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Everything posted by Speedo1968

  1. I spoke to my local ( Banphai Khon Kaen ) post office manager and he stated firmly that the post office never contacts someone by email asking for payment for a parcel etc. I had similar emails to one of my accounts, I opened one of the emails and showed the PO manager, it IS a scam. Blacklist the email site and don't open any more. Report to your local PO although there is little they can do.
  2. I wet my finger and hold it in the air. Then I listen to what my body tells me. Ask a local farmer. Far more reliable than an "official" forecast.
  3. This is so sad, unfortunately "people can't / don't read" sic ! Would it not be worth placing cameras at the road crossing point or some way to force traffic to slow down by placing speed bumps ? In the Kalasin district on the way to Nakhon Phanom there is a road that passes through Phu Phan a nature reserve and forest area in which there are monkeys. Some areas have numerous crossing points that the monkeys habitually use: sometimes there are low cement walls on one side. The monkeys chance their luck, even those with much practice, when crossing the road. In very few places do the trees form a sky bridge for the monkeys to swing across. My question is "Why can't a tree bridge be built in these often used crossing points to reduce road kill ?"
  4. OP - Many thanks for the warning.
  5. I have had letters / cards to the UK disappear that had 1,000 baht notes in them. Better to do a UK bank transfer and send card separately. I wonder if there is a scanner that recognizes the metal strip ?
  6. OP - many thanks for all the replies, will test run some of them next time I am in Khon Kaen
  7. OP - thanks will look again online
  8. Understand but do you get your old passport back ? In the past I had my old passport returned with the corners cut off
  9. Correct, my retirement visa expires Dec 2021 and my passport April 2022 so I can't get a new retirement visa before I get a new passport
  10. OP - I live 50km south of Khon Kaen and no of no one in Bangkok to go to the UK passport office.
  11. Sizzler in Khon Kaen always has pine nuts at it's salad bar. Does anyone know where to buy genuine pine nuts ? ( Not "pine nut flavour" as one supplier called its stock. I am vegan for years and would like to use pine nuts in the mixed salad I eat daily and prefer not to use "salted" products such as sunflower seeds etc.
  12. Although my UK passport does not expire until April 2022 my retirement visa renewal is due mid December this year> Yesterday I asked at Khon Kaen immigration ( 90 day report ) what I needed to do re renewing retirement visa, they advised to get new passport now to save lots of paper filling and costs here. It is my understanding that if one is doing renewal themselves ( not agent ) then the UK does not need your passport as it is cancelled on receipt of new passport application. Is this still the case when using an agent ? When I got my UK passport renewd 20 years ago it was done by post to Hong Kong. Ten years ago I was in UK on holiday so had it done there. My query is that the photo had to be done with a special camera, what form of photo is required if you do renewal via an agent ? Any general "useful" advice would be most welcome, noting that I don't wish to travel to Bangkok during Covid. Thank you
  13. Thanks for the brand details will look around to see if Besico is available somewhere
  14. Been here 20 years ( 10 years work visa and 10 years retirement visa. Last times ( Dec 2019 and 2020 ) I did my one year retirement visa at Khon Kaen and asked a similar question out of curiosity, about the letter having to be done same day, yesterday 15 October 2021 I did my 90 day report and asked the same question in preparation for December renewal this year, was told the same "day of application." I live in Banphai ( 50km south of Khon Kaen ) don't have my own transport so use train, ( no way bus especially now ). If I go to the bank ( restricted hours and busy and are not used to writing letter even though I have had it done here before, I miss the first train at 9am and hopefully get the second one ( if not cancelled due Covid ) at 11am and back to Banphai at 15.30. A few times I went to KK on early train and went to K.Bank in KK got the letter there and then to Immigration - no problems. However when I asked yesterday at Immigration was told has to be bank I am registered at ( twisted logic as I can use bank card anywhere ). This time I have the complication of my UK passport expiring in April and was told by Imm that need to get it done before my next visit in December ( end of current 1 year retirement ) to save lot's of hassle and cost of more extensions of stay. Sorry for the gabble - the gist of it is - do what they ask, they hold the rubber stamp.
  15. I have always had big issues with static such as in fabrics, touching cars / metal buildings in sand storms ( Saudi experience for many years ) , carpets etc. All my clothes, towels and bedding etc, are cotton. In the past I have used duck down pillows which has always contradicted my vegan live beliefs. Can anyone recommend a non-feather bed pillow that is soft and pliable as in down pillows ? Is there one in which the pillow stuffing does not create static, including the cover ?
  16. Thanks for the comments about archiveing in Gmail. I used Loxinfo for many many years, simple to you nothing ever deleted without me asking it too, unfortunately Loxinfo will cease operation in the next few months. I am trying Gmail but it looks too crowded and complicated, your warning will help me find an alternative way to save emails.
  17. I have visited this country every few weeks for 6 years, worked here for 10 more and lived here for a further 10 years. My work is in farming and I would travel to different areas many times atone location for a few days. I am hands-on so looked in every nook and crannie at each location. I spotted this creature just outside the front of my bungalow, on a cemented area, I rushed back inside for the phone ( camera ) but by the time I got back outside it had disappeared. The insect was a creamy grey colour, about 3cm long 1 and half cm wide, not even half a cm high. Its whole body moved in fine undulating waves like ripples on a pond. I have never ever seen an insect like this in any country I have worked in / visited. Sorry for the poor description but any ideas what this insect may be ?
  18. OP As with my Android phone I switch on an load my laptop, then point phone at laptop, works fine, then try to get Whatsapp to work but it hasen't. Yesterday I tried so many different things that I am confused what worked and what didn't but finally got it to work. This morning I tried to load Whatsapp before the phone and it is working. I have tried closing Whatsapp and restarting and it is fine. My hand is sometimes not steady and I make errors on the phone, so laptop is Ideal. As a further question:- I would like to use a banking app on my phone but due to my finger control might hit a wrong key, is it possible to use a Thai bank one as I do for my UK accounts ?
  19. Quite a lot of different flowers are made into a drink or eaten here.
  20. OP Tried downloading again from this website - doesnt work. I have to try to conect QR code which only works once, then when I try to use again doesnt work have to find QR site agaain. Previously I had it working fine, about 2 years now whatever I do it doesnt work. Any more ideas please
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