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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. 6 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

    Well, one is a Boeing, so you are taking your life in your hands every time you fly....might be a software glitch requiring a patch and new sensor....or maybe the wing is about to drop off. You know that it is backed by the FAA which barely provides any oversight and lets Boeing regulate itself....and Boeing is naturally extremely tough on itself. You also have the advantage of knowing that Boeing's PR firm is ruthless in protecting the company and smears the unlucky pilots of the faulty aircraft that drop out of the skies to escape Boeing actually having to fix their planes...they are perfectly prepared to let you fly on an aircraft the know is faulty.

    The other plane, the Airbus 330 is made by a reputable manufacturer. That's the main difference.

    You sell Airbus!!! Ridiculous 

  2. 4 hours ago, johng50 said:

    Mmmm she could arrest me any day the female cop, maybe a little bit of resistance and she

    might get a bit rough on me, and the girl on the far left is a little cutie as well. The girl in the middle

    and the gestapo looking male  cop look like father and daughter, couldnt crack a smile if they won the

    lottery. ( just an observation lol)

    Do you get out at all, millions of women around , are you living in Moobaan , Nowhere , geez

  3. 5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    According to the OP article, to be affluent and have high spending power, you just need to be earning 50K baht or better per month... Even a lot of the old codgers here on retirement probably can meet that target!!! Heck, the monthly requirement for retirement extensions is 65K.


    Like they care about us farangFarang

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