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Posts posted by ianf

  1. Who are you kidding, Jatuporn will be richly rewarded for his role in the April protests and all his activities as a free man since. Thaksin wouldn't be so silly as to stab his primary supporters in the back, at a crucial time when loyalties can be bought over by the opposition. Rapid promotion in politics is one reason Jatuporn put himself up for this dirty job. In order to avoid him sitting in jail to the disgust of the red supporters Peua Thai absolutely must put him high up the party list to secure him an MP seat and thus immunity.

    Seeing how the yellows turned on the Democrats, I don't think Thaksin would want the same from a more dangerous UDD, besides his talk of distancing PT from the UDD is rubbish, they need each other deeply, he used them to the hilt last year.

    The timing of this is unfortunate for the government since it looks (to all the reds anyway) that the system is trying to silence their candidates, but the truth is, the DSI have been trying to nail Jatuporn for months and he's been rubbing shit in their faces with his immunity, and I think the courts have been quite fair in their repeated dismissing of the case against bail revocation. He had this coming, most observers will concur on that.

    Of course, Jatuporn is loving every minute of his little excursion to jail knowing he will soon be free and able to get political mileage out of it, disgusting!

    Prison or not, what other civilised country would put up with a monkey like Jatuporn? That the guy is not quite sane is pretty obvious but for him to have the support of the masses just says so much about Thailand and it's ridiculous attitudes to so many things. Its bad enough that they worship a fascist leader - a man so incredibly and transparently dishonest that it beggars belief that anyone could do anything but spit on him. God help Thailand!

    (posted by Ernesto)

  2. Last one out, switch of the lights.

    The dynasty (or should I say din nasty) is preparing itself for supreme power (they hope) along the lines of Marcos, Hussain, Gadhaffi et al. They just have one or two people to remove first. God help Thailand!

    The poor and ignorant masses are being duped. If these fascists win there really is no future and Burma will look like a tea party. Perhaps I won't sell my house in France after all.

  3. It's laughable Thaksin would be allowed to put a puppet PM in place in the form of his sister.

    The politics of a fledgling Democracy where the Baht still rules above all.

    He put a puppet PM in place in the form of his brother in law. He's just getting it closer to the family this time.

    I'm reading over and over the article. TULSATHIT TAPTIM did a fine job writing this. Every word spelled correctly, proper punctuation marks, and easily understandable. Impressive. Who is this Kune Tulsathit??

    The reds' fight for democracy:

    In Chiang Mai they have systematically defaced posters of Abhisit, tearing out his face wherever they can.

    In Chiang Mai they have already errected posters offering a free tablet pc to all children! (At the same time denouncing the democrats for buying votes).

    In San Patong there are already reports of red thugs threatening those who will not vote red (source, Thai friend of 20 years resident in a village)

    and so it goes on: All organised and financed by a leader who has been banned from politics.

    As a long time resident of chiang mai, I fear for the future. I really do, so I hope that the democrats get their act together.

  4. the gold standard is probably the Grandview hotel, IMO, something like 180 baht as I recall

    Huli, do they serve a selection of Thai and western food, if so what is an example of the western fare on offer?


    From what I hear the quality of food has gone down somewhat.

  5. There are lots of stories similar to those posted but seldom do we hear about them. Happy news does not sell newspapers or raise public interest. People seem to expect the sinister nature of humans to domineer. Having expressed that opinion, I wonder what Blinky had been up to, that he would purchase such a nice gift for the better half?

    Now I am not trying to insinuate anything nor being snoopy. Knowing Blinky, he may have just been in another of his frequent generous moods.

    Good stories, bad stories. I think Thai women take the biscuit. My ex-wife, Ami, of 6 years told me she wanted to leave me. We agreed in a sophisticated and adult way. Now this is an educated woman, 2 degrees and so on. She'd spent 6 months using my money buying presents for her boyfriend (Thai). Denied it off course, but the proof was obvious. When I bought this house, she 100% agreed that it would always be mine and that she would have no claim on it, and she confirmed that many times when she left. (sick joke); When she left she asked for 250 thousand baht, I gave her close to 600k, plus a car and all her expensive designer clothes, jewellry and handbags and so on. She kept coming back, 20k for this, 40k for that. And she snicked money out of the house account, phone for her sister and so on. Like a fool (off course, she said we were good friends and would always remain so .....) I treated her well. As soon as I got a girlfriend, she wanted more money, the house and so on.

    Even educated Thai women are liars and cheats and I wouldn't trust any of them. The stress was unbearable. What is so sad, that I had an ex-wife who behaved the same way and off course Ami hated her and said she would never behave like that. So now she has this happy life wearing things that I paid for, driving a car that I paid for and so on. She calls herself a buddhist. I hope she rots in buddhist hell. Such a nasty individual. Too many of them in Thailand. Scum and filth.

  6. One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

    One of the reasons lots of people don't like UDD = PTP = Thaksin is because they are to blame in part for those 91 deaths in 2010 and still continue to only blame the government ignoring whatever they are to blame of. Read the HRW report, it's in English, should be no problem ;)

    They are 100% to blame. The reason being is that they organised the occupation/protest and their leaders urged violence even before the protests started. It was a 'come-on' and part of Thaksin's strategy.

  7. One of the causes of the people's disdain for the Dems is their insipid silencing of any opposition. They are already behind in the polls & this will only hurt them more. Go ahead do it!!!.

    One of the reasons lots of people don't like UDD = PTP = Thaksin is because they are to blame in part for those 91 deaths in 2010 and still continue to only blame the government ignoring whatever they are to blame of. Read the HRW report, it's in English, should be no problem ;)

    They are 100% to blame. The reason being is that they organised the occupation/protest and their leaders urged violence even before the protests started. It was a 'come-on' and part of Thaksin's strategy.

  8. anyone surprised?

    you daren't vote anything else but red in a red village

    if you think i am wrong and you think reds are democratic then hang a democrat support poster in your window and see what happens to you

    the reds have already sent a strong message about the cost of being a democrat in a red town, when they murdered the father of a DJ on a yellow radio station based in red territory

    of the five men who did it, four were convicted and jailed, the fifth man skipped bail (like his cowardly leader Thaksin) and was spotted working as a security guard on the red revolution stage in Bangkok

    he was seen interacting with the red MP's, Thaksins lawyer and the other red leaders

    all associating with a murderer who ran from justice to be with his murderous brethren

    was he arrested ? no, of course not

    had the police tried they would have been murdered too

    so much for the red version of democratic justice at work..........

    Is what you describe any different to the massive injustices that well connected people seem to get away with with monotonous regularity.

    perhaps part of the problem is the Thais willingness to accept money instead of justice

    or is it simply the fact that they have such a deep mistrust of the justice system that they are willing to accept an apology wrapped in 1000 baht notes rather than nothing at all or even risk being hurt themselves to be kept quiet?

    what is the going rate to get away with murder?

    The reds are SO democratic ghat they have been systematically defacing posters featuing Abhisit here in Chiang Mai.

  9. I learned a lot from watching the UK series 'YES MINISTER' great insight into politics and although a comedy, I think it really did make a good example of politics worldwide. Almost all of them are in it for themselves. There must be a better way than letting these toss-pots run our lives!?

    Could you do a better job? What system would you have in place to allow appropriate government for all? Many people make these kind of comments but fail to suggest a better system or will not run for political positions themselves and clean up the mess they claim that the so-called 'toss-pots' are making. Lets get a bit of constructive thought here.

  10. OK, on a more serious note now.

    Can anyone suggest a CM lawyer who would be experienced/good (and not charge an arm and a leg) to draft a letter to the King seeking a sentence reduction or pardon for someone in prison.

    Can you PM me about this? I'll PM you too.

  11. Anyone who wonders why they can ride an obvious charity event in Isaan Thailand and are unable to compete in the most prestigious and well known bike race in the world is obviously a moron.

    I think the point is that its hardly original to call an event such as this Tour de (something). I would have been more impressed if the organisers had come up with something like Bike Isaan or The Isaan Cycle Tour or even Isaan Madness (by cycle).

    To me its nicking someone else's brand. But as a racing cyclist for more years than I care to mention, I have been approached by many people thinking the London to Brighton mass participation bike ride is a race and so on. Maybe a lot of morons out there but I guess not a lot of people know much about this cinderella sport of ours. One of my staff (an intelligent lady by all accounts) once said to me "I rode a bike race on Sunday". "Did you win?" I asked. "I don't know" she said "There was a lot of people riding". She had just ridden a 30 mile charity ride around Oxford. Took her more than 3 hours. But she was definitely not a moron. Just ill-informed and not helped by organisers who don't describe their events correctly.

  12. My Thai girlfriend/partner would like to learn to drive.

    I would like her to drive properly unlike half the idiots who move their cars here in Chiang Mai but cannot drive them.

    Is there a driving school or some such place?


  13. So you are saying that any 'bicycle' event titled 'Tour of' has to be seen as a 'Full on Race' merely by implication that the 'Tour de France' is a 'Full on Race'..... Really?? Have you looked up the meaning of the word 'Tour', whether with regard to cycling, holidaying, motorcycling, trekking.....

    So no one is allowed to call an event 'Tour de..... whatever' unless it is a full on bicycle race for professionals?? Check the web site for the 'Tour de Isaan' and you will clearly see that it is not a professional race, but 'merely' a bicycle 'event', which also happens to raise money for charity. Anything wrong with that, or are you a "Rights Holder" to some cycling event (Race?) called 'Tour de .........' Think you need to chill out and take events for what they are.

    Anything wrong with touring around at slow speeds for fun and enjoyment (whilst also raising money for charity?)

    The Tour de France is a full on bicycle race for professionals. It covers up to 280km a day at speeds of 45km per hour.

    Why call a charity bicycle ride Tour de .... unless it is to dupe the participants that they are riding a race and not just touring around at slow speeds for fun and enjoyment?

    The word 'Tour' is a corruption of the French 'round'. Nothing wrong with slow rides - I do them all the time. It's about perception. People call their events 'Tour de' because it piggybacks on the fame of the Tour de France. Also many people do not understand the Tour de France "Why can I ride the Tour de Issan but not the Tour de France?" is a question I heard some time ago. Your post is a unnecessarily aggressive and completely misses the point of my post.

  14. Everyone else in the family has got a cold but I've got man-flu, I think I'm dying and Sulidine is just not cutting it. This is one of the rare times that I crave something from 'the old country'.

    Does anyone know where a miserable, self-pitying Brit can find Lemsip in town?

    Sadly no, me old fruit :o I'm down to my last sachet, which I will take tonight, otherwise I would have gladly passed you on a few. All I can offer is to post you some next month. I realise that won't do you any good at the moment, but loads of nasty weather coming.

    The reason I have had from pharmacists is that the dosage of 1000mg exceed the Thai limits :D

    The 1000mg that you mention is for Lemsip Max. Please note that the standard Lemsip contains 650mg. Please also note that Lemsip contains aspartame for which there has certainly been a lot of controversy, particularly in regard to this ingredient in diet sodas.

    As I am currently suffering from man-cold, I have been googling the likes of Tiffy to see if they have any adverse reactions. Tiffy appears ok (though I'm not 100% sure), but Apracur and Actifed both state that they should not be taken if you have blood pressure and/or thyroid problems, of which I have both.

    Just yesterday my wife was sold Actifed at a local pharmacy without any mention of those problems. Good old Thailand.

    Give me Lemsip any time, if it was available here.

    Funny that. I too stock up on Lemsip. Problem in the UK is that you can only buy two packs a time so it means multiple visits to the Pharm.

    Think I'll start a Lemsipshop here in CM. Should do great business with you sick farangs!!!!!

  15. Everyone else in the family has got a cold but I've got man-flu, I think I'm dying and Sulidine is just not cutting it. This is one of the rare times that I crave something from 'the old country'.

    Does anyone know where a miserable, self-pitying Brit can find Lemsip in town?

    Sadly no, me old fruit :o I'm down to my last sachet, which I will take tonight, otherwise I would have gladly passed you on a few. All I can offer is to post you some next month. I realise that won't do you any good at the moment, but loads of nasty weather coming.

    The reason I have had from pharmacists is that the dosage of 1000mg exceed the Thai limits :D

    The 1000mg that you mention is for Lemsip Max. Please note that the standard Lemsip contains 650mg. Please also note that Lemsip contains aspartame for which there has certainly been a lot of controversy, particularly in regard to this ingredient in diet sodas.

    As I am currently suffering from man-cold, I have been googling the likes of Tiffy to see if they have any adverse reactions. Tiffy appears ok (though I'm not 100% sure), but Apracur and Actifed both state that they should not be taken if you have blood pressure and/or thyroid problems, of which I have both.

    Just yesterday my wife was sold Actifed at a local pharmacy without any mention of those problems. Good old Thailand.

    Give me Lemsip any time, if it was available here.

    Funny that. I too stock up on Lemsip. Problem in the UK is that you can only buy two packs a time so it means multiple visits to the Pharm.

    Think I'll start a Lemsipshop here in CM. Should do great business with you sick farangs!!!!!

  16. They are included mate; you need them to adjust the shock according to your body weight.

    Hey ad61……I got it……and took this puppy up into the hills around Mea Taeng this afternoon. I’ve never owned, let alone rode a ‘Boucher’ before, very strange sensation to start with, but it grows on you! Love it, I read a shed load of reviews and have to say I agree with two out of the three main bitches about the bike; hand grips, tires and weight…..The first two I agree with 100%, Grips already gone, tires will follow at the first sign of rain, (they are crap) but weight, <deleted> do you want, a bike that holds up and does the job…..Not on slim fast it won’t, unless you have another pocket full of cash, Porky I can live with, if it mean longevity. I found it rides very different to a hard tail, naturally, and will require a change in riding style. One thing I thought it exceled at, apart from shocking up them kidney melting and filling loosening bumps and lump, its just how well it climbs on loose track, no lock-out, stay in the seat and grind away to the top. Downhill, I’m no down hiller, (self-preservation takes over) I ride on my own most of the time, safety first! She does not drive down like a hard tail, ‘Lesson 101 Bouncer’ me , I’m all over the place, ha ha, can’t hold a line, (like a puppy on a lead) it goes where it wants! Brakes; fantastic, power without being ‘grabby’ gears; fine, forks; a tad notchy, hopefully they will give with time. Ass end….sorted.

    Bottom line, I already know I will never outride this bike, as partners it will always do the leading, that’s fine, that just gives me more scoop to improve!

    My verdict, I love it! Now I have six and a half hours till sun up……when I take this puppy back out and try and bust a lung!

    I've been a cyclist all my life but I have no idea what you are talking about.

  17. He will use his human rights will be violated excuse if he goes back to thailand. :angry:

    British police suspect Crawford of beating Ryan to death and using his credit card to withdraw 6,500 pounds (10,300 dollars) before fleeing to Thailand.

    I don't get it. It was only some pocket money that Ryan had to die for? To be honest, Crawford should be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

    Again another problem between Thais and us foreigners. Way too many weird people fleeing to Thailand to do weird things. Wonder if it will stop one time? Don't think so.

    Without being racist: Why do always Brits have the most problems, accidents, fights and so on.......

    I remember not too long ago, Thailand being the deadliest country for Brits. How comes?

    Others can do a lot to have something which is called reputation, but people like this guy are doing all that most of them already hate us. That's the truth, even people in the Lower North-east.

    Nobody wants to read or hear any more bullshit made by foreigners, how sad for those who never made something wrong here. Is it possible that too many British criminals are heading to Thailand?

    Sorry, but I've met too many of them being in jail for murderer, drugs and all that shit back home. Dear Admins, it's just a fact that too many Brits are causing serious problems.But why?

    Sadly, it's in our nature to behave like this. Any town centre in the UK on a Saturday night is, statistically, actually quite dangerous in terms of unwarranted serious violence. A bizarre example is that 10% of our prison population is ex-army! Why? I don't know, you'd think that they'd be the last lot to end up in the Nick, but it's a very indicative statistic of what our society has become - unlike the French, Dutch, Irish, Italians, Aussie's, we have simply lost our pride in who we are and, quite understandably, people are bloody cautious of us. Other Europeans actually shy away from bars where it's obvious that Brits are drinking because there're actually a bit scared. Contrary to popular belief, the French quite like the Brits and a group of French lads won't have any problems getting laid in London and they know it, but they won't come for a weekend breaks because they're worried that one of them will get a bottle over his head in a nightclub simply for chatting our girls up.

    70% of the prison population in the USA and the UK are somewhere on the autistic scale.

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