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Everything posted by rasg

  1. And he was convicted of neither. I would not be surprised that, when all this shakes out, that Trump is exonerated of both and they are removed from the history books.
  2. Trump is having his celebt I have no doubt they are planning something to prevent Trump's inauguration. Jamie Raskin has been talking about using the 14th Amendment but it won’t work. For some strange reason I cannot fully fathom, Trump is having is having his celebration party on the 19th January, the day before the inauguration.
  3. And that's why he was acquitted. At least Trump found out who the RINOs were and many of them have now gone and the rest will follow soon too.
  4. Funniest thing I have read this year so far but it is only January. The malignant and dark forces and the incompetents were voted out on 5th November, thank goodness.
  5. You forgot to mention that not only were the two impeachments trumped up to get rid of him, he was convicted by neither of them. You know the so-called felonies that were not actually felonies will be thrown out on appeal and Judge Merchan will at least have ended his own legal career at the minimum.
  6. That would be bliss if Elon's one man trolling of Starmer starts the process of his removal. He, along with the MSM, did pretty much the same to Boris.
  7. That's the power of the Dems in places like California. 54 (20%) electoral votes on its own. There is a map floating around of the USA showing the states that Trump won overlayed by the states that have no voter ID, and allow driving licenses for illegals. It is very telling. That bubble will burst over the coming months though.
  8. You mean the sexual assault where the "victim" had tried the same with four or five other people. The same "victim" who couldn't remember what month or year the alleged offence had taken place. A successful appeal is on its way...
  9. You might be right. I have no doubt that Donald Trump is grooming him for the role. There is a book, or series of books written over 100 years ago about a character called Baron Trump. One of the books is called the Last President. It was all over social media a couple of years ago.
  10. It's Trump being Trump. He has told Trudeau that he will slap tariffs on Canada until they close and police the border into the US. He did the same with Mexico and they are getting results already. He's trolling Trudeau up beautifully about being the governor of Canada.
  11. That's really strange because in September a court in Texas ruled that using flouride in the water poses an unreasonable risk to children. Maybe he's not as crazy as you think he is. https://vigilantnews.com/post/victory-fluoride-in-water-poses-unreasonable-risk-to-children-federal-judge-rules/
  12. They certainly are and you don't have to look that far to get more than an idea of what is going to happen. Leftie brains will be exploding over the coming months when the J6 committee, J6 itself, the 2020 election, the mid terms in 2022 and 2024 all come out into the open. There is a reason Trump doesn't have a huge majority in either the Senate or Congress and that is going to change pretty soon. California (Pop 39m) is still counting votes a month later while Florida (22m) had their results on 5th November. It's all coming to an end.
  13. I doubt Trump will be burying any of it. Ukraine has been a gigantic money laundering operation for at least ten years enriching the Bidens, Pelosi, the McCains and Rinos like Mitch McConnell. Trump has been pretty explicit in what he plans on doing and it's started already.
  14. I don't think a dinner with Trump will save him even if he seems to have a had a Damascene conversion. If you saw Zuckerberg being interrogated and recently grovelling in Congress over the bad influence of teenagers addicted to Instagram and Facebook he has to face a reckoning. That doesn't include the $430 million he spent influencing the 2020 election.
  15. The tariffs on Mexico an Canada will only be there until they close their sides of the border. Tariffs are just one of Trump's favourite negotiating tools and they will work in this case.
  16. A bit like Joe Biden then. 😀
  17. Yawn.What nonsense. The Dems have been the ones to shred the US Constitution in the last eight years and they are about to receive a lesson in why they have a Constitution in the US.
  18. Try an inversion table for your back pain.
  19. My second cousin had never smoked in his life so his brother made him some marijuana cookies and they worked for him. The problem was how long it took for them to work as they have to pass through your digestive system. He was unable to go to work the following day because he was still as high as a kite.
  20. Your wife will need a visa with a thai passport with a six months minimum left on it to go to Cape Verde. £30 to £40. https://cibtvisas.co.uk/visa-requirement?nationality=THA&destination=CPV&purpose=T&entryDate=2024-12-09&exitDate=2024-12-14 https://www.capeverdeislands.org/visa/ https://www.visahq.co.uk/cape-verde/embassy/united-kingdom/
  21. At least you have acknowledged that occasionally it's about love. 😀
  22. A lot better for the USA with the leftie degenerates gone.
  23. That's a real shame. It's about to get really interesting.
  24. Maybe you should watch the movie "Ukraine on fire" and educate yourself on what is truly going on. Followed on by Ukraine in fire 2. You will learn something.
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