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Posts posted by ianf

  1. I notice the calm reaction from the Cambodian side over this provocations, as if the whole situation is self-explaining, - and it is ...

    The Thai govt would like it the other way round though so that they could setup a hypocratic path somehow.

    Nobody as blind and deaf than the Thai govt I think ...

    How much is Mr Thaksin paying Hun Sen to escalate this dispute before an election? Just speculation but an interesting idea, eh?

  2. For those that lived through the 1997 economic disaster and that has been in business . . . We know the miracles Thaksin did.

    It is a fact of history; go look at the Asian economic disater after the financial colapse in 1997.

    Remember the thousandfs of semi-completed construction sites, the baht gone to 47 agains the USD, unemployment, bankrupsies et all.

    To this day the neigbouring countries in ASEAN are still suffering.

    Only Thailand got out of it, in the last year of Thaksin - Thailand even repaid all debts to the World Bank; clearing out the help they got.

    A large number of devellopment sin Thailand got underway during his reign.

    I know to a great extend Thaksin was not very Pro-Farang; but he really did a LOT of good for this country.

    Imagine Thailand still be in the financial oposition like Indonesia, Laos and Cambodia.

    THAT took a businessman to get thailand back on its feet.

    I remain out of politics, not interested in it here or home BUT all respect and honour due to those who desrves it.

    I am amazed at the people, including foreigners - failing to realize what S. Thaksin did for this country and its people; including foregn businesses.

    5555555. I repeat 5555555. The guy is a fascist out for himself and only himself. Why do you think there was a coup? Who's position was he after? That Thailand recovered quickly from the recession had absolutely nought to do with the great heroic leader. If Thaksin had remained, Thailand would not be much better off than Burma is at the moment. You only have to listen to the utter nonsense he spouts and the more-than-transparent speeches to see that the guy is a half wit. Albeit a dangerous one. Anyone with any sense should fear and hate this guy. You may have guessed that I'm not too keen on him!

  3. Hopefully not! Another day or two of this wonderfully fantastic celebration would be awesome!



    I just find this stuff horrible. There is no other word for it. Over the top nonsense which stops people going about their daily lives. The glee on the faces of the drunk farangs as they chucked water (and more) over people tells me everything about these scummy people. Yep, Hate it.

  4. Anyone knows when its safe to leave my bunker? This reminds me of when the Jerrys were bombing London - I didn't leave my house for 3 months in 1914. Now we're back there again - I'm 'itching to get down the Gate and it's seedy environs again. I fear that I'll be in my Hang Dong bunker for a similar length of time. Incidentally I built this bunker after suffering Songkrap last year. But yesterday the bas***ds found it and the water was even dropping from the sky in great volumes. God knows how they organised that! But they haven't got me yet.

  5. The other side of the coin is red-shirt gangs (said like this on purpose!) frightening Democrats MPs from campaigning upcountry.

    When has that happened during the run up to a general election? Links appreciated, thanks in advance.

    Happens IME every time in the North-West & Isaan, just as TRT/PPP/PTP people receive a warm 'welcome' in the South, which is equally deplorable.

    No wonder the current PM would like a calmer atmosphere for the forthcoming election, he recognises the problem, and speaks out about it, one small step in the right direction, etc ? B)

    I have seen TRT/PPP and PTP people campaigning in the south with no hassles from anyone, they just don't get many votes.

    I have seen them in Surat Thani, Sutheps bastion of power, and they get freedom to say what they want and their posters are not torn down, they even get left up for moths afterwards. So this is in stark contrast to the beatings and violent break ups of political meetings in the north/north east by anyone not on the Red Side of the fence or it's precursor groups of absolutist zealots and paid thugs.

    Sorry but your argument holds no water. They campaign safely in the south.

    Could you tell us what the moths do with them?

  6. The issue is more about equal enforcement. Some places are forced to comply with the law, others not. If this was a Western country the law would have been enforced from the day of its passing with equanimity. Here it is enforced at the whim of the police. I'll wager these bars had no written advance warning that weren't to serve alcohol over Songkran, some big wig in the police just decided this was the way to enforce it.

    In any event, the law is an ass - anyone who thinks that banning people from purchasing alcohol between 2 and 5 will reduce alcohol consumption or alcohol related accidents is living in cloud cuckoo land. People will find alcohol if they want it and preventing legitimate establishments from serving will not stop anyone friom drinking as much as they choose!

    As has been suggested, enforcing the drink driving laws would help far more than stopping pubs around the moat from selling beer.

    There is more to life than booze. If some of the expats got their noses out of their beer bottles they may find that there are other options in Chiang Mai.

  7. Some of these guys are elected officials are they not?

    Do they ever do any of the things they're elected to do?

    If Thailand had decent politicians, they would be working morning 'til night trying to find tangible ways to ease the plight of regular people - people who are trying to make ends meet, raise families, etc. Instead, Thai politicians do a whole lot of grandstanding, playing golf, taking naps, and slinking out to meet their mia noi.

    When did Jatuporn ever tell the truth?

  8. Strangely I got a call from a BKK number today, what was a foreigner trying to sell me something ... oddly enough he knew my name. Perhaps buying mailing lists from a gym or something?

    (relevant because when I checked the number on the internet it returned some stock agency.

    Yes, I have had the call many times on my mobile and office phone, hang up, they just call back... These were Filipinos working in Korean. After ten calls of SAY NO, i got an Englishman, 45 mins of high pressure sales. He started with "I have booked you 20,000 Shares and I am sending you an Invoice.... i am like <deleted>, again after 30 mins of argueing he went down to 5,000 shares, all the time i am saying no, i dont want. but he was persistantly saying i am invoicing you which stopped me from hanging up... i can see weak people falling for this. the 20,000 shares were 80,000 Euro's

    They knew my name, job and work place address...

    i did say they were wasting their time targeting foreigners in Thailand, the majority are skint, lol.

    Seriously not very nice.

    I would never talk to these guys for 5 minutes let alone 45.

    I usually find two well placed words, one beginning with "F" and the other with "O" usually works, especially if I hit the red button soon after.

  9. There is a lot of cynicism around which I guess comes from the bottom of a bottle or two of Chang. But I remain full of hope and stick to the occasional Beer Leo.

    I've had a couple of Thai wives/ the first was a from a 'good' and wealthy family. Problem is they were trying to palm her off because she was an embarrassment to the family and quite mad. I didn't spot it till too late.

    The second: Highly educated money spender. Well educated. But decided married life was not for her and she left. She admitted to missing the comforts of life but we remain good friends and she demanded nothing from me.

    Now, I have met a really nice Thai lady of the 'old' school valuing Thai customs and culture. Doesn't want money, no sex until we live together after her parents approve, self educated. 32 years younger than me and very loving and warm.

    Part two of my post may appear within the next 7 years or not at all ....... (aaah cynicism creeping in ...)

  10. I wonder why they do not put up some sort of memorial plaque for Paul DeMuth at the school if he was the founder?

    You might want to ask Surin, his widow and owner of the school, about that.

    The school website has a nice tribute to him:

    Tribute to Paul

    I had dealings with the owner of the school.

    I`ll keep my thoughts to myself.



    I guess this means a lot of standing and spinning in place  like tops or careening about bumping into things.

    Mostly the latter, I think.

    Typical Thai stupid stubborness. See it all the time. These people have the nouse of a piece of Tofu.

  12. do we expect japanese to believe that? "all 13 victims killed during the clash" ? I don't think so. Another whitewash.

    don't think they want "will inform them of all the information", but the truth.

    Why do you assume it is a whitewash? Ballistics experts can identify, in most cases, the type of weapon used. Also in this case, the reds were 100 percent active as a violent and para force. They wanted deaths to serve their own nasty political ends. Don't forget that politics in this country is extremely dirty. Abhisit's attempts at cleaning it up is bound to meet the strongest resistance and the red demos were a huge throw of the dice. Murder was always inevitable and now the truth is out, off course the reds will shout 'foul play' and the 'impartial' (sic) observers on this board will try and outsmart everyone.

  13. The local cycling club, Soi Tan CC, is organising a ride, essentially around the Town, to show solidarity with the Japanese people. It will end up at the Japanese consulate an hour or so later (you know about Thai timing!!!!!). The head of the consulate will receive a signed card and flowers.

    There are an increasing number of natural horrors around the world as we all know, this ride will also highlight the importance of reducing our dependence on oil and living a greener life style. I understand that TV cameras will be there so a strong turnout of cyclists (of all types, utility to the more serious types) will be good .

    Hope you can come.

  14. My ex girlfriend, once told me that Thaksin, would like Thailand to be similar to America and have a President and that is what he wants for himself. To be the first President of Thailand. Whatever else he is, he is a clever man.


    This was precisely the agenda: to create a dynasty similar to Marcos, Gadaffhi, Hussaein, Then Shwe and the other monsters who take control of their countries to serve their own lust for greed, power and control. He could not do so until there were significant changes at the very top of the ladder but the plans were in hand, make no mistake.

    I have always believed that Khun Thaksin was off his rocker - he plays on the weak and vulnerable with such ridiculous statements about making all people rich, eradicating poverty and so on. He is a liar and an arch manipulator.

    He is supported by those he pays - Thaksin is pure evil and those farangs who support him and the destruction he has wreaked on this country should be ashamed of themselves.

    I absolutely hate him and the other Hitlers who wreck people's lives.

  15. ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

    They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

    Since 5 years PAD IS the law.

    They want Taksin out and he's out.

    They want the Dems in charge and they are.

    They want the Reds killed and there were.

    They want the war against Cambodia and it's there.

    They have SO powerful support.

    Let's see what their support will do today.

    What utter nonsense.

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