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Everything posted by 248900_1469958220

  1. All very interesting my kind sir....but I was not being THAT serious....
  2. It makes me realise that, generally speaking I find Thailand reasonably comfortable most of the year......that includes sometimes teaching in classrooms with no air , two broken fans on the roof and 40 sweaty kids....but this....THIS....This makes me appreciate the other 9 months of the year here!! 33 degrees is childsplay....I could run a marathon in it!!
  3. The meltdown on this forum if Trump wins will be delicious.
  4. I thought the truth that nobody wanted to admit was the palaces cozy relationship with the likes of Saville and Epstien.....seems that kind of thing isnt important enough though.
  5. Its such good news that the vaccines reduced transmission for the millions and millions of people that still got Covid....Really did the trick!
  6. Much bigger fish to fry to Thai educational system. If they put as much money and effort into improving the education system here...tech for kids....books....teacher training....teacher pay......instead of pouring money into all the 'shows' they do at schools, we may actually get somewhere!! I teach some very bright kids inspite of all the hoo haa that holds them back. Do better!
  7. That'd be the magic vaccines at work.....you must have had a 'special' one. All the people I know that got MRNA vaccines have had covid about as badly as I did or worse...Still, NO ONE is on a ventilator!!
  8. Knock yourself out with as many boosters as you want. We are over Covid...if you are still scared of it do as you wish. I have had Covid twice. I am not worried about getting it again...I dont think many are. It wont stop you getting Covid....but it might just stop you ending up on a ventilator..right???
  9. Men that never learnt to drive manual transmission are now on their 6 th booster....
  10. I like to driver dodgem cars at the fairground,they are fun and require very little thought . When I am actually driving, I like to be actually driving.... You will own nothing and be happy.
  11. Please god...give us a Trump/Biden debate....If a so called 'president' is worth his salt, he should be able to trade blows with anyone. Are they brave enough to let it happen? Whatever you think of Trump, I suspect he could very easily frustrate Biden into becoming flustered , blabbering fool. I look forward to the show.
  12. You're the Prayuth fanboy are you not? ......."addicts killing parent to for more money to buy their weed".........bwahahahaAHAHAHAAAAAA!! Thanks for that.
  13. Thats quite the answer. I appreciate it....it needs a proper read though...I will get to it when i get back home.....to my laboratory....Cheers!
  14. Are ThaiGreenlab now closed? I went to the website to buy but I cant login, create an account...and none of the products have prices on them....What happened?
  15. You think consciousness is THAT simple? I am not suggesting I fully understand it either, but the idea we can simply 'upload it to a hard drive?? Remember, during the industrial revolution we had a very mechanical view of both the universe and ourselves. The tech of the time influenced how we understood the universe and our place in it. I think 'virtual reality' .....a.i etc are just the latest thing ...akin to other tech revolutions of the past. I once thought it was all just 'matter and the void' I hope its not. I hope when they first try to 'upload' someones consciousness to a computer it fails miserably. Our consciouness is not just a series of 0's and 1's and I dont think it can be stored in such a manner. subjective experiences make up who we are. How do you put a subjective experience into a 0 or 1 ? A 'representation' of it?? perhaps...... Just my thoughts. Not sure how much sense I made....made sense to me though.
  16. Trump Derangement Syndrome....clear as day. Got a leaky hose...TRUMP!! Mother in law has a farting problem...TRUMP!! Left the milk out of the fridge and now its gone bad....TRUMP!!! If Trump wins the meltdowns will be biblical.
  17. That would be a massacre of such biblical proportions....I dont think I could even bear to watch it!.....A great start would be Biden finding his way to the podium...after that.....lets hope the earpiece he is wearing has a good wireless connection!
  18. Agreed but, is it a necessity for a sitting president to debate his competitors in the year of the election? I dont know how this works. You would think its a good idea.....if not compulsary. However, in this case...if I were Bidens team I wouldnt trust him to be able to handle it.
  19. Will he debate Trump? Is it something that is par for the course in U.S elections ? If he chooses not to it WILL look bad....Then again, if he does, it probably wont look much better.... Are they willing to let him face off in front of millions against Trump? Whatever you think of Trump, I think he could make Biden look pretty weak and flustered. It would be comedy gold though....you cant deny that!
  20. Oh yes....fully agree...what possible advantage would there be in having a background in football....bwahahahahaaaaaHAAAAAAA!!! You cant make this sh%t up!
  21. Very much looking forward to this interview....Very much enjoying the lefts implosion over it.....Great move by Carlson. A Trump/ Biden debate would also be great viewing.....2024 is getting interesting.
  22. I am disturbed how, after living here so long ,such stupidity seems normal.
  23. I thought dementia would rule one out of being able to run the most powerful country in the world......silly me.
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