correct -- an offense is an offense. So far I see some on all sides being punished. You might want to research when the phrase "double standards" first started being used in Thailand. I'll even point you in the right direction --- Thaksin 2001

    Is it wishful thinking or do I sense a slight convergence? Whilst everyone seems agreed that the red activists were wicked people, they are reluctant to admit that the yellow activists were just as bad. The airport takeover was not a like a baggage handlers strike. it was not just a friendly tea party, the airport was entered and occupied, suspected red sympathisers were grabbed and beaten, guns were waved and fired from the back of a pickup truck. You are going to ask me for proof, well go and find it yourself, I don't need it. Look in Youtube during those times, search the video archives of the western media, listen to the eye witness accounts of the trapped passengers.

    Economic loss, well according to my friends in the tourist industry the reds and yellows are pretty neck and neck. But speak to the exporters and importers, this is where the real economic loss occurred, at the airport. The main sufferers from the arson were the insurance companies, by declaring it a criminal act rather than a civil conflict it was covered.

    As to double standards, I seem to recollect a well known Greek philosopher of hemlock drinking fame who used this expression... in Greek of course B)

    Stop portraying the reds as the sole cause of Thailand's problems, stop portraying Abhisit as God's gift to the nation, and we might be much near to a consensus.

    There seem to be too many threads with overlapping topics, perhaps inevitable, and I seem to be arguing with same handful of people in each thread :) Can't someone simplify this, start a combination thread, " the case for and against Thaksin and the case for and against Abhisit"? I would but I don't know how :lol:

    There is no case against Abhisit. There is a strong case against Thaksin. Please read my earlier posts. When will people get the fact that Thaksin is not acting on his own, that the threat is Global? That the events in Thailand are being carefully manipulated from the outside? That Abhisit has his back against the wall? And so on? Using this context the posts on this thread seem empty and way off the mark. Creating diversons is part of the Global masterplan. Search Global on the internet .......

  2. I think the Army is out of it . If anything was learned from the 2006 coup, it was that the Army cannot run the country. They know that themselves. What MAY happen if PTP comes to power is that they will stand aside as the people storm Parliament while PTP tries to get amnesty legislation through. The amnesty will not happen IMO

    I don't agree. They were very very close to coming out during the red shirt protests, particularly when it all started going down burning the city halls up country.

    As for believing that they learnt anything from the mess of the last coup. Since when did any supposedly experienced Thai organisation admit that they have ever done anything wrong in the past, let alone an organisation with its own armories. This new bunch will probably see it as a challenge to do it better than the last lot. This is the army, so you are commanded to do it, you don't stand around and answer "but, you know, the last time, all the political scientists of the world said we screwed it up".

    Don't underestimate how much some of these people actually despise Thaksin and what they think he may be capable of doing. They are absolutely paranoid about him.

    Yes, they are paranoid about him not just because of his personal power but because of the global movement of which he is a part. The hierarchy in this country know a lot more and there is a frission of fear running down the corridors of power. We are dealing with a global colour revolution of which the reds (unknowingly to the masses) are a part. Getting rid of those at the top of the establishment is part of the agenda (have we not seen that in Libya, Egypt and so on???). The red movement will stop at nothing and those who disregard or do not understand the nature of this threat may well be in for a surprise when the reds seize power here. I think there is ample evidence of how easily the Isaan farmers have been manipulated and the shame of it is they will be dumped (and their kids will not get their laptops) as they are just cannon fodder for a larger agenda.

  3. Check out BikeZone.co.th, it's just down the road from Probike, worth a look if you're visiting them!

    They stock some nice Marin road bikes, could of friend have them and LOVE EM...

    Cannot see any photo of them on the website thou.

    Also in Bangkok you have World Bikes in the building that houses the HSBC Bank. They sell Specialised and Colnago. In fact as a cyclist of 50 years experience, I would suggest Specialised over some of the others. I am not a great lover of Trek for a host of reasons. On the web the largest mail order store is Chain Reaction Cycles (in N Ireland) but there are oter resources too. But in my opinion best to go into the shop and get a perfect fit. The Specialised shop would do this. I have used ProBike over the last 15 years and have found their staff lacking in knowledge and only interested in the 'sale'. If you are in Chiang Mai you could do no better than TCA Bikes - if you look on the web they have a big place somewhere in BKK selling Bianchi Bikes.

  4. Quite simple for Pheu Thai if they want to govern. Govern to the constitution with democratic intent, and leave Thaksin in exile...or in a thai prison doing his two years plus additional charges...his choice. Do that and the good general will not bother the democratic process.

    They cannot do this because Thaksin is part of a Global master plan to destabilise world governments (Egypt, Tunsia, Libya, Syria, Yemen) and what is happening in Thailand parallels actions in these other countries. We are living in dangerous times as those with power in the world only have to manipulate the masses not only to gain power but to have total control. Thailand is just one of the staging posts. If we were to be more graphic about these world events - I would say we are living in the middle of (at the start of perhaps) World War III. Thaksin and his cohortsare very dangerous men. They stop at nothing including shooting their own pepole with black clad snipers and manipulating the media to make it appear that legitimate goverments are behind these murders. Even events on the Cambodia border are linked to this massive attempt at destabilising Thailand. When people tell me that Farangs should not be involved I say, I live in this world and I do not want to live in a world controlled by these evil men.

    ianf,I think you are a very brave man,who dares to go up against this organisation,which ,according to your knowledge and,I guess,trustworthy intelligence,has a "global masterplan" and "stops at nothing" ,including murder,to see it through!Are you not afraid,when you say,that you "do not want to live in a world controlled by these evil men",somebody will take that literally.I mean,being evil as they are,like trying to take down dictators in the countrys you mentioned and so on...?I wish you all the best in your struggle...

    You may scorn but time will tell ........ If you search the internet you'll begin to make these links.

  5. I'm not sure if this article is saying that some kind of segregation is being proposed by some faction of the red shirt movement.

    It apparently stops short of saying that but may be implying it. If it were indeed the case that these people officially wanted segregated areas based along political lines (or any other lines for that matter), that would be a very disturbing move on their part.

    Well, when you're treated like second class citizens in your own country, the logical idea would be to create your own land and be treated like first class citizens. Not that I agree with it, but it's true.

    Perhaps it shows just how effective the manipulative propaganda and training camps of the globally funded Red movement has been. These poor farmers are easily manipulated and believe you me, they'll all be dumped like hot bricks the moment the Thaksin movement takes control. Do you really believe that Thaksin could have done all this on his own? Or have you too come to the realisation that the events here in Thailand are part of a Global campaign which includes countries such as Egypt and Libya?

  6. Quite simple for Pheu Thai if they want to govern. Govern to the constitution with democratic intent, and leave Thaksin in exile...or in a thai prison doing his two years plus additional charges...his choice. Do that and the good general will not bother the democratic process.

    They cannot do this because Thaksin is part of a Global master plan to destabilise world governments (Egypt, Tunsia, Libya, Syria, Yemen) and what is happening in Thailand parallels actions in these other countries. We are living in dangerous times as those with power in the world only have to manipulate the masses not only to gain power but to have total control. Thailand is just one of the staging posts. If we were to be more graphic about these world events - I would say we are living in the middle of (at the start of perhaps) World War III. Thaksin and his cohortsare very dangerous men. They stop at nothing including shooting their own pepole with black clad snipers and manipulating the media to make it appear that legitimate goverments are behind these murders. Even events on the Cambodia border are linked to this massive attempt at destabilising Thailand. When people tell me that Farangs should not be involved I say, I live in this world and I do not want to live in a world controlled by these evil men.

  7. Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

    He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

    Actually you are wrong 100%. This is a view borne out of blinkered prejudice. How can you support the Thaksin side - Thaksin was a murderer and thief? (the drug killings and the corruption) He has been blacklisted by democracies such as the UK and the USA which is why he sought refuge in tinpot dictatorships like Montenegro. Thaksin was described by Human Rights Watch as a one of the worst kind of dictators.

    On the other hand Abihsit has shown great courage in the face of continual intimidation by a neo-nazi movement and even by some of his own supporters who were unhappy about his moves against corruption and towards a western-styled democracy. As I drove around the country last week I saw many defaced Abhisit posters but not one defaced Pheu Thai poster. That speaks a lot.

    Mark my words and mark them carefully. If the red neo-nazis take control of Thailand after the next election under the leadership of the clone of Thaksin or Thaksin himself it will be a sad day for Thailand with no chance of democracy for many years to come. I fear for Thailand and the poor disinherited and manipulated masses that make up the majority of the population of whom many are duped by Thaksin's manipulative charms.

    And if you want to question the 'neo nazi' tag I suggest you study Wilhelm Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism before so doing.

    I read this several times as I could not believe what i was reading. Any of us can take very very short phrases from a 400 page document and say exactly what we want it to say. Thakisn Shinawatra was never convicted of the offences or Murder nor has he been convicted of thievery. In fact his trial was not fair, that is documented by several leaders of the world but once a conviction was registered the countries you mention had no choice but to exclude him from entering or staying in the country.

    I am ashamed of Britain and of it's leaders for allowing this persecution to be carried out. This now third world dicatorship we live in is a worse place for not having Thaksin at the healm to steer it's way through the political mire that is now prevelant throughout the world.

    Abhisit has been brave, easy to do when the armed forces not the electorate gave you a job you failed to obtain on many occassions before because you failed to get a majority. Instead the great people of the Kingdom of Thailand voted for the person who gave them health, schools and affordable housing in many areas of the country.

    I guess we will just have to read this twaddle from people who don't understand the meaning of democracy and as for neo nazis, When Riech first wrote about The Mass Psychology of Fascism in 1930-33 he was talking about something that begat nazism, perhaps you should study it yourself as it clearly has nothing to do with the events of Thailands corrupt political society when governments can be made and supported with a gun.

    Good luck whatever the decision as long as the party with the most votes forms the next government.

    God Bless the King and the people of this great Kingdom of Thailand

    Let's see about the murder:

    2700 so called drug dealers summarily executed. Some of these were Thaksin's political opponents, others were drug users plucked randomly from drop-in centres and then shot. This was of Thaksin's doing and so far he has not been convicted, agreed, but then there seems to be a thousand reasons why this has not been pursued in spite of demands from human rights organisations. Thaksin was also opposed as being an unfit person to own a football club when he acquired Manchester City.

    Theft: Corruption on the scale that Thaksin and his family enjoyed, amounts to mass thievery. There is no other description.

    As for democracy, I think it is the reds and Pheu Thai who do not understand the term. Democracy is about allowing your opponents to have a voice and the mass vandalism against Abhisit and Democrat Party posters in Chiang Mai bares witness to the fact that it is indeed the red leaders who simply mouth the word 'democracy' because they know the word is not understood by that sector of society to which they appeal.

    Reich did not write ABOUT the Mass Psychology of Fascism. This was a serious analysis of the rise of fascism and, sadly, there are huge parallels between the mass rallies of the national socialist movement in pre war Germany and the red rallies that destroyed the centre of Bangkok last year. Hitler, in Mein Kampf made it clear that a political movement cannot be built on argumentation (as he called it) but rather by emotional manipulation. Is something not self evident to you here?

    Indeed, many of us love the King of Thailand. Unfortunately there seems to be a contradiction amongst the masses between their love of the King (genuine and well founded) and their hero worshipping of Thaksin and his cronies (and clones!). I fear for the future of Thailand if this mob takes control. I really do.

  8. Masher

    It's a shame that things like that happen here in Thailand. I can only offer this small piece of advice: Lock your bike ALL the time nn matter where you go. If you're at a hotel bring it into the lobby and lock it. I have never had a hotel tell me that I could not keep the bike inside at night and if they did I would simply change hotels or ask to speak with the manager. I had my camera stolen right off my bike as my back was turned paying for a meal. Sadly Thailand today is not the same Thailand of old.

    I am so sorry to hear this. Just very terrible for you.

  9. Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has urged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra not to threaten to mobilize supporters if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election but fails to form the next government.

    He might as well have said its OK if you win the election but we cheat our way back in again. I fail to see how anyone can still support this man. Roll on July and good riddance to him.

    Actually you are wrong 100%. This is a view borne out of blinkered prejudice. How can you support the Thaksin side - Thaksin was a murderer and thief? (the drug killings and the corruption) He has been blacklisted by democracies such as the UK and the USA which is why he sought refuge in tinpot dictatorships like Montenegro. Thaksin was described by Human Rights Watch as a one of the worst kind of dictators.

    On the other hand Abihsit has shown great courage in the face of continual intimidation by a neo-nazi movement and even by some of his own supporters who were unhappy about his moves against corruption and towards a western-styled democracy. As I drove around the country last week I saw many defaced Abhisit posters but not one defaced Pheu Thai poster. That speaks a lot.

    Mark my words and mark them carefully. If the red neo-nazis take control of Thailand after the next election under the leadership of the clone of Thaksin or Thaksin himself it will be a sad day for Thailand with no chance of democracy for many years to come. I fear for Thailand and the poor disinherited and manipulated masses that make up the majority of the population of whom many are duped by Thaksin's manipulative charms.

    And if you want to question the 'neo nazi' tag I suggest you study Wilhelm Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism before so doing.

  10. In the UK these people would be prosecuted for child neglect. It shames me to think how, in Thailand, we allow small kids running about the traffic selling flowers or whatever, or allow them onto building sites, on the back of motorbikes with no helmets and so on. It is not surprising to learn of these deaths here when children are allowed to play around in areas with machinery or parents go off to work without adequate or any supervision for their kids. And don't tell me this is because of poverty and 'needs must'. There are always ways to arrange proper supervision for kids within a community. So sorry for the kid. It must have been a terrible, but preventable, death.

  11. Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


    The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

    ...and he had his political opponents shot ..... (oh sorry that was a war on drugs!)

    I am here in retirement, I do not fit the writer's stereotype in anyway shape or form ... and I hate Thaksin.


    Because I have spent my life fighting on humanitarian issues. I have worked full time for Amnesty International and other NGOs. I can spot a dictator with a hidden agenda from a mile off. I could also understand the politics behind the red-shirts, where they had no policy platform but rather engaged in emotional manipulation. Many of Thaksin's antics are reminiscent of the early National Socialist movement in Germany which led to the atrocities of WWII. In the UK I was also heavily engaged in libertarian politics and stood as a candidate for the SDP Alliance.

    So no more stereotyping from that awful writer known as Dan something or the other. Awful journalism.

  12. The 'Gross drunken farangs' are probably not in any fit state to recognise an attractive woman if they saw one, so why do the BG's need to be under 30 and eye candy? I think the bar owners have the right idea; employ cheap old slappers to keep the drunken clients happy. Meanwhile, those who are looking for a decent woman are far away from Loi Kroh that's for sure.

    Absolutely. You'd have to get drunk to go home with any of those Loy Kroh ladies. Its what happens in the morning that bothers me.

  13. T-Dog said: '...Road bikes make my back hurt now that I am older so I use the Mantra for road riding as well as trail riding. Fox shocks, Hope hydraulic disks...'

    I have a 15-yr olde Trek road bike with thin tires and only oil-filled front shocks - it weighs a ton - it is definitely no longer suitable for me as I am over 60 with 2 medical problems which surfaced in my January medical: poor right knee meniscus, and spurs on my spine all from a 3m drop straight to the ground. I have recently started putting on weight as my jogging days are over. I really do need safe exercise.

    I believe renewed cycling is the way to go; with a bike like T-Dog's, with ample shocks, robust yet lightweight, sized for a 5'8" (1.73m) body height. Any suggestions please: your advice appreciated. Cheers :jap:

    Road bikes should not necessarily make your back hurt. Quite often to do with the size, riding position and pedalling style. Try to get some pro advice.

  14. Two mountain bikes, 6 road bikes, 1 time trial bike, 4 track bikes (real track bikes, not 'fixies), 1 fixed wheel bike for the road, 1 turbo trainer bike. In additin 3 small road bikes grown out of by my kid (24" wheels); 1 Condor road bike use dby my 11 year old when he comes over from the UK, he also has two track bikes but one grown out of and a BMX.

    Can't move in this place for the ruddy bikes. (I've omitted a couple and the three bikes I keep in France).

  15. Thanks for this. Visited yesterday and must agree with your comment "it's strange" in there.

    Lots of Thai stamps, but surprised how expensive they are :unsure:


    There's a shop down the road that has the main Sunday walking street market, On the left, just after the traffic lights about halfway down, just before the Garden guest house and U hotel.... It's a little strange in there though!


    I have a load of stamps including some very old British. Are you interested in these.???

  16. As a life long cyclist who has moved here to Thailand, I tried to get involved with the Thai Cycling Association in order to develop the sport and my own contacts. My correspondence with them by email resulted in a message from their President which said that Cycling was not a popular sport in Thailand. Any sports association's role should be to develop their sport as British Cycling has done in the UK with a great deal of success. They do not have a club structure or a coaching structure. They maintain power and control through an AGM which is packed with the president's non-cycling supporters. They run very few races - organisers who have tried to run events outside of their structure are asked for enormous sums of money - random amounts. Yes, in the UK if you want to run a race you pay a permit fee - you don't pay a bribe. They claim to have regional coaches. In one strong cycling region their coach is never seen by the cyclists - he is only seen in the bars he frequents. Draws his salary and drinks all day. Now this is all a huge shame because there are hundreds of good cyclists in Thailand. Given a structure and regular diet of club, regional and national races on road and track and a proper coaching structure Thailand would be able to field cyclists in the major regional games - the Asian games had no Thai male cyclists on the velodrome. Here in Chiang Mai we have a great velodrome which could beused to train athletes. It took me six months to get permission to use it. Thai Cycling Association does not even reply to my emails asking how I can get them to recognise the track and my work as a junior level coach to begin to build track cycling in this art of the world.

    Sorry, like football, and no doubt some other sports, cycling administrators are not here because they love the sport, they are there for what they can get out of it. They put some retired police officer in to take charge who knows nothing about the sport ..... etc. This is the sporting reality of Thailand. It sucks.

  17. I don't know of anyone selling used bikes on Chiang Puak Road, but there are a couple of shops selling used bikes nearby.

    Go to the northeast corner of the moat and go north from there. After a half km or so there are a bunch of shops on the left selling used clothing and other cheap stuff. Two of those shops have used bikes.

    None of them were big sizes. Most were junk. The rest were garbage. All were overpriced. Good luck.

    El Jeffe may sell you one of his bikes!! lol (Good morning Jeff)

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